Eastlake High School On the Big Five Tech Giants Discussion

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Eastlake High School


When answering these, think about using full paragraphs, and quoting passages from the argument that comes to mind that help support your explanations.

The Reader Response will be graded by a simple rubric you can see here, and must be done by the time we review the piece in class. Consider how you might use the Reader Responses to advance your work on the papers we're working on.

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Explanation & Answer

Hi, Jim_Tom92!Here you go. Please see the file attached. :)

On the ‘Big Five’ Tech Giants
A Californian politician once asked: “Are America’s technology companies serving as
instruments of freedom or instruments of control?” (Hill, K., 2019). Amazon, Apple, Facebook,
Google, and Microsoft are five of America’s giant technology companies that offer products and
services on the internet providing great benefits an...

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