Embry Riddle Aeronautical University Management of Information Security HW

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Embry Riddle Aeronautical University



Here are the instructions for this assignment:

Here are a few Information Security Policies (Educause) (Links to an external site.) from higher education institutions. Choose two of these policies or other policies of your choice that you may find publicly available. Here are a few security policies from airlines:

https://www.china-airlines.com/us/en/terms-and-conditions/information-security (Links to an external site.)

https://www.airfrance.us/US/en/common/transverse/footer/edito_psc.htm (Links to an external site.)

https://www.singaporeair.com/en_UK/privacy-policy/ (Links to an external site.)

After evaluating these two different Information Security Policies, write a 1-2 page paper comparing and contrasting these policies. What are some of the similarities and differences? Would you have any recommendations to add to each of these policies?

Here is the grading rubric:

MGMT 394 3.4 Hands-On Rubric

MGMT 394 3.4 Hands-On Rubric


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent and Development

30.0 pts

(Excellent - A) Content is comprehensive, accurate, and persuasive. Major points are demonstrated or clearly stated and well supported. Responses are excellent, timely, and address activity, including course concepts. Content and purpose of activity are clearly articulated.

26.0 pts

(Above-Average - B) Content is accurate and persuasive. Major points are demonstrated or stated. Responses are adequate and address assignment. Content and purpose of activity are clearly articulated

23.0 pts

(Average - C) Content is not comprehensive and/or persuasive. Major points are addressed, but not well supported. Responses are inadequate or do not address assignment. Content is inconsistent with regard to purpose and clarity of thought.

20.0 pts

(Near-Failing - D) Content is incomplete. Major points are not clear and/or persuasive. Questions were not adequately answered or demonstrated.

17.0 pts

(Failing - F) Demonstrates unacceptable mastery of content. Few or no requirements of the activity are included in the response.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Structure

30.0 pts

(Excellent - A) Structure of the activity is clear and easy to follow. Demonstrates excellent flow of thought. Activity is organized and structured in a manner that provides a clear representation of a finished product.

26.0 pts

(Above-Average - B) Structure is mostly clear and easy to follow. Finished product is presented.

23.0 pts

(Average - C) Structure of activity is difficult to follow. Product is not finished or if present does not flow from the rest of the activity.

20.0 pts

(Near-Failing - D) Organization and structure detract from the rest of the activity. Points are disjointed and lack in transition of thought.

17.0 pts

(Failing - F) Structure is absent or not consistent. Organization is not apparent and inaccurate. Presentation and delivery are unacceptable.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis

25.0 pts

(Excellent - A) Analyses are organized in a logical manner, clearly presented, and titled properly. Activity is easy to understand by a lay reader and directly addresses the research questions.

22.0 pts

(Above-Average - B) Analyses are sufficient in number, but may not be well organized or as clear as they could be. Analyses are on topic, but may not perfectly reflect the research questions posed.

19.0 pts

(Average - C) Insufficient analyses/reflection are included. Anayses/reflections do not adequately address the questions posed. Analyses/reflections are not well organized or clear.

17.0 pts

(Near-Failing - D) Analyses/reflections are partially included, but are not clear or organized.

14.0 pts

(Failing - F) Does not demonstrate ability to analyze assumptions and evaluate evidence, complexity of issues, and alternatives.

25.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

15.0 pts

(Excellent - A) Activity demonstrates all designated guidelines in a clear and consise manner with proper formatting. Format enhances readability of work. Demonstrates excellent ability to use technology and tools effectively to enhance the finished product.

13.0 pts

(Above-Average - B) Activity follows all guidelines and technology/tools are used to format the activity appropriately demonstrating a finished product.

11.0 pts

(Average - C) Activity follows most guidelines. Formatting is not consistent and does not represent a finished product.

9.0 pts

(Near-Failing - D) Activity lacks many elements of formatting.

7.0 pts

(Failing - F) Activity is not formatted at all.

15.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0


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Explanation & Answer



Management of Information Security
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Management of Information Security
Both China airlines' privacy policy and Air France data security and privacy policy are
information security policies that are used by different airlines to protect customer information.
Both policies collect personal information from their airline websites and mobile apps as the
clients have to leave their details when seeking any of the companies' services. The type of data
collected is private, and the companies must make sure the client's information is protected. Both
policies collect customers' details to ensure the customers get the available products and services
as well as have their travel well arranged. They also collect data to provide customer ...

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