Level of Productivity and Fulfillment proposal Paper

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Business Finance


Recommendation and conclusion Recommendation and conclusion Recommendation and conclusion

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For a company to sustain a high level of productivity and fulfillment of its goals, its
organizational structure must appropriately respond to any challenges the 21st century manifests.
To do so, companies must have an organizational performance model that guarantees that the
organization and its subsystems, such as departments, teams, and employees, are all aligned and
united together to realize their desired goals.
With an inherent necessity to work through difficult circumstances combined with a
profound obligation to adhere to a code of integrity, leadership allows for groundbreaking
progression to occur within an association when confronted with a difficult state of affairs. A
company must take on a challenge as a full unit guided by leadership that is rooted in the
principle of teamwork. Issues that almost seem unsolvable must be met with unprecedented
The United Nations (UN) is an organization that has been present around the world for
about 100 years and has seen its share of challenges since its creation after World War II. The
UN was established to bring about international harmony and set authoritative examples for
nations on a global stage. The turn of the 21st century has brought about unimaginable barriers
that the UN has had to face head-on. The current climate crisis and biodiversity disruption is a
real issue that has placed the entire world in an extremely jeopardizing position. Earth as we
know it is losing its preservative qualities and suffering greatly at the expense of human
advancement and innovation.
The UN must rethink and reevaluate the way it has been responding to previous
dilemmas because if life is no longer sustainable on Earth, then this is where our story ends.
Hence, the UN should implement a transitional change to be successful and overcome the
climate crisis and biodiversity loss issue. For the change to be effective the UN needs a greater
level of organizational investment, leadership, incorporating important stakeholders in the
change as well.


Climate crisis and biodiversity disruption have become an increasingly important issue,
due to its tremendous consequences on communities, industries, and ecosystems worldwide.
Global warming consists of the progressive increase in Earth's temperature, leading to a series of
events referred to as climate change. While both topics are often mentioned as identical, they are
quite different due to their cause-consequence relationship.
Basic needs of survival such as water, oxygen, food, and fertile soils are all part of the
biodiversity system that has been put at risk because of the human footprint. Humanity is slowly

but surely destroying Earth's sustentation capacity by simply partaking in activities which have
become an integral part of our everyday lives such as deforestation influenced by the expansion
of civilization, pollution brought about by an unsatisfiable appetite for industrial development,
and overfishing and hunting motivated by insatiable consumption habits.
Humans are killing the Earth and stripping off their essential resources by simply existing.
Biodiversity requires all beings on Earth to coexist in an even exchange that is necessary to
preserve the natural equilibrium of global sustainability. Moreover, the climate crisis alludes to
the general weather condition of one particular location or the planet as a whole over many years.
Due to the constant depletion of the resources on Earth, the planet is responding in extreme ways.
According to National Geographic, "Climate change may cause weather patterns to be less
predictable. Climate change has also been connected with other damaging weather events such as
more frequent and more intense hurricanes, floods, downpours, and winter storms" (Society,
2019). As a result, Earth is in a constant state of bewilderment. Unpredictable environmental
backlash is causing the balance in Biodiversity to become interrupted.
Human activities are mostly the reason for climate change. Greenhouse gases are released
into the Earth’s atmosphere when materials such as fossil fuels, natural gas, oil, and coal are
being burned by humans. These gases do not let the sun’s rays escape the atmosphere which
causes the Earth’s temperature to rise (Society, 2019). Human activity is generally recognized as
the norm, but this customary method of survival is bringing about a wave of misfortune for the
very element that is necessary to live. The Earth is dying in front of the human race, and they do
not even realize it.
As a whole, the true objective of this research paper is to analyze the issues related to
climate change and assess potential solutions and opportunities from an Organizational Behavior
perspective. Real leaders within an organization especially one that holds such a high prestige
like the UN, must come about to produce immediate solutions to navigate through problems the
21st century brings about.

Journey toward Change

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