Climate Change

User Generated



Palm Beach State College


Choose one possible consequence of climate change to write you discussion post on.

Remember to explain the issue/concept, the mechanisms involved and its significance to the human environment.

Please use at least 3 sources of information and provide complete citation. One source may be your text book, one source needs to be a current event from an internet news or science website, and the other from a scientific source preferable also online.

Post your answer in a new thread.

Reminders - Your Post or Essay needs to be between 375 to 450 words in length that answers the corresponding questions, with a picture and/or chart, and includes citations for all sources, pictures and data used. You will also be expected to write 2 comments to posts from other students that are about 75 - 100 words in length. Current event article should be from the past 6 weeks or so.

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