EDSD 7073 Walden Technology Proficiencies and Learning Experiences Essay & PPT

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EDSD 7073

Walden University



The use of technology is a means for empowering students with exceptionalities. It provides an opportunity for students to access grade-level curriculum and activities and engage in meaningful learning opportunities, as well as accomplish tasks that would often involve barriers as a result of physical and/or learning disabilities. For this Assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of the technology proficiencies and their impact on educational integration to support the learning needs of students with exceptionalities.

To prepare:

  • Review the Walden Technology Proficiencies. Reflect on your experiences with technology as you read through the proficiencies
  • Consult and reflect on the course resources as well as outside resources (e.g., peer-reviewed journal articles) that you found and integrated into your work to illustrate and support your Discussion posts and your Assignments—you will use these as resources to complete your work for this Assignment.
  • Reflect on the training needs of staff working within educational settings regarding technology and advancing from enhancement to transformation.
  • Ask yourself the following question: How have the resources and the concepts presented throughout the course affected my learning in order for me to implement technology throughout my educational practices and prepared me for ongoing learning on current technology tools?

Section 1: Design of Learning Experiences and Environment (1–2 pages)

  • Identify two evidence-based teaching strategies to enhance learning through the use of technology. One evidence-based strategy should focus specifically on writing or fine-motor difficulties.
  • Describe the age level, disability category, and content/skill development, and explain how it will increase the learning and engagement of your students.

Section 2: Facilitation of Learning and Assessment (2–3 pages)

  • Summarize how your evidence-based strategies that enhance learning through the use of technology can increase student engagement in exploring real-world issues and authentic problems. Provide at least one specific example focusing on writing or fine-motor skills.
  • Explain how the strategies you identified meet the needs of diverse learners and how you ensure that students have equitable access to digital tools and resources.
  • Identify at least one evidence-based practice that you will use to support students from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds when implementing technology tools.
  • Explain how you will use appropriate technology to assess and monitor the progress of evidence-based strategies you selected.

Section 3: Communication and Collaboration (8–12 slides)

Using evidence-based practices and course resources, create a PowerPoint presentation to address strategies to improve communication and collaboration through the use of digital media tools. Create 2–3 slides for each topic:

  • Students
  • Families (one strategy needs to address collaborating and communicating with families from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds)
  • Colleagues
  • Community

Section 4: Professional Development (1–2 pages)

  • Describe how you will work with colleagues to create a shared vision on implementing and staying current on technology. Share how you will advocate for safe, legal, and responsible use of technology.
  • Explain how you will reflect on research, legal issues, and ethical expectations when implementing evidence-based practices and technology into your educational practices.
  • Identify two goals for implementing evidence-based strategies to enhance technology you listed in Section 1. List at least one professional development activity that you will do to keep learning the latest information on infusing technology into your educational practices.

Your final document for Course Project must include the following:

  • Title page
  • Section 1: 1–2 pages
  • Section 2: 2–3 pages
  • Section 3: 8–12 slides inserted into the paper
  • Section 4: 1–2 pages
  • Reference pages

For this Assignment and all scholarly writing in this course and throughout your program, you will be required to use APA style (6th edition). Please use the Walden Writing Center as a resource as you complete your assignments.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week‘s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Buggey, T., Hoomes, G., Sherberger, M. E., & Williams, S. (2011). Facilitating social initiations of preschoolers with autism spectrukm disorders using video self-modeling. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 26(1), 25-36.

Courduff, J., Szapkiw, A., & Wendt, J. L. (2016). Grounded in What Works Exemplary Practice in Special Education Teachers’ Technology Integration. Journal of Special Education Technology, 31(3), 26-38.

Evmenova, A. S., Regan, K., Boykin, A., Good, K., Hughes, M., MacVittie, N., ... & Chirinos, D. (2016). Emphasizing Planning for Essay Writing With a Computer-Based Graphic Organizer. Exceptional Children, 82(2), 170-191.

Mason, L. H., Kubina Jr., R. M., Valasa, L. L., & Cramer, A. M. (2010). Evaluating effective writing instruction for adolescent students in an emotional and behavior support setting. Behavioral Disorders, 35(2), 140–156.

Document: Course Project: Technology Proficiencies Directions (PDF)

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Explanation & Answer




Technology proficiencies
Submission Date



Section 1: Design of Learning Experiences and Environment
Instructions in an inclusive classroom setting involve helping students with disabilities gain
meaningful access to the curriculum. The demands for such students include but not limited to:
monitoring their writing skills through the use of self-regulation skills, using complex writing
skills, writing essays of different genres, and; writing multiple paragraph composition, among
others (Courduff, Szapkiw & Wendt, 2016). To prepare them to meet these demands, teachers and
facilitators employ the use of evidence-based teaching strategies. One of these evidence-based
strategies is the use of technology-based graphic organizers, which teachers use to support students
in improving their writing skills. This technology-based strategy developed in the project
WeGotIT! In addition, could help students, especially with children from pre-K level to the 12th
grade, with a variety of writing genres such as argumentative, persuasive, and personal narrative.
In their article, Evmenova and Regan walk you through the different stages in writing by the use
of technology aids along with other ideas used to support students with writing difficulties
(Evmenova et al., 2016).
Another evidence-based strategy used to enhance learning through technology is the use
of augmented reality. This technology-based strategy is being used successfully in children having
autism spectrum disorder (ASD) to assist them in reading. Based on the explanation given by
Howorth, Rooks,-Elis, Flanagan, and Ok, they explain how the use of HP Reveal app on student's
mobile devices can help them point at pictures, text messages, word, and images to trigger a
teacher-develop video that will assist them in reading. Students to support their reading fluency,
comprehension, and wor...

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