Bellevue University The Restriction of Immigration Discussion

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Bellevue University


In 1896 Senator Henry Cabot Lodge delivered a speech on the floor of the U.S. Senate, titled, The Restriction of Immigration. For this assignment, write a paper of no less than 600 words analyzing and critiquing three arguments presented by Senator Lodge. In your role as an engaged citizen, how would you respond to the views expressed by Lodge?  


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600 words
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"The Restriction of Immigration"
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"The Restriction of Immigration"
The United States prides itself as a nation of immigrants with successful absorption and
integration of people from all over the world. While these sentiments are justified by statistics as
by 2019, 28% of the US population encompassed the immigrants, the history of immigration in
the nation runs deep, with some major focus on the matter arising in the 19th Century (Batalova,
Blizzard & Bolter, 2020). In 1896, Henry Cabot Lodge, an American Republic Senator,
delivered a speech "The Restriction of Immigration" in the Senate, focusing on immigration,
becoming an essential part of immigration movement restrictions, which realized its goals in
early 20th Century. Through the speech, Lodge presented several arguments; to that effect, the
tenacity of this paper is to analyze these arguments critically.
For a start, Lodge postulated that the immigrants were hurting the economy of the US. In
this case, he stated that they were a threat to the economy of the country, the wages, and the
standard lives of the Americans; thus, the American workers needed protection from these
immigrants. In support of this, he references the increased low, unskilled and ignorant foreign
labor who are ready to take up lower wages and accept a low standard of living, which leaves the
working American with no chance of contention, which would, in turn, hurt the economy at
Based on Knights (2017) perspectives on what makes a good society and the principles
that he brings to the table including advocacy for decent standards of living for all the members
of the community; and a diversified approach on the topic of poverty, from my perspective, I
find Lodge's approach on the mat...

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