Indiana University Bloomington Music Advertisement For Product Project

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Business Finance

Indiana University Bloomington


Objective: Explore the persuasive uses of music by creating an advertisement for a fictional product, using music to make your marketing message more powerful. Accompany your advertisement with a 1-paragraph reflection where you reflect on the critical, creative and technical considerations you faced in the production process (see prompts below).

  • Create a fictional product. Devise a product and associated marketing strategy. Who is the intended audience for your product? What is the key idea you want to sell in your commercial?
  • Create your video concept. Thinking of the relationships between audience, product, music and visual narrative, decide how various intertextual meanings will combine in your advertisement. Shoot your video and edit it in a video editor of your choice. Your advertisement should be between 30-60 seconds in length.
  • License your audio. Find a song (doesn't need to be Creative Commons-licensed--pretend you have a big enough budget to license Chance the Rapper, etc.) that creates a clear or creative semiotic message in your ad. In your reflection, defend why you feel this music is fitting to the audience's perception of your product. Use examples from the online module for inspiration.
  • Mix and share your commercial. Use the techniques from prior labs--edit your video to strong beats in the music, use audio trims and fades where necessary--to make your music and video look and sound their best.

Reflection requirements

Reflect on the persuasive uses of music in advertising when you upload your work:

  • Summarize the ways that directors use intertextual references--the web of semiotic sign systems that we covered in the VoiceThread--to make their advertisements powerful and memorable. What kinds of references did you draw upon in your commercial?
  • If you wrote your own jingle, what principles of memorable songwriting did you employ in your song? Were there any jingles that inspired your approach?
  • Mention something about how you came up with your product. What guided your choices in terms of (a) what the product was, (b) who it was for, and (c) what were the key elements of the sales pitch?

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Explanation & Answer


Music Advertisement
Student’s Name:
Course Name:

Professor’s Name:

• Advertisement designates communication in utilization and existence of the
product in the marketplace.

• As highlighted in the advertisement association in the UK, the advertisement
aims to notify the customers of the products presented in the business venture
hence in an attempt to achieve it.

• Various means of advertisements can be incorporated in the presentation of the
product to the customers.

• In this case, music is implied as a key strategy implied in the presentation of
notification regarding the product.

• Sumjol product
• Intended audience
• The key idea of selling

• Video

• Music

• Baj...

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