Albrecht Durer presentation, art & design homework help

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Please help me finish this homework.


1 Please read the requires in the file which named ARC PPT Directions.

2 The artist what I chose before is in the file which named pictures.

3 The file which named Feldman Method will help you to finish the PowerPoint.

If you have any questions, ask me please.

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1 Directions for Artist Research Critique Assignment: You are to take the artist you chose (from the baggie – remember?) to research and a piece of his/her artwork to critique and create a “short” PowerPoint project. PowerPoint Project – 10+ slides – Artist Introduction AND Feldman Method Critique of 1 artwork (it’s okay if you go over 10 slides, but don’t go crazy!) PowerPoint Project – 10+ slides  Title Slide - * this slide is NOT counted in the total number of slides! -Your name -Artist’s Name -Class Time -Picture of artist or their artwork 2  ARTIST INTRODUCTION – 1-2 Slides -You must cover the following 13 items in the Artist Introduction of your PowerPoint project. 1-Artist’s Full Name 2-Date of Birth 3-Place of Birth 4-Date of & Age at Death (if applicable) 5-Place of Death (if applicable) 6-Cause of Death (if applicable) 7-Primary type of artwork (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.) 8-Media (materials were most often used) 9-Style or Period of Art 10-Short explanation of that style or period 11-Short synopsis of what was happening in history during the time this artist worked/works – Current events? – Influential on artist’s work? 12-Interesting/Personal information on the artist 13-Name 1-2 other artists who work or were influenced by this artist or this style (from the same period as the artist or working in the same style/different period) -How is the work similar?  FELDMAN METHOD CRITIQUE -How is the work different? 3 -You must choose ONE piece of artwork created by your chosen artist and write a complete critique using the Feldman Method. -Cover as many of the following items as are applicable in your PowerPoint slides – use 2+ slides per topic. -Provide a picture of the artwork you are critiquing Description Answer as many of the following questions as possible when describing your artist’s artwork – Describe it like only YOU can see it! *****Provide a picture of the artwork***** - You can write this with Bullet Points -Title of artwork (Italicize!) -Date of artwork -Location of artwork (museum or collection) -What is the subject matter? (people, animals, cars, flowers, etc.) -What is the genre? (Still life, portrait, landscape, etc.) -What is the style of the artwork? (realistic, abstract, Pop Art, etc.) -How would you describe the formal elements? (Line, shapes, form, color, texture, space/depth, value) Write this like you’re describing it to someone who cannot see it! -What sorts of things do you see happening in the work? 4 Think about these (add them if them will help with your description): -Does it remind you of something else? -What things do you recognize? What things are new to you? -How is the artwork different from real life? Analysis -Write about the Elements of Art and Principles of Design and the relationships between the subjects that you mentioned in the description. -You can write this with Bullet Points -What is in the foreground, mid-ground, background? Is there a FG, MG, BG? -Is there a sense of deep or shallow space/depth? Describe. -How has the picture been arranged? (Where are things located?) -What colors are used and how have they been arranged? Where are they? -What shapes are there and how have they been arranged? Where are they? -Are there any leading lines and if so, where is your eye led? -Is there any use of contrast? If so, where? -Is there any use of pattern? if so, where? -Are there any special techniques used by the artist? (Can possibly find this through your artist research!) 5 Interpretation -Interpretation attempts to get at the meaning of the artwork. Use the information learned from the above two sections in order to try and interpret what the artist was attempting to achieve with this artwork. -You can write this with Bullet Points -What do you think is the relationship of the title to the picture or meaning? -What title would you have given it? - What do you think the artist was trying to say in the artwork? -Why do you think he/she chose this subject? -What areas do you notice first? Do you think there is a relationship between what you notice first and what you notice later? If so, what is that relationship? -What story do you think is being told? Or what do you think the work is about? -How does it make you feel when you look at this picture? Why? *****This would be a good place to add your research knowledge of the artist to help interpret the artwork!!!!! Judgment Judgment, the final step, is often the first statement that is expressed about an artwork before it has really been examined. Judgment in that case is neither informed nor critical but simply an opinion. 6 -You can write this with Bullet Points -What did you think was successful about the artwork? Why? -What did you think was unsuccessful about the artwork? Why? -Do you think this artwork is worth sharing with others? Why or why not? -What do you think others would say about the artwork? -What do think is worth remembering about this artwork? ****What do you want us to walk away knowing about this artist and his/her artwork? Artist Research Critique PowerPoint #/12 = #/100 7 CATEGORY 10 5 2 PPT Organization Information is very organized and wellconstructed according to directions given (Headings/questions: Artist Introduction & FMC) Information is somewhat organized, but information is not well-constructed according to directions given (No Headings: Artist Introduction &FMC) The information appears to be disorganized or not provided (No Headings: Artist Introduction & FMC) Amount of Information All topics are addressed in >10 slides Most topics covered in less than
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Explanation & Answer

Artist’s name
Class time

Albrecht Durer is an artist that was born on
21 may 1427. he was born in Nuremberg in
the Holy Roman Empire.
He died on 6 April 1528 at the age of 56
years. He dies in his place of birth in
Nuremberg in the Holy Roman Empire.
His primary types of works included paintings
but also had several other works like

He mainly used paper for the painting jobs but
later used wood for hid engravings and this were
the two most common media.
This type of style was not very common with
other artist but could only be found among a few
artists that were located in Italy.
At the time of his work, he used to travel to Italy
and kept touch with artists in these parts.
One interesting fact about him is that he was
able to get married through being organized for
a wife without his knowledge.

the art work is called The Rhinoceros and it was
created in the year 1515.
The artwork is located in the national gallery...

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