Capella University Marriage and Family Therapy Admissions Essay

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Capella University



I am currently applying for my master's program in Marriage and Family Therapy. Attached is the essay requirements. Please answer all the questions in as much detail as possible. I have also provided a list of bullet points for my own personal answer to help make it more personable.

If you have any questions please let me know!

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Counseling Education Unit Programs: Essay Instructions 1 School of Counseling and Human Services • Marriage and Family Therapy To be considered for admission into a Capella Counseling Education Unit program, you must submit all required application materials. Submitting your materials does not guarantee admissions. Program faculty will evaluate your materials and make the final decision on your admission Essay Personal Statement Essay Marriage and Family Therapy is one of many professions in the mental health field. If you explore the Association for the Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) website (, you will find information and descriptions between MFT and other mental health professionals that are important. Your essay should reflect professional standards of clarity, tone, and grammar. Please include your name and the date you wrote the essay and include each essay question as a heading. 1. • • • Please describe how your understanding of marriage and family therapy aligns with your academic and career goals. Came from a bad marriage, always knew I wanted to help others out Decided to pursue this in my last year of college, took on psychology as a minor Want to help out those who don’t even know they need it 2. Describe some of the differences between marriage and family therapy and other clinical disciplines. 3. How have your personal or professional experiences prepared you for this degree and profession? • Worked at a doctor’s office, understand the medical field • Psychology opened the doors to many possibilities • Also opened my mind that there are tons of different family dynamics to research and observe 4. Please discuss your ability based on life experience to relate interpersonally to individuals from different cultural contexts. In your answer explore some areas in which you have room to grow and what strategies can you use to do that? • Coming from a Persian culture, divorce and therapy is very frowned upon • I want to help those who are in marriages that are not working to either decide that this is for them to work on, or to walk away from 5. Please add any information that you think will help the faculty in determine your fit for the MFT program (optional question). • I have a passion for relationships • During my time off, I started a relationship blog • I would love to help families that want to stay together, and need the tools to figure out how • I want to also help families who are together for the wrong reasons, and help them figure out why they should not be together Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 2 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM Please either email or fax your completed essay to: Attn: DMMS, Capella University Capella Tower 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 Fax: 612.977.5060 Toll‐free fax: 1.888.227.8492 Email: Please email your completed goal statement to your enrollment counselor directly. Capella University Essay for Admission to the Counseling Education Unit Programs Insert First and Last Name Here Insert E-mail Address Here Insert Today’s Date Here Marriage and Family Therapy Program Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 3 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM 1. Please describe how your understanding of Marriage and Family Therapy aligns with your academic and career goals. Insert your answer to question number 1 here: Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 4 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM 2. Describe some of the differences between Marriage and Family Therapy and other clinical disciplines. Insert your answer to question number 2 here: Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 5 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM 3. How have your personal or professional experiences prepared you for this degree and profession? Insert your answer to question number 3 here: Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 6 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM 4. Please discuss your ability based on life experience to relate interpersonally to individuals from different cultural contexts. In your answer explore some areas in which you have room to grow and what strategies can you use to do that? Insert your answer to question number 4 here: Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 7 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM 5. Please add any information that you think will help the faculty in determine your fit for the MFT program (optional question). Insert your answer to question number 5 here: Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552) 8 Running head: CAPELLA UNIVERSITY ESSAY FOR ADMISSION TO COUNSELING THE MFT PROGRAM Please either email or fax your completed essay to: Attn: DMMS, Capella University Capella Tower 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor Minneapolis, MN 55402 Fax: 612.977.5060 Toll‐free fax: 1.888.227.8492 Email: Please email your completed goal statement to your enrollment counselor directly. Admissions | ADM Goal Statement 01/29/2020 Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552)
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Counseling Education Unit Programs:
Essay Instructions


School of Counseling and Human Services

Marriage and Family Therapy

To be considered for admission into a Capella Counseling Education Unit program, you must submit all
required application materials. Submitting your materials does not guarantee admissions. Program faculty will
evaluate your materials and make the final decision on your admission

Personal Statement Essay
Marriage and Family Therapy is one of many professions in the mental health field. If you explore the
Association for the Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT) website (, you will find information
and descriptions between MFT and other mental health professionals that are important. Your essay should
reflect professional standards of clarity, tone, and grammar. Please include your name and the date you wrote
the essay and include each essay question as a heading.


Please describe how your understanding of marriage and family therapy aligns with your academic
and career goals.


Describe some of the differences between marriage and family therapy and other clinical


How have your personal or professional experiences prepared you for this degree and profession?


Please discuss your ability based on life experience to relate interpersonally to individuals from
different cultural contexts. In your answer explore some areas in which you have room to grow and
what strategies can you use to do that?


Please add any information that you think will help the faculty in determine your fit for the MFT
program (optional question).

Please either email or fax your completed essay to:
Attn: DMMS, Capella University
Capella Tower
225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor
Minneapolis, MN 55402
Fax: 612.977.5060 Toll‐free fax: 1.888.227.8492
Email: Please email your completed goal statement to
your enrollment counselor directly.

Capella University • Capella Tower • 225 South Sixth Street, Ninth Floor • Minneapolis, MN 55402-3389 • 1.888.CAPELLA (227.3552)


Capella University Essay for Admission to the Counseling Education Unit Programs
Insert First and Last Name Here
Insert E-mail Address Here
Insert Today’s Date Here
Marriage and Family T...

Just what I was looking for! Super helpful.


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