Colorado Christian University Business Quality Presentations Analysis

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Business Finance

Colorado Christian University


  1. Prepare a 2 to 3 page (not including cover page and reference page) APA formatted paper assessing the quality of the presentations delivered in your company or a company you are familiar with. How effective are the presentations? Compare and contrast the quality of the presentations produced by management with those produced by front line workers? What are the reasons for any differences that exist?Click on the Session 4 Written Assignment link to submit your assignment by the posted due date. Review the rubric available in Due Dates and Grades for specific grading criteria.
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Business Quality Presentations
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Quality presentations are essential in every business sector. Presentations are meant to
inform the audience about organizational operations and performances, enhancing productivity.
Firms have various departments, each having different functions to pursue the company’s core
and intentions. These departments include; finance, administration, industrial, security, among
others. However, this paper will present an analysis of quality presentations delivered in
Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), whose objective is to use their services to provide fast foods to
international and local people.
Quality presentations in KFC
KFC uses quality presentations to evaluate its monthly operations and performance.
Hence, every department is supposed to select a representative to present their findings towards
the specified area. According to the quality presentation policy of the company, there are several
factors you have to consider before su...

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