South Suburban College of Cook County Week 11 Correctional Policy Juvenile Case Discussion

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South Suburban College of Cook County


one page- blog

In your opinion which Juvenile Justice Landmark Case had the biggest impact on the juvenile Justice system.
Write a one page paper on the case that you think is or was the most important? Refer to Chapter 18 supplemental PPT. Please cite an article from Corrections Today or any other journal in the GSU database. APA format. EX: In RE Gault. Juvenile Miranda Rights. How did this case change juveniles legal rights.

5-7 sentences- blog post

In your opinion should juveniles get the death penalty? What would in your opinion warrant a juvenile getting the death penalty and being executed. Be specific and give concrete examples. Use Corrections magazine and the GSU database.

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Explanation & Answer

Here we go hun.

Running head; JUVENILE CASE


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There are various viewpoints when it comes to the Juvenile justice system.
People question how to define "juveniles" and how to handle them once they are in
contact with the justice system. What age does someone have to be, to be considered a
juvenile? How are they handled in a court of law? These are the few questions the
Court navigates about when dealing with minors.
The juvenile case hearing that brought on a change in the Juvenile court
system is In re Gault. The Gault case brought about a fundamental shift in juvenile
happenings and the rights that minors deserve in the United States (Burruss, Peck,
Cameron, 2020). In the mentioned case, an officer arrests Gerald Gault because of a
complaint from a neighbor, Mrs. Cook, who accused him of calling her and using
obscene language over the phone. Gerald, at the time, was still serving a probation
sentence for an earlier offense. Gault was arrested and detained in a children's
detention center, without knowledge of his parents. Mrs. Gault gets informed that her
son was being held in a detention center that evening and ongoing to see him. She was
told of the accusations against Gerald, but on leaving, she was not allowed to go home
with him.

The Gault case had a few issues, which were handled poorly (Burruss, Peck,
Cameron, 2020). First, Gerald's parents were not aware of his arrest; this is an awful
way of handling the juvenile case as the child is still under his parent's care. Second,
Gerald and his parents did not get the petition submitted to the Court, as is the
procedure. Third, Gerald did not know of his right to remain silent. Fourth, Gerald



and his family did not get a counsel during the hearings. Fifth, there were no
transcripts during both of his trials. The Gault’s petitioned to the U.S Supreme Court,
who then transposed the Arizona Supreme Court ruling by stating that juveniles are
sanctioned to the presentment, and Gault's committal to the States Industrial School
was against his Fourteenth Amendment legal ouster rights.
The United States Supreme Court decision on this case made the Juvenile
justice system better. The Supreme Court expressed that minors are within the ambit
of the Fourteenth Amendme...

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