Research Proposal

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kumaun university nainital


Question 1

Start this assignment with an introduction about your research topic and why it is of interest and a research “puzzle” (about 1-2 pages). You want to guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your specific research question. Note: This will be the first draft of your introduction of the Week 8 paper, so be sure to write it in an academic voice (avoid first person and contractions).

While there are many ways to frame a research question, at the graduate level, your research questions should be 1) open-ended and start with “How,” “Why,” “What,” or “To what extent;” 2) should incorporate the variables you seek to assess and their relationship; and 3) should indicate how you intend to test the nature of that relationship. You want to make sure that your question has an appropriate amount of complexity so that it requires a significant amount of research and analysis. A simple Google search should not be able to answer your research question.

Pull out the dependent (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) that you are interested in looking at. This needs to be specific and you need to discuss ideas for how you might go about measuring the impact that the IV as on the DV. You need to focus in on one or two specific variables, otherwise, your research will quickly spin out of control as you will not have the capacity to effectively address the relationship between all the variables.

From here develop a hypothesis that reflects your educated guess as to the relationship between those variables. You may use an “if” “then” statement or you may formulate it as a narrative statement.

Hypothesis: A statement for how a change or condition in one or more independent variables cause(s) a change or condition in a dependent variable.

To recap what is needed in your submission for this assignment:

  • Introduction to the overall paper due in week 8
  • Research Question
  • Dependent (DV) and Independent Variables (IV)
  • Hypothesis


  • Your submission should be at a minimum of 1-2 pages (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages).
  • Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space.
  • Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework.
  • Use scholarly or other relevant sources.


Question 2, 500 words

Discussion Questions: What theory have you chosen to help you answer your research question? Please take this opportunity to practice discussing your theory in detail by explaining why you think it's a good fit for the research project, the level of analysis it operates at, the variables it acknowledges, whether it seeks to explain or understand, and if it supports prediction.

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Question 1 Start this assignment with an introduction about your research topic and why it is of interest and a research “puzzle” (about 1-2 pages). You want to guide your reader from your research area to your research topic, then on to your specific research question. Note: This will be the first draft of your introduction of the Week 8 paper, so be sure to write it in an academic voice (avoid first person and contractions). While there are many ways to frame a research question, at the graduate level, your research questions should be 1) open-ended and start with “How,” “Why,” “What,” or “To what extent;” 2) should incorporate the variables you seek to assess and their relationship; and 3) should indicate how you intend to test the nature of that relationship. You want to make sure that your question has an appropriate amount of complexity so that it requires a significant amount of research and analysis. A simple Google search should not be able to answer your research question. Pull out the dependent (DV) and independent variable(s) (IV) that you are interested in looking at. This needs to be specific and you need to discuss ideas for how you might go about measuring the impact that the IV as on the DV. You need to focus in on one or two specific variables, otherwise, your research will quickly spin out of control as you will not have the capacity to effectively address the relationship between all the variables. From here develop a hypothesis that reflects your educated guess as to the relationship between those variables. You may use an “if” “then” statement or you may formulate it as a narrative statement. Hypothesis: A statement for how a change or condition in one or more independent variables cause(s) a change or condition in a dependent variable. To recap what is needed in your submission for this assignment: ● ● ● ● Introduction to the overall paper due in week 8 Research Question Dependent (DV) and Independent Variables (IV) Hypothesis TECHNICAL GUIDANCE: ● ● ● ● Your submission should be at a minimum of 1-2 pages (the Title Page and Reference page will be additional pages). Type in Times New Roman, 12 point and double space. Students will follow the APA Style as the sole citation and reference style used in written work submitted as part of coursework. Use scholarly or other relevant sources. References; Question 2, 500 words Discussion Questions: What theory have you chosen to help you answer your research question? Please take this opportunity to practice discussing your theory in detail by explaining why you think it's a good fit for the research project, the level of analysis it operates at, the variables it acknowledges, whether it seeks to explain or understand, and if it supports prediction. References; Introduction, Research Question, and Hypothesis; The objective of the study To determine the balance between the worst threat to America: Partisan politics And SelfParalyzed Congress. Research question What are the factors that affect the security of our Homeland? Hypothesis The hypothesis is a research assumption that provides a better understanding of critical factors that are being evaluated in the study based on the research objective that is being assessed. The wellbeing of the United States is currently at a greater risk today than any other. Its military powerthe superior backbone that provides the leverage of its global influence is eroding rapidly, even faster than we can imagine. The sign of fragile and non-concrete commitment to defend its allies, and partners or even her very own critical agenda is constantly in doubt. Adversaries and rivals are challenging the U.S. in many domains and fronts. The threats of government shutdown, unpredictable funding, delayed in negotiating deals all place the government in a murky situation. Such a situation could lead to a national security emergency repeating our current situation. Theoretical framework Protecting an individual’s rights, safety, security is an important piece of the American way of life. From this it is clear that this subject will always remain a touchy subject, as it should. Some believe that the best way to protect the homeland is to create audit trails and an oversight agency that reviews all data that is mined from citizens, However, the answer should not be expanding the government to increase oversight, allowing one part of the government to grow unchecked without oversight from Congress or the judicial branch has the danger of bringing about serious infringement of people's individual rights. (Wong & Lovelace, 2004, p. 3). Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations once says, “The biggest threat to the U. S. are Internal Divisions” and I strongly believe he is right. Synthesis A strategic evaluation of the processes that have been put in place helps in creating an improved focus on important processes that help in defining better outcomes. Therefore the research is focusing on understanding key concepts that help define important measures that have been developed in ensuring that there is a high level of emphasis. Independent variables have an influence on the dependent variable which helps in determining the different levels of focus where it is easier to understand key processes that need to be considered and help achieve better outcomes. Methodology and Research strategy A researcher can evaluate critical concepts necessarily critical in determining essential elements that can readily assist in obtaining accurate results. Research methodology is a systematic plan that provides a greater focus on essential concepts that provide a strong emphasis on essential concepts that provide a focus on research development. Research methodology integrates scientific processes that are essential in defining key concepts that are critical in improving research development. The key processes that are assessed in this case include research design, sampling, data collection, and research analysis. Variable Dependent variable ● Partisanship is a threat to homeland security Independent variables ● The threat to freedom is the absence of criticism ● Empower local communities ● Integrating Culture to achieve peace ● Laws and regulations Variable operationalization Research Design Data Collection Data Analysis Bibliography References; Wong & Lovelace, 2004, homeland security & Civil Liberties
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