Evidence Chain of Custody Tracking Form

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REvidence Chain of Custody Tracking Form esearch and do Chain of Custody document.  You can make up information to fill out the document.  I think it should relate to Canada 

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Evidence Chain of Custody Tracking Form from The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers comprises public domain material from the National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce. Property Record Number: ________________________ Anywhere Police Department EVIDENCE CHAIN OF CUSTODY TRACKING FORM Case Number: ________________________ Offense: ______________________________ Submitting Officer: (Name/ID#) _______________________________________________ Victim: ______________________________________________________________________ Suspect: _____________________________________________________________________ Date/Time Seized: __________________Location of Seizure: ______________________ Description of Evidence Item # Quantity Description of Item (Model, Serial #, Condition, Marks, Scratches) Chain of Custody Item # Date/Time APD_Form_#PE003_v.1 (12/2012) Released by (Signature & ID#) Received by (Signature & ID#) Comments/Location Page 1 of 2 pages (See back) Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation. The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2013. EVIDENCE CHAIN-OF-CUSTODY TRACKING FORM (Continued) Chain of Custody Item # Date/Time Released by (Signature & ID#) Received by (Signature & ID#) Comments/Location Final Disposal Authority Authorization for Disposal Item(s) #: __________ on this document pertaining to (suspect): ____________________________________________ is(are) no longer needed as evidence and is/are authorized for disposal by (check appropriate disposal method) ☐ Return to Owner ☐ Auction/Destroy/Divert Name & ID# of Authorizing Officer: ____________________________ Signature: ______________________Date: ___________ Witness to Destruction of Evidence Item(s) #: __________ on this document were destroyed by Evidence Custodian ___________________________ID#:______ in my presence on (date) __________________________. Name & ID# of Witness to destruction: ________________________ Signature: _______________________Date: ___________ Release to Lawful Owner Item(s) #: __________ on this document was/were released by Evidence Custodian ________________________ID#:_________ to Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________State: _______ Zip Code: ______ Telephone Number: (_____) ___________________________________ Under penalty of law, I certify that I am the lawful owner of the above item(s). Signature: _______________________________________________________ Date: __________________________ Copy of Government-issued photo identification is attached. ☐ Yes ☐ No This Evidence Chain-of-Custody form is to be retained as a permanent record by the Anywhere Police Department. APD_Form_#PE003_v.1 (12/2012) Page 2 of 2 pages (See front) Technical Working Group on Biological Evidence Preservation. The Biological Evidence Preservation Handbook: Best Practices for Evidence Handlers. U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology. 2013. Step 5: Complete Chain of Custody Each team member should complete a chain of custody form for digital evidence. That evidence from the eDiscovery process should include digital material taken from devices and media, as well from systems and hardware. This form will follow all digital evidence in this project. The chain of custody form will track dates and times, locations, and dispositions of devices that hold digital evidence. Take Note Chain of custody deals with the collection and maintenance of evidence. You will need to use your best judgment in determining items that would be included on the chain of custody form, including hardware devices, storage devices, personal and mobile devices, and other items associated with criminal cyber activity. In the field of digital forensics, standards may be published by open consortia, closed consortia, government agencies or proprietary, such as tool-specific. It is a best practice to conduct an investigation aligned with established standards. Make sure you maintain consistency with all legal systems, allow for the use of a common language, provide durability to cross international boundaries, and instill confidence in the integrity of evidence. Read more about chain of custody if you are not familiar with this concept. Step 5: Complete Chain of Custody (Due: Monday 4/6 by midnight) • Each team member complete chain of custody digital forensics o Evidence from the eDiscovery process should include: ▪ digital material taken from devices and media, as well from systems and hardware. This form will follow all digital evidence in this project. The chain of custody form will track dates and times, locations, and dispositions of devices that hold digital evidence • Use the best of your judgement in determining items that would be included on the chain of custody form, including o hardware devices o storage devices o personal and mobile devices o other items associated with criminal cyber activity. In the field of digital forensics, standards may be published by open consortia, closed consortia, government agencies or proprietary, such as tool-specific. It is a best practice to conduct an investigation aligned with established standards. Make sure you maintain consistency with all legal systems, allow for the use of a common language, provide durability to cross international boundaries, and instill confidence in the integrity of evidence.
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Explanation & Answer


Case Number: 800281B

Offense: Bank Robbery

Submitting Officer: (Name/ID#) Cyber Criminal investigator
Victim: Banks in Greater Toronto Area
Suspect: West End Gang
Date/Time Seized: 10th August 2019.

Location of Seizure: Montreal

Description of Evidence
Item #


Description of Item (Model, Serial #, Condition, Marks, Scratches)



Smartphones which were in use were found at the crime scene.


Hard drives which contained digital information presumed to be linked to

Hard drive

the crime were collected from the scene


Stand out

the scene.


Memory cards that contained significant information were picked from

The stand out computers which were used at the scene were seized so that
they could be used in carrying out investigation.


Some disks were found at the scene. And they were seized to be used as
part of the evidence for the case.




Emails sent from the devices at the scene were all recovered and seized as
they could be used for investigations.


Emails received at the devices in the scene were seized as they could be
used for investigations.

Chain of Custody
Item #


Released by
(Signature & ID#)

Received by
(Signature & ID#)



12th, December


The court

4 devices were





released to the court

8. 00 am



to help in the case

Stand out

17th, December


The court

6 stand out





computers were

8. 00 am



released to court to

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