Considering all the stories we have covered advance a common theme that best exemplifies that of all or most stories we have covered throughout the semester. 700 word min.

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Prompt: Considering all the stories we have covered advance a common theme that best exemplifies that of all or most stories we have covered throughout the semester.

*While it is not a criterion for a passing paper, let A for excellence be awarded to those who make reference to academic article(s) provided you along with stories. While you may use one or two stories as the crux of your theme, an excellent essay attempts to convince the reader that his/her stated theme is commonly held by most stories.


  • 700 words plus or minus 10 percent written in scholarly fashion
  • Correct heading and Impressive Title
  • Strong theme statement
  • Well-developed body paragraphs that provide expansion and discussion of key concepts of your theme/thesis statement;
  • Effective, relevant, and correctly MLA or APA cited incorporation of examples from provided stories and/or academic articles
  • Do Not Write in First Person like “I” or YOU. WE, however, is acceptable.
  • Sites that offer students “crib notes” should never be used
  • Conclusion that aims to summarize / philosophize over the significance of your thesis / theme
  • Absence of mechanical/grammatical errors
  • Works Cited provided in near perfect format

Must use the articles and the short stories provided in the zipped folder.

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