Discussion question

User Generated



University of Phoenix


Two part assignment

Part 1: Respond to the following in a minimum of 150 words:

What are the major differences between problem-focused coping and emotion-focused coping? Provide examples of each that would be applicable to a social or occupational setting. (site at least one reference).

Respond to each of the following response to the question above with a minim of 75 words each.

Number 1: Dr. Banton and class,

In Ellis's theory the "A" (activating event) is not the cause of "C" (emotional expression), but that of the "B" (belief) of the way a person's personal cognitive thoughts are expressed through their action. Meaning that each individual reaction will be different based on the belief system in place and the response is their predictable/ predicted outcome (Ellis and Tafrate, 1997). His belief in psychological difficulties are stemmed for the personal belief that we as a person of self has the right to treated in a certain manner, that we must respond to events in a certain manner, and that we must feel a certain way about what has transpired, all of which are irrational statement we tell self. (Cervone and Pervin, 2013) .

Number 2: Problem-focused coping refers to attempts one makes to cope by altering features of a stressful situation." Emotion-focused coping, which referes to coping in which an individual strives to improve his or her internal emotional state."(Cervone, D. 2013). Problem-focused coping is more focused on modifying or eliminating sources of stress through individual behaviors. So in the instance of lonliness, one may find ways of improving their relationships such as changing specific behaviors they have that others do not find appealing or developing a better understanding of those around them. In an emotion-focused way of coping that person who is experiencing lonliness might lower their expectations about those other people, and they might also compare themselves with those who are far worse then themselves. "Coping researchers find active ways of coping to be more successful at problem-solving than emotion-focused ones."(Schoenmakers, E. C 2015). This is due to the fact that emotion-focused coping is a short term form of distraction as apposed to actually addressing the source of why they are lonley or to make the situation better/relationships better.

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