CoolAire Company Manufacturers Network Models Questions

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Network Models The CoolAire Company manufacturers air conditioners that are sold to four different retail customers across the United States. The company is evaluating its manufacturing and logistics strategy to ensure that it is operating in the most cost effective manner possible. The company produces air conditioners at five plants across the country and stocks these units at four warehouses before finally shipping to the retail locations. The cost of manufacturing and shipping a unit between plants and warehouses, cost of shipping between warehouses and retail locations, plant capacities, and retail location demands are shown below: Plant/Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse Warehouse 1 2 3 4 Plant 1 $700 $1,000 $900 $1,200 Plant 2 $800 $500 $600 $700 Plant 3 $850 $600 $700 $500 Plant 4 $600 $800 $500 $600 Plant 5 $500 $600 $400 $700 Warehouse/Retail Warehouse 1 Warehouse 2 Warehouse 3 Warehouse 4 Demand Retail 1 $40 $60 $55 $80 200 Retail 2 $80 $50 $40 $30 300 Retail 3 $60 $75 $65 $80 200 Retail 4 $90 $40 $60 $50 150 CoolAir would like to determine the optimal shipment plan across their supply chain network by minimizing cost. 1. Draw a network diagram showing the supply chain network for CoolAir. 2. Clearly define and list the decision variables and express objective function and all constraints in mathematical form. 3. Develop a decision model in EXCEL and identify the optimal shipment plan (Include all EXCEL reports) Plant Capacity 300 200 300 250 350 4. If there is a fixed cost of producing air conditioners at each of the plants as shown below: Plant 1- $100,000 Plant 2- $150,000 Plant 3- $200,000 Plant 4- $95,000 Plant 5- $125,000 Revise the problem formulation to address the plant selection decisions in addition to optimal shipment decisions. Clearly define and list the decision variables and express objective function and all constraints in mathematical form. Solve the problem in EXCEL and discuss the solution
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Explanation & Answer

the word file has the question number 2 and question number 4 explaining what was required and to the excel file has all the questions from 1 to 4 solved as it was needed. 😊 . Looks like you got on 100% assignment 😉

Question 2
Decision Varaiables
For Plant/Warehouse
Since there are 5 plants in 4 different warehouses we find that
5 x 4 = 20 different paths
We would likely have 20 decision variables, each one representing the amount of products
For the Warehouse/Retail
There are 4 warehouse and 4 retail we find that
4 x 4 = 16 different paths
We would likely have 16 d...

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