Auburn University Personal SWOT Analysis Presentation

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Business Finance

Auburn University Main Campus


Hello I only need the visual powerpoint, not the video part

How to Conduct a Personal SWOT

By this time of the semester, you have received formal and informal feedback from team members with whom you collaborated, taken eight self assessment instruments, and acquired content knowledge in multiple transferable skill areas. To conduct the analysis, take all of this information, synthesize it, and ask yourself questions about each of the four areas being examined. Pay particular attention to the things that you have that your peers don't; how are you different, unique and special? Honesty is crucial, or the analysis will not generate meaningful results. Try to see yourself from the standpoint of a team member or a bystander.

SWOT Questions to Ask Yourself

Begin by identifying your strengths. These are the traits or skills that set you apart from others. Questions to ask include:

  • What are you good at naturally?
  • What skills have you worked to develop?
  • What are your talents, or natural-born gift?

The next step is identifying weaknesses. This part examines the areas in which you need to improve and the things that will set you back in your career. Questions to consider include:

  • What are your negative work habits and traits?
  • Does any part of your education or training need improving?
  • What would other people see as your weaknesses?

For the opportunities section, look at the external factors you can take advantage of to pursue a promotion, find a new job or determine a career direction. Questions to examine include:

  • What is the state of the economy?
  • Is your industry growing?
  • Is there new technology in your industry?

Finally, look at any threats to your career growth. This part accounts for the external factors that could hurt your chances to attain your goals. Questions to consider include:

  • Is your industry contracting or changing directions?
  • Is there strong competition for the types of jobs for which you are best suited?
  • What is the biggest external danger to your goals?

Determine the Outcomes

Once complete, you can use your SWOT to begin further developing your specialized talents and abilities to advance your career, achieve your personal goals, and get to 'the one'. You can evaluate your results using either of two popular methods. The first method is matching. Matching means connecting two of the categories to determine a course of action. For example, matching strengths to opportunities shows you where to be aggressive and take action. On the other hand, matching weaknesses to threats exposes those areas you should work on or situations to avoid, and lets you know where to be more defensive of your position.

The second method is to convert negatives into positives — in other words, converting your weaknesses into strengths, or threats into opportunities. This can mean growing a skill set through education or finding a creative way to feature a weakness as a strength. For instance, if you are very outgoing, working in an introspective and isolated environment may not suit you very well. But if you can work toward a position, such as sales, in which you interact with many people, that weakness turns into a strength and could allow you to excel.

Create Your Deliverable

Prepare a 3-5 minute video presentation of your SWOT analysis using the ideas, concepts and tips provided in the Engaging with Presentations module content. The presentation must contain the following content:

  • What are the highlights of your SWOT?
  • How will you take action on this information?
  • What actions will you take? How will these actions impact your goals or plans?

You should use presentation software (Prezi, Google Slides, or Powerpoint) to create appropriate visual support for your presentation.

Submit your Deliverables (both #1 and #2 below)

1. VIDEO: Submit the video presentation to this assignment for a grade. I strongly encourage you to use the webcourses media submission function to avoid any compatibility issues. Read the rubric provided below while planning your presentation. Your presentation will be critiqued using that rubric. Demonstrate the presentation skills you have learned in the modules and in class. As a reminder, here is the information on appropriate business attire. If you have the ability to display your visuals while you film your video, please do so. However, this is NOT expected and is NOT required.

2. VISUALS: Post your visuals to the Discussion board. I will use the submitted visuals to assess your visual creation skills for grading purposes.


Personal SWOT Presentation

Personal SWOT Presentation


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentIncludes the results from your personal SWOT analysis. SWOT used accurately and thoughtfully. Synthesis of previous course content, activities, and self assessments are evident. Impacts of the SWOT on goals from your Goal Setting Presentation are discussed thoroughly and clearly.

35.0 pts


All content required is included and demonstrates thoughtful, accurate and insightful application. Content is creative, interesting, and unique.

30.0 pts


All required content is included and is accurate.

24.0 pts


All required content items are included.

0.0 pts


Missing at least one of the required content elements and/or is not interesting/engaging.

35.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganizationRefers to the logic, order, and use of presentation format. Presentation time limit is not exceeded.

20.0 pts


Engaging introduction with a well designed hook that captures the audiences attention. Information is clearly organized & logically developed. Solid conclusion that clearly connects back to the introduction hook.

17.0 pts


Solid introduction and conclusion. Information is clearly organized and logically developed.

14.0 pts


Main points organized and presented to support flow. Minor problems with topic transitions or logical flow.

0.0 pts


No logical organization. Information seems random, arbitrary, and has no transitions.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBody LanguageRefers to use of posture, facial expressions, eye contact, gestures, and use of space in the room and placement of speaker relative to visuals and audience.

20.0 pts


Poised and comfortable. Appears in control, and confident. Body language enhances the presentation. Appropriate hand gestures emphasize points. Consistently maintains eye contact.

17.0 pts


Obvious effort to control posture and body movements. Made good eye contact with entire audience and didn't turn to read slides from the screen.

14.0 pts


Occasional use of meaningful hand gestures. Body language used appropriately with minimal distraction from the presentation. Infrequent reference to notes. Sometimes fails to make eye contact.

0.0 pts


Body language closed, restricted, and it blocks the communication. No eye contact. Over-reliance on notes or reads entire pitch.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVocal PresentationRefers to delivery including tone, volume, pace, articulation, pronunciation, and word choice.

20.0 pts


Enthusiastic and assertive vocal tone. Volume and pace were varied and well-suited to the content. Clear articulation and pronunciation. Word choice enhances presentation. No filler words used.

17.0 pts


Obvious effort to speak loudly and confidently with varied pitch and inflection. Minimal use of filler words.

14.0 pts


Articulation and pronunciation were clear. Volume and pace had some variation and minimal monotone. Tone was acceptable but lacked enthusiasm or assertiveness. No bias or inappropriate language.

0.0 pts


Inconsistent pace. Poor articulation. Tone and volume were inappropriate. Froze, stopped, or refused to speak. Word choice was offensive.

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProfessionalismRefers to professional appearance, attitude, and attire.

15.0 pts


Business casual attire and professional attitude enhance presentation. Speaker was professional from the moment the video began until the video ended.

10.0 pts


Attempted business casual attire (some elements not up to guidelines provided), attitude was respectful

0.0 pts


Less than business casual or no attempt made to dress and/or act professionally.

15.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresentation Visuals - Evaluating Discussion Board SubmissionPresentation visuals are clear, well designed, free from errors. They enhance the presentation without overpowering the speaker. Color choices, fonts, use of text vs. pictures was appropriate, professional, and effective.

20.0 pts


Slides are visually appealing, very clear, and enhance audience understanding of individual while adhering to all guidelines provided in course modules.

14.0 pts


Slides are clear and well designed

10.0 pts


Slides are used but are not well designed or clear according to course material

0.0 pts


Slides are not submitted to assignment

20.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStory tellingRefers to the use of storytelling during presentation

5.0 pts


Story is seamlessly integrated into the presentation; story used supports and enhances the presentation content.

4.0 pts


Story telling is used effectively, as explained in the presentation module, within this presentation

3.0 pts


Storytelling is used but it was not effective or appropriate for the presentation.

0.0 pts


Storytelling was not used in the presentation

5.0 pts

Total Points: 135.0

User generated content is uploaded by users for the purposes of learning and should be used following Studypool's honor code & terms of service.

Explanation & Answer



• I am an outgoing person who sees the big picture instead of the finer details.
• My greatest strength is the ability to think differently and see solutions that
many people cannot see, in part because of my openness and outgoing
• I also love speaking in pubic and solving problems for team.
• I am also agreeable and very cooperative, which makes sociable and easy to
interact with.
• My communication skills are superb, and so are my intellectual abilities.
• I am a natural problem solver who enjoys mentally challenging tasks and I have
no problem working alone or with a team to get things done.

▪ The fact that I am open and agreeable makes me less conscientious.
I am a little disorganized because of my high intellectual
capabilities and low emotional quotient.
▪ I can be messy and disorganized sometimes because of poor time
management skills.
▪ Thus, I have developed time management skills to ensure I am
organized and planned.
▪ Sometimes, I can also be socially withdrawn especially when I want
to solve a thorny problem that requires maximum concentration.
▪ However, I have focus...

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