HCS 370 University of Phoenix Impact of Organizational Structure and Communication Discussion

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HCS 370

University of Phoenix



Assignment Content

  1. This assignment will help you research and understand what impact organizational structure and communication have on organizational behavior within an organization. As you complete this assignment, consider experiences you have had with organizational structure and communication.
    Write a 350- to 700-word paper in which you:
    • Explain how organizational structure affects organizational behavior.
    • Identify how effective and ineffective application of structure impacts organizational behavior.
    • Discuss how organizational communications can be used to support organizational behavior.
    • Include effective and ineffective communication methods.

    Cite 2 reputable references used to complete your chart. Reputable references include trade or industry publications; government or agency websites; scholarly works; your textbook, Organizational Behavior, Theory, and Design in Health Care (2nd ed.); or other sources of similar quality.
    Format your paper according to APA guidelines.
    Submit your assignment.

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Grading Criteria: Impact of Organizational Structure and Communication HCS/370 Version 4 Grading Criteria Impact of Organizational Structure and Communication This assignment is due in Week Four. Content Points Available Points Earned Additional Comments: Points Earned Additional Comments: Points Earned Additional Comments: 120 The student submits a paper that addresses the following: • • • • Explains how organizational structure affects organizational behavior. Identifies how effective and ineffective application of structure impacts organizational behavior. Discusses how organizational communications can be used to support organizational behavior. / Include effective and ineffective communication methods. Organization/Development/Mechanics Points Available 15 • • • The paper is 350-700 words in length. The paper includes logical introduction and conclusion. Cite and reference two reputable sources in the paper. Mechanics Points Available 20 Percent 15 • • The paper— includes a title page, a references page and is formatted according to APA guidelines. Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed; spelling is correct. Total Available Total Earned 150 Copyright © 2015 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. 1
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Impact of Organizational Structure and Communication
Institution Affiliation




Impact of Organizational Structure and Communication
Effects of Organization Structure on Behavior
An organization structure is how a firm allocates, coordinates, and supervises its
activities to achieve its objectives. Relatively, different organization structure affects
organization behavior differently. For example, employees get demotivated for lack of
recognition in a structure that has the top management as the sole decision-makers. Also,...

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