Miami Dade College Desirees Baby by Kate Chopin Questions

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Miami Dade College


Désirée’s Baby by Kate Chopin. This is another story by the same author who wrote last week's Story of an Hour. It's the only time in the term that we'll be reading two works by the same author.

Respond to the following questions. SPOILERS -- Reading the questions may ruin some of the story for you, so wait until you've finished reading it. ;o}

  • Does Madame Valmondé know the truth about Désirée’s baby before Désirée herself does? Let’s look for evidence within the text. (Chopin offers plenty of clues.)
  • Midway through the short story, Chopin likens Armand to Satan: “And the very spirit of Satan seemed to suddenly take hold of him in his dealings with the slaves” (p. 2). Although this is a turning point in the story, there are hints of Armand’s darkness from the very beginning. Let’s identify these clues in the first couple pages of the story.
  • What are some themes in this story?
  • What do you think Chopin is saying about race in America

i will swnd thw passage to the tutor

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Explanation & Answer


Running Head: DÉSIRÉE’S BABY


Désirée’s Baby



Does Madame Valmondé know the truth about Désirée’s baby before Désirée herself does
Madame Valmonde is aware of the fact that Desiree and the baby are not white. Having
adopted Desiree at a young age, Madame Valmonde is aware that Desiree is of a different race.
Additionally, Madame Valmonde seems to have noticed this on the baby when she goes visiting
Desiree and the baby in L’Abri. She is in shock after seeing the baby. She asks shockingly if that
was the baby (Chopin, 1893). Though Desiree assumes her mother is in shock because the baby
has grown, this is not the case. M...

Great study resource, helped me a lot.


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