Rstudio Technical Appendix Data Stats Programming Worksheet

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Read the assignment instructions I provided, start a Technical Appendix, save a graph using ggplot2, and create a brief memo using RMarkdown.

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Participation Activity #2 Now we get to start exploring data! In PA 2 you will examine a data set on the sales of two brands of orange juice in what will eventually be your first Technical Appendix, save a graph using ggplot2, and create a brief memo. The goal of this assignment is to get you started using ggplot, the workflow process and using RMarkdown. 1. Create a project folder for PA2 with RStudio because there will be a number of files 2. Download the OJ_Data.csv data and the OJ_Read_me.txt file into the project folder 3. Read the OJ_Read_me.txt file 4. Create a RNotebook for PA2 with RStudio o write a code header and a clear the environment/packages 5. Load any packages you will use analyzing the OJ data o o create a code chunk using key-stroke short-cut ctrl Option + i on a mac OS X for example library(ggplot2) + alt + i on a PC or Cmd + 6. Load the OJ_Data.csv data into the PA1 RNotebook o o you should create a new code chunk for each step of analysis make sure both of your PA2.Rmd and OJ_Data.csv are in your PA2 project folder 7. Use head(), str() and summary() to learn more about the data o o this is generally the first step of an EDA you may want to convert STORE to be a factor using oj$STORE
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