British Columbia Open University Music and Human Development Discussion

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British Columbia Open University


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APA Paper #1 Options Intro/Gen PSYC Option #1: Gustation We have covered a good amount of information on the human senses, spending more time on the sense of taste because of how little we actually know about gustation in particular. Introduction Introduce gustation by describing the subject to your reader. Set-up the rest of your paper by presenting the main topic of each section and then transition into the first section of your paper. Remember that you are writing about taste, not about flavor. Background (Hoy, 2019) Discuss gustation as it was presented in class. Give some insights on the history of the topic but keep it to one paragraph. Next, transition into current research on gustation Current Research Research is happening all the time. It is possible that the next big gustation discovery is already seeded in the research literature. What has been discovered about gustation recently? (i.e., within the last 5 years). Discuss recent findings and then transition to your final body paragraph. Special Topic In the final section of your paper, discuss an aspect of the gustation research that interests you. Maybe you feel that certain tastes are underrepresented. Maybe you are interested in possibility of receptors for fatty acids. Whatever the topic may be, this section will be different for each paper. Discussion Now bring it all together! A strong conclusion summarizes the information in your paper and discusses possibilities for future research on your subject. Try to finesse your ending so you do not end abruptly. • • • • This will be the general format for the APA Paper: Introduction, Body (x3), Conclusion, References. Each will have different perspectives, but they will all follow this basic format. Each of your body paragraphs should have at least one reference from a peer-reviewed journal article published in a legitimate research journal. We will go over how to access the journals in class. Your textbook, magazines, and websites do not count as sufficient sources. You may use me as a reference in your first body paragraph (Hoy, 2019) All papers must conform to APA format. Option #2: Synesthesia You have been exposed to a lot of information regarding sensation and perception already, but there is so much more information out there. Synesthesia represents a particularly interesting deviation from the norms of sensory perception. Imagine being able to taste words or hear colors. Now, use the template provided for gustation and investigate synesthesia instead. You can still use me as a reference in your first body paragraph as you talk about normal sensation and perception. From there, talk about current research, and then focus on a special topic that interests you within synesthesia before concluding. Option #3: Music and Human Development For this topic, investigate whether music plays a role in improving the development of children. For the first paragraph, discuss research on music and prenatal development. Then, move on to childhood development (i.e., between the ages of birth-11 years). You do not have to cover that entire age span. Just highlight an age or ages where you find research on the subject. Finally, cover a special topic that interests you on music and development before concluding.
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Music and human development
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