SEU The Reluctant Workers Management of Your Time and Stress Case Questions

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Business Finance

Saudi electronic university


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Instructions – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY Project Management (MGT323) Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes: After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the Ability to explain project execution. (LO. 4.4) Demonstrate ability to work with others effectively as a team member in project management, related to case studies or new themes. (LO. 3.2 and 3.5) The ability to write a coherent report on project management case studies. (LO. 4.5) Assignment Regulation: • The assignment should be covering all the points required with Explanation. • The Assignment must (WORD format only). Use APA style reference. • Word Limit – Minimum 250 words for each question • Avoid plagiarism (more than 15% plagiarism), the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources graded zero) without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions. • All students are encouraged to use their own words. • Student must apply “Times New Roman Font” with double space within their reports. • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, doublespaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism). • A mark of zero will be given for any submission that includes copying from other resource without referencing it. Case Study: • Please read the case “The Reluctant Workers.” from Chapter 6 “Management of your time and stress” given in your textbook – Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling 10 th edition by Harold Kerzner and Answer the following Questions: 1. “Employees are not showing interest in meetings and discussion”. Why do you think such culture exists in the company? Share your views. 2. What are the challenges Tim is facing to execute his project. Explain. 3. “Motivation is a key to change”- what according to you should be Tim’s approach towards employees. 4. What is Work, Life balance? What role does it play in day-to-day life of an employee? Answer: 1. 2. 3. . .
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Explanation & Answer:
4 Questions
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Explanation & Answer



The Reluctant Workers Case Study
Institutional Affiliation




Question 1.Employees are not showing interest in meetings and discussion". Why do you
think such a culture exists in the company? Share your views.
In today's commerce, the underperformance of employees has to turn into a budding predicament
and a regular discussion topic in board meetings. As directors assign work, frustrations run high
because employees should show good work. Employees fail to perform due to various reasons,
and the main reason could be the managers that contribute to their subordinates' lack of
performance. Many employees could not perform well if they are not aware of the standards of
work they should maintain. If managers do not assist them to set goals then there can be no
motivation to achieve them. Without clear guidelines, employees can feel inclined to attend
either meeting or discussions.
Employees could be not showing interest due to the following reasons; Lack of punctuality from
the organizer, lack of clear agenda for the meeting, employees feeling of lack of involvement in
the decision-making process, no outputs generated, only the inputs are taken in the meeting,
multiple discussions in a single meeting among different groups, more oriented and lack of
interest towards personal goals, the team lacking bonding, and favoritism and personal grudges.
In any organization, both managers as well as the workers should work as a team to achieve the
company goals. But some staff is reluctant to work in the company. If the employees are not
showing interest and in the meetings and the discussions, the manager lacks leadership skills, and
such employees cannot cooperate with them. Although any company can give the authority to
manage projects, workers need to feel and get respected before they follow the directions.



Question2.What are the challenges Tim is facing to execute his project? Explain.
Projects are the development of basic building blocks. With no successful identification of
project, implementation, and preparation, development plans cannot be there and the developing
nation would stay stagnant. Project management is a complex and comprehensive working field
that requires extensive practice expertise, knowledge and skills. International evaluation
commission's recent assessment of development planning and administration highlights the
importance of well-executed and prepared projects. In the development process, projects
translate plans into actions, and as economic and social change vehicles they can give mobilizing
and allocating resources means to the new economic production of social services and goods.
The main obligation of a project manager is obtaining positive results and handling difficult
projects. For a complex project, the project manager works hard daily. A project manager should
possess skills in decision making, communication, risk-taking, and delegation. According to the
PMI research, every $1B invested In the US, $122m, was wasted because of the lack of project
planning. Regarding the scope, client, and objective, each project is unique.
To execute his project, Tim as the project manager is facing various challenges. He is working
with a group of people who are aged and who tend to work in their timelines and own ways.
Tim's teammates are prioritizing personal activities more than the activities of the company and
by the attitude of the team, towards meetings indicate that they are not willing to accept Tim as a
project manager and lastly in the company, there are Ego clashes due to thought differences and
age differences.



Question3."Motivation is a key to change"- what according to you should be Tim's
approach towards employees.
Motivating reluctant workers seems like an insuperable chore. They should be met privately, set
strict expectations and if ...

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