Moore College of Art and Design Confidence Intervals Discussion

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Moore College of Art and Design


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Prompt Use the applet to select 20 different random samples of 100 part-time college students. For each sample the applet calculates the 95% confidence interval. How many of the 20 random samples do not contain the population proportion? Is this what you expected? Explain. Click to generate a random sample of 100 students Population: PT college students Percent female: p=0.60 Sample Proportion = p = 0.55 Sampling distribution: approx.normal mean = 60 sd = (-60)(1-60/100 = 0.049 95% Confidence Interval (z* =2.0) lower limit = 0.55-2.0*0.049 = 0.45 upper limit = 0.55+2.0*0.049 = 0.65 margin of error = 2.0(0.049) = .098 0.45 p = 0.55 0.65 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0
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There you go buddy, check it out and let me know in case of anything


Confidence Level.
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Institution Affiliation.

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