Capella Unversity Reflection on Your Children Education Parent Letter

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Capella University


Letter to Parents

For this week's assignment, you will write an informational letter to the parents of your students. In it you will explain what an integrated curriculum entails for your classroom and how their children will benefit from this instructional approach. As you write this letter, remember that your students' parents are not familiar with the pedagogy of education (including the professional language associated with teaching). With this in mind, you'll want to consider the following as you craft your letter:

  • If you were a parent, what would be most important for you to know about an integrated curriculum?
  • How will this new approach affect day-to-day things such as schedules, homework, etc.?
  • Why does this approach better serve students' needs compared to other approaches?

Also remember the following:

  • This is a letter. It should include appropriate headings, introduction, body, and closing.
  • Parents are not familiar with the "lingo" in education. Use layman's terms.

Your response should be in the form of a 400-500 word letter.

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Explanation & Answer


School Name
Phone Number
Dear Parents,
I ask you to take a moment and reflect on your childhood education. I venture to
guess that many of you sat in your chairs, staring at the clock, counting the seconds, and
wondering how the material you were learning was going to benefit you in your life.
There is a reason as to why many of you may have felt this way, and to why much from
those lessons have since been forgotten. In the past, teachers taught in isolation. They
taught math in mathematics class and English grammar in Eng...

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