Prepare a detailed presentation for your Chief on a fictional cyber investigation on which you are working

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Computer Science


Part 1: Week 4 IP

Assume that you are a local investigator assigned to a federal cyber task force. Prepare a detailed presentation for your Chief on a fictional cyber investigation on which you are working. 2,000 word paper on Organized Crime. 

  • Organized crime
  • Provide a synopsis of the fraud, intrusion, espionage, attack, or other cyber-related criminal activity.
  • Describe the nature and composition of the group or individuals suspected of perpetrating the crime.
  • List the relevant federal or local statutes and penalties that govern the cyber aspect of the crime.
  • Articulate the logical steps an investigator would take to prove the allegation.
  • Detail the potential damage that could occur if the cyber crime is left unchecked
  • Provide recommendations for addressing the crime problem and apprehending the subjects.
  • Provide an analysis of any transnational or organized crime implications of your cyber crime problem.
  • Provide recommendations for improving the investigation of cyber crime in your area.

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Explanation & Answer

Running Head: CYBER CRIME


Cyber Crime
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For some time now ever since technology came into place a lot has happened on this platform.
Viewed to be very advantageous in all aspects it is a platform that other members of the public
have decided to exploit and do wrongs on it. As much as technological advancement has allowed
us to share information via computers through e-mails and social media it has also lead to our
exploitation. Computers have been used to pass information that is illegal and unethical.
Therefore, the passing of this illegal content has led to something which can be said to be a
criminal activity because it violates what the law requires of one. This form of crime committed
through computers is known us cyber-crime. Therefore, cyber crimes are crimes which are
directed to the computers whereby use of a computer did the committed crime (Choo&
Grabosky, 2013).
With the existence of everyone having a computer or laptop, cybercrime has become a fastgrowing type of offense. Day in day out more and more criminals have taken advantage of the
speed that technology has to execute their criminal activities. Another aspect that has made them
thrive is this issue of anonymity whereby you can do something without your identity necessarily
getting revealed.
Another thing is the convenience of the internet you don't have to be in an enclosed room for you
to do this form of crime, this is a crime that can be done in cyber cafes, offices or even from the
comfort of ones' house. Cybercrime has taken different forms on how it is committed it can be
physical, cyber crime or virtual cybercrime.
Cybercrime has been a crime activity that keeps on changing as time passes by, started as a crime
done by an individual now it has grown tremendously now that it is done my major groups of



people and organizations. These groups and organizations don't have to be together when they
want to commit the crime so long as they are connected to a network they can do whatever they
want to do easily.
Effects of cybercrime have less remained the same this is because each day a new victim gets
him/herself in these violations. The effects have been adverse and some have been so fatal.
People have lost thousands of shillings; some have been threatened and some have had their
reputations ruined.
These effects have continued to be fatal as days go by. This is because victims have always been
left upset this is not because they have lost their money but it is because they feel that the
freedom of privacy that everyone is entitled to as been infringed. When some...

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