University of South Florida Erik Eriksons Life Personality Development Case Study

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University of South Florida


Please follow the rubric points (below) in completing your paper. In addition to these points remember that Erikson’s theory sees the resolution of life crises as integral to our personality development. How well we achieve crisis resolution at each stage will affect how we meet and accomplish crises in future stages. Also, although Erikson’s theory states that each life stage has a particular crisis that is addressed at that particular time in our lives, this isn’t to say that an issue of trust, for example, can’t be dealt with again at a later stage of life. However, how we emerge from our first few years of life regarding a sense of trust will inform how we handle and meet future crises that may involve an element of trust (example: trust in an intimate relationship). These are the threads that you want to keep going throughout the paper.

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Erikson Life Review (assignment description) Please follow the rubric points (below) in completing your paper. In addition to these points remember that Erikson’s theory sees the resolution of life crises as integral to our personality development. How well we achieve crisis resolution at each stage will affect how we meet and accomplish crises in future stages. Also, although Erikson’s theory states that each life stage has a particular crisis that is addressed at that particular time in our lives, this isn’t to say that an issue of trust, for example, can’t be dealt with again at a later stage of life. However, how we emerge from our first few years of life regarding a sense of trust will inform how we handle and meet future crises that may involve an element of trust (example: trust in an intimate relationship). These are the threads that you want to keep going throughout the paper. You should start off the paper with a quick introduction of what you're going to do. Something like..."I'm going to conduct a life review at the age of 80 using Erikson's psychosocial stages of development" or you could jump right in and start off saying... "As I look back on my life I see various threads of development" (or some other quick intro. sentence) and then get right into it. What I mean by getting "right into it" is to begin describing your early infancy years and experiences and apply Erikson's first stage of trust vs. mistrust to your experiences. For example, you might say> "I was born into a family of three. There was a lot of love in my family and I had a healthy infancy. I talked early and my father always said I was outgoing and very sociable, etc. etc. ..." "There were some struggles in my family early on, but I would say I learned to trust people because my family was always there for me and loved me so deeply that when I entered toddlerhood I was ready to face the world." " When I was three, and in Erikson's stage of autonomy and shame and doubt, my older sister remembers that I always liked to talk to people in public and wanted to do everything on my own." etc,, etc.... " I guess I learned to be autonomous or independent early on because when I started school, I always did whatever I wanted to do, I never followed the crowd, etc. etc... sometimes this got me into trouble with teachers (give a few examples) but I think it was an important step in my development in becoming a very independent person." However, once I entered adolescence, I didn’t feel this independence anymore. I really relied on friends and groups to provide me with a sense of belonging and identity. It took me until my early adult years to rebuild my sense of autonomy, but this time it was on an adult level, etc.. I accomplished this by doing …(fill in with some life experiences). What you are doing in this paper is weaving Erikson's stages and concepts into the real life events that have happened to you. You will continue doing this for all 8 of his stages, which will take you up to the age of 80 and his final stage of integrity vs. despair. Paper tips: *Make sure you address both positive and negative elements of each stage, or if there were no positives or negatives discuss this. Make sure you address specific physical, cognitive, psychosocial crises that you may have experienced at a given stage (e.g., maybe you were a late talker, maybe your family moved during your adolescent years and you had to make all you friends, etc.- which could have been a psychosocial challenge at the time). Keep going back to earlier themes as they may come out in different ways later in life. Make sure you do a re-evaluation/reworking of earlier stages in adolescence and adulthood, per Erikson’s premise. Make sure you consider and discuss how other people in your life (parents, siblings) may have had an effect on you and how their actions may have reflected their own stage of life crisis. Paper shouldn’t merely describe your life (this often results in a rather mechanical and generic review of your life via the stages), but should analyze life events using Erikson’s themes (not only the elements of the stages, but the interplay between these elements. ) For example: “I think the earlier crises with initiative v. guilt, even though my parents were very supportive, led me to believe that I should not only try my best, but that I need to be totally successful at everything I do. This worked okay for me in younger years, but when the demands of adolescence, of navigating adultlike roles and relationships, and the academic demands of college began, I felt the need to succeed in a hypernormative way, driving myself to perfection and not settling for anything less than perfect. This took a toll on me and brought about feelings of inferiority… . It wasn’t until I learned … that I was able to move past these feelings of inferiority and accomplish a greater sense of … .” (fill in the details and experiences) ******************************************************** Erikson Life Review Rubric 1= unsatisfactory 2= poor 3= satisfactory (fair) 4= good 5= very good - excellent (Grade calculation: Points received are totaled and divided by points possible for the assignment.) Paper presents an autobiography (review) of your life at the age of 80 in terms of physical, cognitive, and social-emotional developments that have occurred throughout your life and have had some effect on your life in general. That is, you will address and describe how you faced and fared each of Erikson’s 8 stages. Some may focus on physical developments, some on cognitive, some on social (for example, you might talk about how because you were a late language learner –e.g., talker, you had trouble with stage two autonomy vs. shame and doubt, etc). 1 2 3 4 5 Paper demonstrates a thorough and substantive understanding of Erikson’s stages and their application in interpreting life events. (You’ve demonstrated that you know and have applied Erikson’s ideas throughout your analysis.) 1 2 3 4 5 Paper will have a cause-effect feel to it. Earlier events will be described in terms of their influence and effect on later developments, decisions, etc. In other words, keep the thread going of life events so that later events refer back to/reference/include earlier life events, hurdles, accomplishments, etc. For example, here is where you may discuss how stage one trust v. mistrust was accomplished easily in infancy, but was tested during adolescence in romantic relationships. This should occur often throughout the paper. 1 2 3 4 5 Paper will address both positive and negative elements of stages and their effect both at the time and in the future. (And, plenty of examples have been given.) 1 2 3 4 5 Paper will analyze your life experiences, not merely describe them. 1 2 3 4 5 Paper will follow recommended length (4-5 pages) 1 2 3 4 5 Paper is free of typographical and grammatical errors 1 2 3 4 5 Paper has flow and continuity 1 2 3 4 5 ERIKSON’S EIGHT STAGES OF PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT Chapter 12  Psycho-social theory of development( one’s psychological development in interaction with the environment – e.g., social experiences inform/influence psychological (one’s personal) development  Particular area of interest: identity development in adolescence  NeoFreudian theory (Freud was concerned with the ID; Erikson with the EGO, but used Freud’s theory as a foundation for his own) ERIK ERIKSON’S 8 STAGES OF LIFE THE ID (THE ONE WHO WANTS EVERYTHING NOW) , EGO ( THE MIDIATAIR * THE ONE IN THE MIDDKE) , AND SUPEREGO ( RULES * HOW WE ARE SOCIALIZED TO KNOW THE RIGHTS AND WRONGS) THE ICEBERG ❑ Erikson’s view of personality development involves:  Life Stages that include both biological maturation (internal wants and needs & development) + external social forces and demands  Interplay = “crisis”  **How do we Resolve Stage crises? We resolve stage crises by blending both elements of a stage (positive and negative) into our development in order to be truly functional and ‘resolved’ (*Hint: as long as you emerge on the positive end of the continuum)  What does resolving crises do for us? Crisis resolution (e.g., figuring out trust and mistrust ((stage 1)) helps us develop relationships and bonds– this becomes part of our personality and identity(or who we are and who we are becoming) 8 STAGES TRUST -------------------------------------------- Mistrust BIPOLAR CONTINUUM ERIKSON’S STAGES AT A GLANCE Chart of Erikson’s & Freud’s stages p7FOFsoIYeI/s1600/Erikson8.gif 2dYVhtFnE 8 STAGES, CONT…. A FEW MORE ESSENTIALS  Each stage (crisis) is met at a given time and in a given order (corresponds with age, and is driven by a Western and 20th century social clock)  Movement (why???)  Early through the stages Cannot be stopped success affects later crisis resolution and later personality development(this is the notion of determinism)  JUST FYI: Newman and Newman have added the following (in black) to Erikson’s original model: Prenatal – Birth Infancy B-2 (trust v. mistrust) Toddlerhood 2-4 (autonomy v. shame) Early school 4-6 (initiative v. guilt) Middle childhood 6-12 (industry v. inferiority) Early adolescence 12-18 (group identity v. alienation) Later adolescence 18-24 *sometimes known as emerging adulthood (individual identity v. confusion) Early adulthood 24-34 (intimacy v. isolation) Middle adulthood 34-60 (generativity v. stagnation) Later adulthood 60-75(integrity v. despair) Elderhood 75+ (immortality v. extinction) 21ST CENTURY ADDITIONS TO ERIKSON’S STAGES Erikson sees adolescence as the most pivotal (important) stage because earlier childhood crises need to be reworked at a more advance level, AND identity crises have to be resolved to move successfully into adulthood ABOUT ADOLESCENCE: ERIKSON’S PIVOTAL STAGE Erikson asks the question: Who Are You??  Q. What does your personal space look like? What does this say about you?   Formation of identity= personal definitions of self (interests, beliefs/values, accomplishments, how others view us, and our place in society)  Identity may be better developed in some areas than others (e.g., your career identity may be better developed than your political identity at a given point in time )  Identity formation = mostly unconscious process  Life-long process– but, major work conducted in adolescence (according to Erikson) STAGE 5: ADOLESCENCE: THE PIVOTAL STAGE, CONT. Diffusion Moratorium Formation Plus, Foreclosure (taking someone else’s identity) FORMS OF IDENTITY: A CONTINUUM --- JAMES MARCIA Some practice time:  Jane explored many different majors before deciding on political science. She is very happy with her decision. __________________  Jeff’s parents have always wanted him to go into their family mattress business. Not wanting to disappoint them, Jeff, who hates the mattress business, plans to start there immediately after college graduation._______________________  Every week, Ida seems to try on a new persona for high school. One week she is goth, another week she’s a brainiac (kind of a really smart, nerdy-type), and still another she’s the artistic-type. __________________________  Joe started to feel uncomfortable at his 7th grade career development day because while all his friends were talking about their career ideas, dreams, and hopes, Joe was only concerned with what was being served in the cafeteria for lunch. __________________________ WHICH OF MARCIA’S STAGES ARE DESCRIBED IN EACH SCENARIO? How can Marcia’s continuum model be useful? Do we have to consider culture here? CONSIDER…  1. Why can’t we skip a stage in Erikson’s theory?  2. What elements are needed in order to resolve a crisis? (*This information should come directly from the ppt.)  3. How does the process of crisis resolution create our personality?  4. In what way does Erikson’s theory illustrate a 20th century social clock? MORE DISCUSSION BOARD QS.
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