IT 357 George Mason University The Case of Jodi Arias Crime Scene Report

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Computer Science

IT 357

George Mason University



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Crime Scene Research Paper Step 1: Report ● ● Select any criminal case (does not need to be a cybercrime case) that has not been covered in class materials Research a criminal case and write a research report about how the crime scene was processed in that case o Summary: ▪ Approximately 3-5 pages single spaced, Arial or Calibri font, 12 point ▪ Summarize the case ● Provide a brief overview of the case (Note: this should be brief, the purpose of the paper is analyzing the CRIME SCENE processing.) ● Review the evidence & any available information ● Describe the process investigators used to process the crime scene in this case ● Include information about any mistakes that were made in the case ● What was the outcome of the case? o Analysis: ▪ Approximately 1-2 pages single spaces, Arial or Calibri font, 12 point ▪ What would you do differently or the same? ▪ Were there any issues in processing the case that had an impact on the outcome of the case? o Appendix: ▪ Include visuals to support your report. This may include items from the actual case, such as: evidence logs, photos, search warrants, transcripts, other documents presented in court o Works Cited: ▪ Cite any sources you use in APA – both in-text and a works cited page ▪ Use at least 3 reputable sources to support your report. Step 2: Conduct a “Background Check” on Yourself ● ● Imagine you are one of the investigators in this case and will be presenting evidence in court. You need to ensure that there is nothing you have posted online or in your background that could be challenged by the opposing side that could put your case in jeopardy. o Remember the article: Research online to make sure there is nothing that could discredit your character as a witness. o Look for anything you can find online (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc.) that would question your values or credibility. ● ● Write a brief summary of the process you took to conduct the background check and whether or not you found anything that could be questioned. You do not need to provide details or information about what you found, just the process and if you did or did not find anything. Include your background check summary after the works cited page in your report. Example cases: ● Casey Anthony ● BTK ● Jodi Arias Grading: o o o o o Summary: (30 Points) Analysis: (30 Points) Appendix: (20 Points) Works Cited: (10 Points) Background Check: (10 Points) 0-10 Background check notes 0-30 Summary 3-5 pages · Review the evidence & any available information · Describe the process investigators used to process the crime scene in this case · Include information about any mistakes that were made in the case · What was the outcome of the case? 0-30 Analysis 1-2 pages · What would you do differently or the same? · Were there any issues in processing the case that had an impact on the outcome of the case? 0-20 Appendix · Evidence logs, photos, etc. 0-10 Works cited page TOTAL Notes:
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Crime Scene Research Paper
Step 1: Report

Works Cited:

Step 2: Conduct a “Background Check” on Yourself



Report On a Crime Scene
Institutional Affiliation


The Case of Jodi Arias

One of the first degree murder cases that have been witnessed in history is that of Jodi Arias
whereby she was accused of murder following a multiple stab on the boyfriend (Sarteschi
2017). The case involved the murder of a salesman known as Travis Victor Alexander by his exgirlfriend named Jodi Arias. The two had been involved in a long-term relationship and broke up
due to a number of reasons and therefore had to part ways. The success of the relationship was
not assured and therefore the salesman had to move one (Sarteschi 2017). Murder was one of
the last things that were though to happen to the individual due to a number of issues and
Considering the background of the information, Travis Alexander was born in July 1977 and was
killed in 2008 while Jodi Arias was born in July 1980. The duo have been effectively in
relationship and parted ways peacefully until the case erupted that brought about a number of
questions regarding the circumstances and issues that resulted in the case. Strategically, there
was a need to consider a fundamental approach in the promotion of a quality and necessary
strategy for mitigation of challenges and promotion of a competent and strategic measure as
needed (Sarteschi 2017). Some of the ideas expressed in the case indicate that a number of
concepts and issues must be followed for reduction of challenges and promotion of better and
competent measures.
Alexander’s residence was in Mesa, Arizona State where he met his death through murder by
ex-girlfriend Jodi Arias (Sarteschi 2017). There were a number of indicators that confirmed the
death case and it included multiple stabs and other issues that indicated that truly the victim
had undergone a number of traumatic experiences that reduced the level of effectiveness and
competence as needed. The success of the policies required that a careful scrutiny is placed in
the murder case so that appropriate evidence are generated and competent strategies applied
for the success of the policies (Sarteschi 2017). Competitively, the need to ensure that better
aspects are applied is good for promotion of quality and necessary techniques as needed.
Evidence of the murder
Justification of the death of alexander as murder was due to the evidence that was availed
regarding the same (Sarteschi 2017). Comparatively, there was the need to successfully
implement better measures and control of challenges s that the precision of the evidence could
be maintained and the level of legitimacy assured which was necessary in determining the case.
The first evidence was the knife stabs that were all over the body of alexander and they
indicated a lot of things when it comes to the strategic policies and integrative measures in
criminal investigation (Sarteschi 2017). The crime scene was precisely murder and nothing
could be done otherwi...

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