Mentors and Shadowing, business and finance homework help

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 Mentors and Shadowing

The following Professional Competency Outcome(s) are practiced and assessed in this


PC-3.5: Engage in career development and advancement strategies, including effective

networking, mentoring, and creating a personal brand.

As the BPM nears completion, the process team must be concerned not only with the

best-fit roll-out option but also with providing information to the work team that will handle

the completed process or process change to ensure their success. This often takes the

form of mentoring.

Mentoring is most often a one-on-one activity in which an experienced individual (the

mentor) provides guidance and advice to someone with less experience (the mentee). Any

mentoring relationship is, by nature of the process, a close one in which experiences,

knowledge, and skills are shared.

The best way for mentors and mentees to share information is through a process called

shadowing. Shadowing occurs when the mentee actively watches, follows, and

participates in the activities, processes, or actions that are completed by the mentor. This

provides a visceral and active learning environment.

Consider the BPM process you have been designing this semester and address the

following (support your answers with research on mentoring and shadowing).

1. Should all members of the BPM team be considered as possible mentors? Explain

and justify your answer.

2. Who within the organization would be the mentee(s) for the institutionalization of

the new processes? Make sure you fully support your conclusions.

3. Identify ways in which mentors and mentees can use shadowing as a method for

tracking and assessing the ongoing changes within the company after completion

of the BPM project.

Paper must be at least 3 pages with at least 3 references in APA format.

The business organization that is being used for the assignment, is Samsung.  To hopefully help with the assignment, I have included the last 4 paper assignments to help with the completion of the assignment.

Thanks and good luck!

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Running head: BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT Business Process Management Brandon Archie Kaplan University 1 BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 2 Business Process Management (BPM) Part 1: Information about the Organization You Selected The organization that will have the presentation of the information regarding the business process management (BPM) is the Samsung group. The Samsung organization is a South Korean multinational company whose headquarters are in Seoul of South Korea. The group comprises of great affiliates which works hand in hand with the Samsung brand. It is the largest organization in South Korea, and it is also among the largest twenty-five companies by revenue. The company was founded by Lee Byung- Chul, with its core business consisting of the manufacturing of the Samsung electronics worldwide. The company is mostly connected to its customers via the Internet, and one is capable of getting appropriate information regarding the enterprise. By the use of the Treacy model the best strategic option that fit the Samsung organization is the conceptual strategy framework. This is because the group wants to remain a competitive advantage in the marketplace and at the same time meeting the satisfaction of the customers and at times exceeding them (Becker, Rosemann & Von Uthmann, 2000). The business process which is the collection of strategic tasks in the production of concrete products for the customers helps define the organizations’ core values. Therefore, I would say that out of the three strategic options, product leadership is what fits the company’s approach, the best. In the Samsung organization, the company is aiming at manufacturing quality products which can remain competitive in the marketplace. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 3 Part 2: Information About the Process you selected The business process of the Samsung organization is important because it is at this particular position that the team will employ all its strategies to ensure that they manufacture the desired products which are appealing to the customers. In the business process, it is the involvement of the core values of manufacturing which aim in the production of providing an efficient solution at any situation. Then there is the maximization of the competitiveness through integration approach and in the same time ensuring that there are the organic links which are the core values which will guide the organization to succeed. Therefore, the business process is very important to ensure that there is cohesion in making sure that the organization is working as per its requirements. The objective of the production process is to ensure that the organization can manufacture quality products for the customers and at the same time remain competitive in the marketplaces. The business process has a strategic significance to the organization’s success currently and in future. In most cases, the executive of the organization will be willing to change the approach on how manufacture their products if the current process is not as per the requirement of the organization. The stakeholders who are involved in the business process consist of the management of the organization along with the competent employees who have the capability and knowledge on how well to manufacture products related to Samsung such as phones and other electronics (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). The steps which are employed in the manufacturing process of the Samsung product are very much dependent on the type of product being manufactured at that time. However, the BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 4 necessary steps which are involved in the business process include product concept and research, product development, product testing, assembly and lastly coming up with the final product. These are the general manufacturing or business process steps which are used in the organization. The specific goals of the production process are ensuring that the company organization can continuously produce unique products which are of quality. Also, the process can ensure that all the manufacturing process of different products within the organization are carried out in the best way to make sure that the goods in the marketplace meet the needs of the customers. Part 3: Strategic Justification The company should undertake the business process management project to the manufacturing process because it acts as the core factor of the organization in its production. Jeston and Nelis shows how BPM will help the organization in analyzing the most important elements in the production process when it comes to managing various drivers and triggers that take place such as the products and services of the company, customers and suppliers and partners, as well as information technology and there will be the production of quality products at the end. Also, the business will benefit from the effort of the firm process management by ensuring that there is repeat business from the customers due to the quality products being manufactured. In addition, the organization will be able to increase its profitability margins and remain competitive in nature. The needs of the shareholders and the customers will also be realized (Mo Yang, Seok Choi, Jin Park, Soo Suh & Chae, 2007). BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 5 Part 4: Alignment of the Process to the Company Strategy The manufacturing process has the support of the strategic choice of the organization. This is because the aim of the process is to ensure that all the strategies of the organization aim in production of quality products and at the same time ensuring that the needs of the customers and shareholders are surpassed. The process will enable the organization to be competitive at the market place through the strategizing of the BPM. The business process will fall under the top down type of BPM activity since the organization is about viewing the overall big picture which is aiming to fulfill the needs of the customers while being innovative and focused on ensuring quality products are created that match and or surpass the competition. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 6 References Becker, J., Rosemann, M., & Von Uthmann, C. (2000). Guidelines of business process modeling. In Business Process Management (pp. 30-49). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Jeston, J., & Nelis, J. (2014). Business process management. Routledge. Mo Yang, H., Seok Choi, B., Jin Park, H., Soo Suh, M., & Chae, B. (2007). Supply chain management six sigma: a management innovation methodology at the Samsung Group. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 12(2), 88-95. BUSINESS PROCESS MANAGEMENT 7 MT 400 Unit 2 Project Brandon, This week you were to submit your first paper for the term. As a reminder, I used the rubric to grade the paper, however, I look for the following items each week related to quality of your APA paper:     APA Cover Page Content on the Assigned Topics (3 full pages minimum) APA Reference Page APA References using APA format (at least 3 references, 1 can be the eBook) These items relate to the APA part of the rubric. I will be looking for 3 full pages and 3 APA formatted references each week to meet standards. You were to cover the following topics:     Organization and Implementation Strategy (Treacy and Wiersma) Selected Process (Objectives, Scope, Stakeholders) Strategic Justification (Table 4.1) Strategy Alignment (Table 13.6) The expectations as covered above are a good baseline related to course expectations, as covered in the FAQ. Typically I write in green font, and turn items red related to areas where points were missed. You can email me to ask for clarification of this feedback, if needed, however the intent is that you will review items in red and improve in those areas for future course work. You did well on your Unit 2 Project! Remember, I know you are learning about BPM, and at this early stage in the course, what a process is, and I take that into account as I grade. You can change your mind if you decide a few weeks into the course you want to select a different organization or a different process. I recommend that you start looking ahead, to decide if you want to change organization or process, to maximize your learning experience in our course. You should have a solid understanding of processes by Unit 4. Stay positive! Regards, Jason 118/120 Running Head: BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY Business Processes and Strategy Brandon Archie Kaplan University 1 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY Business Processes and Strategy Part 1: The Stakeholders 1. Using Samsung as a real world example, I was able to go deeper into the business process and strategy and it works within a company. Samsung has been identified and recognized as one of the top selling and performing companies in the world. The South Korean multinational company with its headquarters in Seoul was founded by Lee Byung-Chul and emerged to be the best company in South Korea. However, its great performance and excellence has resulted from great efforts of the various stakeholders towards ensuring efficient operations. The company has realized a number of stakeholders in its operation. Some of the stakeholders include the employees, customers, suppliers, investors, the media and local communities. Employees play an important role in the realization of the company’s objectives by engaging in various production activities. Their rate of performance determines the productivity of whole company. Employees at all categories play their roles effectively facilitating the development of the organization. Good management is important in the control of all production activities. (Moore, 2008) Besides these stakeholders, a number of groups as well as bodies have been working in relationship to the company. Some of these bodies include the government and several nongovernmental organizations. They play an important role also in the operation of the company for they function to determine some of policies and implement various laws to govern Samsung’s 2 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY performance. The government expects the company to work under the provided policies contributing the required government revenues. Non-governmental organizations ensure that the company performance focuses on various aspects in its work as per its objectives. 2. The manufacturing process of the Samsung company, is made to meet the needs of the people by availing high quality and reliable electronics in the market. With good products, the manufacturing process leads to realization good profits which lead to its development. According to Moore (2008) the success in the company’s production process relies on the efforts of all stakeholders in playing their parts. All stakeholders involved in the manufacturing process work hand in hand towards the realization success in the process. Part 2: Metrics Metric 1: Process improvement metric 1. Definition Process improvement is one of the best ways to acquire a more qualified manufacturing process in organization. All efforts channeled towards the manufacturing process should be considered in order to realize an improvement in a manufacturing process. Stakeholders should make improves in their respective fields for an improvement in the entire manufacturing process since the operations within the system relies upon them. 2. Significance in assessment The term improvement refers to the act of applying some efforts in an activity for the realization of better results. With an improvement in the manufacturing process, all forms of 3 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY activities are contacted in a way that leads to the realization of more products of a better quality. The overall organization’s productivity is made to be of better quality. 3. Example Example on the process improvement metric is on the provision of some more high quality products in the market. An increase in the amount of the products should be witnessed as well as a range on the respective varieties. Metric 2: Process management metric 1. Definition The term management refers to act of controlling, executing, organizing and directing the performance of an organization of institution for the purpose of attaining its set goals and objectives (Brown, 1996). Management is carried by the top leadership team in an institution. Their coordination an organization is made to ensure everything within the company is working as required with all the necessary protocols observed. All individuals performing as managers must possess the necessary skills and qualifications for them to offer effective services to the company and more so within the manufacturing field. 2. Significance in assessment With management being an important aspect in the organization’s performance, this position or role requires you to be considerate of all members of the team; offering a good working environment to ensure that their performance is more efficient. With a good management team, all the activities of an organization are functioning in the best way possible 4 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY thus facilitating a good manufacturing system. Any company property requires to be well managed in order to keep the company growing and running effectively. (Brown, 1996) 3. Example A good way of realizing efficient management in an organization to by allocating more managers in the respective sectors in a company’s manufacturing system. Metric 3: Process performance metric 1. Definition The performance in a company is responsible for the realization of the best ever productivity. Performance relies on the efforts of employees and the efficiency of all available machines. 2. Significance in assessment With efficient performance of all employees and machinery, the best ever productivity in the Samsung company manufacturing system would be realized with good profits in the company gained. 3. Example Operating hours in the Company should be increased and more efficient machinery installed. Part 3: Quick Wins 5 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY Quick wins function to boost an organization by initiating better performance within the sectors (Lorenz & Kidd, 1994). Samsung can realize growth in manufacturing sector by obtaining more technicians and suppliers of all materials needed in the manufacturing process. Technicians produce the goods, electronics, while suppliers provide materials used in the manufacture of electronics. More skilled technicians can be obtained by advertisement of jobs for well skilled technicians. Suppliers of materials can be obtained by calling companies for tenders. Well skilled technicians will provide a boost by producing high quality products within shorter time periods. More material suppliers boost the manufacturing process by dispersing more materials on time. 6 BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY References Brown, M. G. (1996). Keeping score: Using the right metrics to drive world-class performance. AMACOM Div American Mgmt Assn. Lorenz, M., & Kidd, J. (1994). Object-oriented software metrics: a practical guide. PrenticeHall, Inc.. Moore, K. A. (2008). Value Mapping Framework Involving Stakeholders for Supply Chain Improvement when Implementing Information Technology Projects (Doctoral dissertation, University of Central Florida Orlando, Florida). 7 Running Head: BUSINESS PROCESSES AND STRATEGY MT 400 Unit 4 Project Brandon, This week you were to submit your second paper for the term, continuing the work you began during the first several weeks. As a reminder, I used the rubric to grade the paper, however, I look for the following items each week related to quality of your APA paper:     APA Cover Page Content on the Assigned Topics (3 full pages minimum) APA Reference Page APA References using APA format (at least 3 references, 1 can be the eBook) These items relate to the APA part of the rubric. You were to cover the following topics:    Stakeholder Identification Metrics (3 minimum; each covering Definition, Significance, Example) Quick Wins (2 minimum; each with Descriptive Narrative) The expectations as covered above are a good baseline related to course expectations, as covered in the FAQ. Typically I write in green font, and turn items red related to areas where points were missed. You can email me to ask for clarification of this feedback, if needed, however the intent is that you will review items in red and improve in those areas for future course work. The Understand Phase is important to BPM, it helps you prepare to transition from prior processes to improved processes. As a leader it is important to make processes better without falling into the mental traps associated with the concept of "change for the sake of change". Also, keep in mind that "what gets measured, gets improved". Metrics are measurement, and can be in the form of qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods as was discussed in seminar. Stakeholder buy-in helps build success! You did well on your Unit 4 Project! Keep up the good work! Regards, Jason 120/120 8 Running head: BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Business Performance Management Brandon Archie Kaplan University 1 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 2 Part 1: Innovation activities Samsung is a multinational company that is located in South Korea, and its headquarters are in Samsung Town. It is composed of a number of subsidiaries as well as affiliated businesses, where most of them are amalgamated under Samsung brand. It is the largest company in the world, mainly concerned with the production of electronics (Jeston & Nelis, 2014). Innovation is the process by which ideas are translated to producing services as well as goods that later are paid for by the consumers. According to Job (2003), Apple CEO said that for one to be able to come up with many interesting ideas, that would continue to innovate for a couple of years, they need discipline in all that they do. Great innovation is not experimented in the laboratories; it is otherwise multidisciplinary and requires critical thinking. 1. In my selection, I decided to describe more on the innovation activity that there be some kind of production of electronics that serves the same purpose as others, but the key different is that they should be relatively cheap and maintain the quality. It is through the incorporation of the new technology to be much efficient in the production process. Some customers have been having a hard time in purchasing Samsung products due to the high cost. Well, the goods are of high quality, but then there should be some means to serve customers much better to their satisfactory. 2. The objective of the activity is to ensure that customers are able to have good access to Samsung products. In addition, it will increase customer satisfaction, which is a primary goal in the business. As a consequence, there will be profit maximization. 3. Those in managerial positions should participate towards the achievement on this innovative activity. The reason is because they are the ones who are responsible for the BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 3 management of the ideas as well as ensuring that they are well implemented by the stakeholders in the organization. Part 2: RASCI Model The production process is my selection. In the commencement of the process, there are four steps to be followed in the daily management of the materials; they include; purchasing, control of the inventory, work scheduling and lastly real production. In the first step, the manager is responsible for ensuring the materials are acquired to be used in the process of production. This is also known as the procurement step. The second step involves inventory control. In case the manufacturer happens to run out of material needed in the process of production, then with no doubt production stops. Due to increased competition, manufacturers have learned how to keep records and or inventories in a more efficient way. The business unit head takes it as their responsibility to have control over the inventory. The third step is work scheduling, where every stakeholder is assigned their duties, team leader assigns the members duties to carry out. The last step is real production. It is the actual implementation of the ideas of the industry. In this step, all stakeholders join hands in order to achieve the objectives of the organization (Dickstein & Flast, 2008). Business Manager unit manger Purchasing I Inventory A R Business unit Team leader Compliance head advisor A C R S control Work scheduling R I S BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Real RA 4 I C production In this organization, mostly the advisor needs to be consulted before undertaking activity in the production process. The manager should be responsible whereas the team leader acts as the source of information in the commencement of any duty in the organization. Part 3: performance Management Most are the times that we focus more on things that are measurable. The reason behind this is because it is easy to assess their success. Management is associated with assembling people and resources in order to hit the specific goals. Performance management evaluation looks at the criteria for performance and measures them against the set targets (Spremić, Zmirak & Kraljevic, 2008, June). The first performance management metric is financial management capability. A good manager should keep a close eye on the sales of the organization. This metric will be assessed in terms of the profits made by the organization and the targets expected would be based on profit maximization. This metrics fits the production process objectives due to the concept of maximizing the profits as a result of better finance management Customer satisfaction is the second metric. Those in the managerial positions should ensure that the needs of the customers are met. Consumers are expected to increase in number, and this also serves as the assessment, this metric is compatible with the objectives since customer satisfaction is valued. Lastly, we have the ability to employ the best strategies in the organization. Assessed in terms of implementation of ideas, where the expectations are that the ideas in place should be used implemented for high performance. This fits well in BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT that it will lead to increased production and hence profit maximization as well as increased customer satisfaction. 5 BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 6 References Dickstein, D. I., & Flast, R. H. (2008). No excuses: a business process approach to managing operational risk. John Wiley & Sons. Jeston, J., & Nelis, J. (2014). Business process management, 3rd edition. New York, NY:Routledge. Spremić, M., Zmirak, Z., & Kraljevic, K. (2008, June). IT and business process performance management: Case study of ITIL implementation in finance service industry. (pp. 243-250). IE EE. BUSINESS PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT 7 MT 400 Unit 6 Project Brandon, This week you were to submit your third paper for the term, continuing the work you began during the first week. As a reminder, I used the rubric to grade the paper, however, I look for the following items each week related to quality of your APA paper:     APA Cover Page Content on the Assigned Topics (3 full pages minimum) APA Reference Page APA References using APA format (at least 3 references, 1 can be the eBook) These items relate to the APA part of the rubric. You were to cover the following topics:    RASCI Model (Table and Description) Performance Management (3 Metrics with Assessment Method) Summary (Stakeholders, Metrics, Innovation Recommendation) The expectations as covered above are a good baseline related to course expectations, as covered in the FAQ. Typically I write in green font, and turn items red related to areas where points were missed. You can email me to ask for clarification of this feedback, if needed, however the intent is that you will review items in red and improve in those areas for future coursework. As a reminder from seminar, leaders can delegate responsibility, however not accountability. Accountability remains with the senior leader of an organization or effort. For project managers, RASCI models are evaluated to ensure an A and a R are present for each task in the project. I was looking for this in your table, however did take into account you are learning new concepts, and that this is a course in BPM. You did well on your Unit 6 Project! Keep up the positive momentum during the second half of our course! Regards, Jason 112/120 Running head: BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS Establishing Baselines and Assessing Success Brandon Archie Kaplan University 1 BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS 2 PART 1 – Implementation Strategies Samsung comprises of many subsidiaries and affiliated businesses with most of them obtaining unification from the brand of Samsung. The firm stands as the largest producer of electronic appliances through innovations in technology and research. In innovation, new ideas are hatched. Additionally, it involves making innovations through technological advancements. As a result, the firm’s success is greatly determined by the level of attention it attributes to areas that make its products competitive in the global market. I have examined the implementation strategies in establishing baselines and assessing success as well as the establishment of the baselines. Finally, case analysis is done from the prior studies conducted. To begin with, post implementation and baseline performance measures help in a proper implementation of the strategies. The firm requires strong business knowledge on any policy that requires implementation. Achievement of such requires investments in the study of the organization's behavior before and after the implementation of the strategy. The strategy helps in detecting areas of under-performance. Formation of a baseline in the implementation of this strategy will be a good makeup because it will provide vital information for decision making. Another strategy will involve pinpointing areas of continuing performance through the establishment of baseline studies. The weakness in this is the mandatory requirement of the application of consistency and strategic measures. Further training will be required for the necessary fields. However, such actions will benefit the firm by maintaining the productivity of thorough refresher courses. The strategy will require investigation of those areas that are experiencing difficulties. The information required to tackle this issue could be detailed and indirect to provide the answer (Guha, 1997). BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS 3 The business can look for opportunities that will better the processes because of the inevitable breakdowns and inefficiencies in the organization. This measure will help the business have a greater and more efficient productivity. However, issues like those attributed to politics and production of counterfeits and lower prices in the market would be a dilemma for the firm. It would follow that the company finds means of fitting in a similar context and compete with the rest. Finally, the stakeholders in the departments of managerial positions, staff, clients or vendors and the IT team would be surveyed on a regular basis. This is considered the best strategy because it will assist in the determination of the values of the business and other stakeholders. As a result, monitoring the performance of the firm would be easy to track and deal with any issues for all (Alvarado Moore, 2008). PART 2 – Establishing Baselines The major contribution to productivity improvement. The participants and stakeholders in the business should continually improve each on their respective areas because of their actions affect the overall performance of the firm. Improvement is significant in the assessment process because it helps in realization of better production methods. Improved manufacturing process helps in realizing creating competitiveness of the enterprise because even the quality of the products is enhanced. For instance, the process of improvement metric is contributing significantly to the quality of the products being produced in the market. The managerial metric Management involves controlling, organizing, directing and executing performance and processes for an organization with the aim of attaining the set objectives and goals (Brown, BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS 4 1996). The top leadership fraternity carries out the management roles. They coordinate different affairs in the organization so that they get it smooth and consistently productive. They control and organize processes in addition to guiding the other workers on issues they are not conversant to perform. They also make real-time decisions on a day to day affair of the firm. Managerial positions must be assumed by qualified persons for the positions. Importance in assessment The management position is a critical role in the performance of an organization. The position involves dealing with every stakeholder in the business; thus, requiring people in the managerial positions to be considerate of all the members of the team. The work environment of the workers should be improved because it will enhance efficiency in productivity. Proper management keeps the company on track in the market, production and goals (Hung, 2006) for instance, the realization of efficient administration in an organization would require allocation enough managers in different sectors of the company’s reproduction units. Process performance metric Performance attributes to the realization of the company’s goals and objectives. Performance is influenced by coordination among workers and the efficiency of the machine in the company. Significance in assessment Efficient performance of employees and productive machinery would lead to the realization of the production dreams for the Samsung Company in the manufacture of its products. Effective performance is attributed to coordination and flow in the workplace for the BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS 5 firm (Hung, 2006). For example, efficiency in performance can be addressed by installation of more effective machinery and increment of the working hours. Part 3: ABC Tire Company Quick wins function to boost an organization by initiating better performance within the sectors (Guha, 1997). Samsung can realize growth in the manufacturing sector by obtaining more technicians and suppliers of all materials needed in the production process. Specialists produce the goods, electronics, while suppliers provide materials used in the manufacture of electronics. Advertisement of jobs can obtain more skilled technicians for well-skilled technicians. Suppliers of materials can be obtained by calling companies for tenders. The ABC Tire Manufacturing Company intends to implement a BPM project with an aim to decrease labor cost per unit of its products and increase the profit from one tire by 5%. The success or failure of such an action was determined by developing baseline data for the year 2009. Baseline data must be maintained accurately because it serves as a crucial reference for the business on whether or not to take an action. It is likely that having developed an accurate baseline, the project for the company was successful. Similarly, Samsung can improve on its performance by developing baselines before making a decision on its production actions BASELINES AND ASSESSING SUCCESS 6 References Guha, S., Grover, V., Kettinger, W. J., & Teng, J. T. (1997). Business process change and organizational performance: exploring an antecedent model. Journal of Management Information Systems, 14(1), 119-154. Alvarado Moore, K. (2008). Value mapping framework involving stakeholders for supply chain improvement when implementing information technology projects. Hung, R. Y. Y. (2006). Business process management as competitive advantage: a review and empirical study. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 17(1), 21-40.
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Mentors and Shadowing
Institutional Affiliation

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Mentors and shadowing
In its mentoring program, Samsung Company has been sponsoring various programs including
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Should all members of the BPM team be considered as possible mentor?
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