City Colleges of Chicago Fixed Variable Cost Economics Worksheet

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City Colleges of Chicago-Harold Washington College


Pick out two different businesses / industries with different types of fixed and variable costs ( hint: retail and manufacturing) .

List the fixed and variable costs for each. Try to guesstimate the length of the short run for each.

I also need 2-3 sentences reply to a classmate post.

Please find attached the key ideas for this discussion and the classmate posts.

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Key ideas: Production function Q=F(K,L) where the quantity produced is a function of the combination of capital(K) and labor(L) used. Inputs are either fixed or variable Fixed inputs do not/ can not change with output Variable inputs can/do change with output the long run is defined as the shortest period of time of time required to change all inputs the short run is defined as the longest period of time during which at least one input cannot be varied classmate response: Fixed costs are normally costs incurred regardless of whether sales or production takes place, and include costs such as rent, administrative wages, machinery, etc. On the other hand, variable costs are costs that change depending on the level of production or sales, and include costs such as packaging materials, sales commissions, electricity bills, etc. Looking at the case of supermarkets as part of the retail industry, their fixed costs include rent, machinery, licensing fee, insurance, checkout register, executive pays, etc., and its short run can be for about one or two months when the supermarket is being set up. Its variable costs after the supermarket starts to run and making sales will include costs such as goods, electricity, employees’ salaries, materials for baking, packaging materials, etc. For the case of Steel Company as an example of a manufacturing business, its fixed costs will include costs such as rent, buildings, insurance, production equipment, plant machinery, etc., and its short run can range up from five months to one year during which the plant is being set up. Its variable costs will include direct raw materials, production supplies, commissions, wages, furnace fuel/electricity, consumables, utilities (such as compressed air, gases, water), packing costs, etc.
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Classmate response

Fixed cost is the cost that does not vary with the change in the number of products produced. It
involves costs associated with rent, salaries for executives and managers, depreciation etc. The
increase in the fixed cost reduces the contribution of a firm. Variable costing plays an important
role as a guide to product pricing. The best or ideal value is the one that will produce the highest
surplus over the tot...

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