Self-Knowledge Reflection of Myers-Briggs results, writing homework help

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Self-Knowledge Reflection

Based on what you have learned in this course, in particular the Myers-Briggs readings and assessment, evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, interests, and values. Map this knowledge to a degree program you see as a good fit for you. (See attached document of my Myers-Briggs results)

In addition, reflect on the barriers you face that may affect your ability to complete your degree.

Use the Self-Knowledge Template to organize your reflection.

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Overcoming Barriers to College Completion Instructions: In the first column of this worksheet, list barriers that might get in the way of the completion of your degree. List a minimum of 4 barriers. You may wish to review the barriers listed on page 4 of this week’s interactive lecture to get started. Once you have listed the barriers, create strategies that you can use to overcome each one. Name: Barrier Date: Strategy Barrier Strategy Barrier Strategy Barrier Strategy     You You You You have have have have ISFJ Introvert(25%) Sensing(12%) Feeling(19%) Judging(59%) moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (25%) slight preference of Sensing over Intuition (12%) slight preference of Feeling over Thinking (19%) distinct preference of Judging over Perceiving (59%) An individual characterized as ISFJ is one who must be seen to be believed and need to be needed. Such individuals are ‘Introverted’ who tend to be quiet and reserved. Though hard-working and dependable, they prefer to do things alone while still possessing great people skills and strong social relationships. Their ‘Sensory’ intakes information and learns best based on the 5 senses – sight, hearing, touch, smell and taste. They are very attentive to details of the present moment and not necessarily big picture thinkers. These individuals are factual and not interested in analyzing things. For example, they would not be interested in theories or philosophical conversations that doesn’t have a purpose. These individuals base decisions off of their ‘Feelings’ rather than their logic so they’re generally more aware of other people’s feelings. They are characterized to be very considerate, kind and warmhearted. Their ‘Judging’ is based on planning and being well-organized. While they may not verbalize their opinion, they hold true to their inner world. The knowledge of the various personality types will help me understand how the different types of personalities and the traits we all possess can work together in a collaborative way. With a good understanding of the topic, I can apply this knowledge to my workplace or personal life to improve on areas such as teamwork, communication and leadership. This knowledge can also be useful in my decision making, how to engage and approach others with tasks in hand, and also determine a leadership style. Career planning is the continuous process of thinking about your interests, values, skills and preferences, exploring the life, work and learning options available to you and ensuring that your work fits with your personal circumstances hence to be happy in the future a good career planning must be done realizing yourself and your personality types and traits. It's made up of characteristic patterns of thoughts, emotions, cognition, behaviour. The understanding of my personality type will definitely assist me in developing a career plan in the IT field by applying my personality traits which I found in my personality test results to be precise in relevance to my current employment in the healthcare industry.
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Explanation & Answer

Overcoming Barriers to College Completion

Instructions: In the first column of this worksheet, list barriers that might get in the way of the
completion of your degree. List a minimum of 4 barriers. You may wish to review the barriers
listed on page 4 of this week’s interactive lecture to get started.
Once you have listed the barriers, create strategies that you can use to overcome each one.


Preference of introversion

According to the results, I...

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