Oregon State University Forces and Free Body Diagrams Worksheet

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Oregon State University


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Homework 4 A reminder that the homework assignment is due on Monday (4/27/2020) at 11:59 PM. The Mastering Physics problems this week focus on forces and free-body diagrams. You can find information about how to write up Explanation Tasks and Context-rich Problems on Canvas. Once you've completed the hand-written homework activities below, don't forget to submit them on Gradescope. Make sure to submit high-quality, readable scans by using a scanner or a pdf scanner app. Problem 1 (Explanation Task) Identify the direction of the net force in each of the following situations by drawing and labeling a free- body diagram as we did in class. (Hint: your force labels should indicate type of force, object acted on, and the object exerting the force.) A. You are riding a bicycle down a hill while applying the brakes and skidding to a stop. Assume that air resistance is negligible, but friction is not. B. You jump off a bridge with a bungee cord attached to your ankle, and the cord stretches. Assume air resistance is negligible. C. A rocket is accelerating straight up through the Earth's atmosphere. Assume that air resistance is not negligible. D. A meteoroid moves downward through the Earth's atmosphere. Its speed is decreasing. Assume that air resistance is not negligible. Problem 2 (Explanation Task) In the two situations depicted below, a block is at rest on a ramp. In Case A, a hand pushes straight down with a constant force. In Case B, the hand pushes in the direction shown with a constant force of the same magnitude. In both cases, the block remains at rest on the ramp. Is the magnitude of the frictional force exerted on the block by the ramp in Case B greater than, less than or equal to the magnitude of the frictional force in Case A? (Hints: draw and label a free-body diagram for each case! You can also check your reasoning by thinking about special cases, as you did in this week's studio activity.) Case A Case B 31 Problem 3 (Context-rich Problem) Four children are trying to move a giant rock. Each child attaches a rope to the rock and pulls on that rope with the same force (F) either at a 90° angle or at a 45° angle from each other. The children try three different orientations as shown in the top-view diagrams below, but the rock remains at rest in all of them. For each case, determine the magnitude of the (horizontal) force on the rock by the ground in terms of F. (Hints: Draw and label a free-body diagram for the rock in each case. Remember that the diagrams are top-view, like you are seeing the situation from up in the sky, and don't worry about showing forces that are in or out of the page. As part of your reflection in 3c, explain why the forces on the rock by the ground are not the same in each case.) Top-view Diagrams Case A Case B Case C Child 2 Child 2 Child 2 Child 3 介 * Child 1 Child 1 Child 4 Child 1 Child 4 Child 4 Child 3 Child 3
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