DSIN 141 American Military University Odoban Odor Spray Advertisement Analysis

User Generated



DSIN 141

American Military University



Instructions:You will create an advertisement for a favorite product you have. It can be food, drink, household item or even for a favorite place you like to visit such as a vacation resort or even just the local park. In this advertisement you will apply your skills we covered. You only need to apply one technique, layer, tool option, etc., however, you may apply more if you feel you need to in order to create the advertisement to your liking.

Once this is completed, you will complete a two page Paper: 12 font Times New Roman, double spaced paper in APA Style format (all formatting aspects to be in APA including references) describing the following:

1. Purpose of the advertisement. You must identify a valid purpose as if this advertisement is will be posted for the public.
2. Describe how you organized or customized workspace used and any challenges or purpose identified.
3. Describe the design principles, elements and graphics applied and why it was selected.
4. Describe the tools and/or layer applied and why it was selected.
5. Describe the repairing or retouching applied from and why it was selected.
6. Describe any image adjustment you applied to the image from and why it was selected.
7. Save your file as two different formats and describe how the two images differ.

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Explanation & Answer




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My paper is on how I would advertise the product called Odoban Odor spray. I will go over
the different tool options, techniques, and layers introduced earlier on my classwork taught
throughout the different weeks. In this assignment, I will explain why I chose the specific tools
and how it helped me better my advertisement plan.
The purpose of my advertisement is to introduce people to Odoban odor spray. It is not a
well-known brand, which is sad because it works and smells very magnificently (Odaban.com,
n.d.). It is also safe to use around children and animals and comes in different scents and flavors.
It seemed like a pretty straight forward advertisemen...

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