This project is a review of current events related to globalization that requires students to use information sources from three different national or regional perspectives, then compare and contrast how each source differently represents an issue or topic in current international affairs. All papers should be 4-5 pages in length, double-spaced, 12-point font, with one-inch margins, and include HTML links to the individual online articles that you cite. You may also opt to include a list of references/bibliography.
you have to choose a topic first related to globalization.
Choosing a topic: In most cases, it is better choose a topic that focuses on a specific region/nation or an issue that we have covered so far in this class; however, you are free to choose any topic. This will allow you to link key concepts from our International Studies course with the specific case-studies you select. When choosing a topic, think about the impact of the topic/issue on the lives of the people involved. Look for various/contrasting points of view on the topic, and try to figure out how different sources approach and write about your chosen topic. Your media project should pay attention to the different groups involved who may have different interests at stake in how the topic is portrayed in media coverage. Some examples of possible topics include (but are not limited to): Food shortages and protests against agricultural policies in developing countries; Indigenous rights in the Global South and effects of development; Tensions between Russia and European Union over energy supplies; Social upheavals and revolutions in nations of North Africa or the Middle East, etc…
Finding media sources: Please consult the links to possible (English-language) international media sites and organizations on our main Moodle page. THIS LIST IS NOT EXHAUSTIVE AND IS JUST A STARTING POINT. YOU’RE ENCOURAGED TO LOOK FOR OTHERS. EMAIL ME ASAP IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS ABOUT THE VALIDITY OF A SOURCE.
Questions/Issues to consider for Media Project:
1. An important part of the research process is to determining the ideological leanings or biases of certain media sources (which may require you to do some background investigation of your sources). You should describe the sources of your information: Is the content author identified or not? Who are the contributors? How does this source of information fund or support their operations?
2. What information is the same in the three sources? What information is different? Is there an explanation given that would justify any differences, or can you provide your own explanation?
3. In your own words, what are the relevant key concepts from international studies? How do these sources serve as examples of these concept(s). Concepts include:
positions of ‘global skeptics’ and ‘hyper-globalists’
key political, economic and cultural factors driving European colonialism
how colonialism created and perpetuated cultural stereotypes
decolonization and outcomes of colonialism
globalization, Race and ethnicity
impact of globalization on culture identities
global economy
global institutions and international financial (dis)integration
social movement and globalization
the role of women in globalization
ecology, globalization and conflict
environmental resources and global tensions
cultural dimensions of globalization: cultural relativism, cultural hybridity, and multiculturalism
globalization of movies, music and media
modernization and the ideological dimensions of globalization
relationship between democracy and globalization
relationship between human rights and globalization
neo-fundamentalism and globalization
migration and globalization (human trafficking)
westernization or neo-imperialism
4. Feel free to explore any other questions or issues that you think important and appropriate for your media project.
Explanation & Answer
Effects of Globalization of Immigration Rights in Us
Name of Student
School name
Date of Submission
Globalization can be defined as a process whereby people and their goods can move with
a lot of ease across the borders. You cannot have globalization without Immigration, which
involves the movement of people from their own countries into the USA for settlement.
Individuals cross boundaries so that they can provide better services in other countries. Apart
from that, they cross borders so that they can give their labor and investments into US markets as
these opportunities may be challenging to find in their own countries. There have been critics of
this new wave as states can site concerns to policies that allow such free movement of people.
Worries can also be from the number of jobs that the citizens would be able to lack when there is
an influx of immigrants. In the modern world, migration is now achieved through technological
advancement from container shipping to internet communication. This wave is as old as human
migration that entailed trade routes and transportation of goods and services. Traders used to
travel along the Indian Ocean in search of greener pastures for their products and also to get raw
materials. The big question lies on whether there are human rights policies put in place to defend
Immigrants. Or countries are just after making profits from this type of modern lifestyle.
Advocates of globalization argue that opening of borders for migration can allow labor to move
and thus increase yield in the conce...