Secure Software Development . (Programming)

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Develop a running prototype. You need to implement classes using object-oriented language such as C++, C#, or Java, and then integrate them to each subsystem, which should be further integrated into a system. GUI is required.

We will provide the use case, security use case, security measures,

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Implementation: Develop a running prototype. You need to implement classes using object-oriented language such as C++, C#, or Java, and then integrate them to each subsystem, which should be further integrated into a system. GUI is required. You must provide working client-server demo You must submit your source code Especially your security measure source code is required. Your security measures mentioned in phase 2 and phase 3 must be implemented and working Testing White Box Test Testing performed by developers Have full knowledge of the program and code Black Box Test Testing without knowledge of internal structure or the program or the code It is tested by software testers White Box Testing is what you must perform Your team is the developer of your team’s software Test your secure use case with white box testing Test case name Description Input Expected Output Actual Output Example Must provide test cases for each use case As much as possible All security measures must be tested You are required to turn in your test results Provide screenshot of your outputs
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