PGU Macroeconomic Factors and Multiculturalism Walmart Paper

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Purdue Global University


For this Assignment, you may use a Fortune 500 Company that you have already researched. The focus here is on both domestic (American) and global operations. The Assignment incorporates how the firm functions in different parts of the world and what it can do to maximize its effectiveness as a global organization.

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Unit 6 [GB540: Economics for Global Decision Makers] Assignment: Fortune 500 Companies For this Assignment, you may use a Fortune 500 Company that you have already researched. The focus here is on both domestic (American) and global operations. The Assignment incorporates how the firm functions in different parts of the world and what it can do to maximize its effectiveness as a global organization. Course Outcomes practiced and assessed in this Assignment: GB540-4: Integrate concepts of regional, national, and global economic behavior with macroeconomic theory. PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. Directions Begin by reviewing the following websites as resources for your Assignment: Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). (2017). Economic indicators. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Commerce. (n.d.). Key economic indicators. Retrieved from U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Major economic indicators. Retrieved from Select 6–10 macroeconomic indicators that are of particular relevance to your firm and explain how they affect the performance of the company. You need to include the data of the key indicators in the form of tables and/or graphs. Outline strategies on how the firm should respond to the changes in the economic indicators with the goal of maximizing revenues in the years ahead. How have they done in the past? What is their current state? What kinds of plans and possibilities do they have for the future? Is there room for improving what they do? Should new ventures be added or old ones subtracted? Then, discuss the firm’s global operations, and their influences on the regional and national levels. You also need to assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in operating (managing) a company in a global environment. Unit 6 [GB540: Economics for Global Decision Makers] As you can see, the field is wide open for you to construct your paper in the most relevant way you see fit. Criteria As part of the Assignment, you will need to include the following: ● Your Assignment should have a coversheet with the following information: Title of the paper, Your Name, Course Number and Section Number, and Date ● It must be a minimum of five pages long (excluding the title page, references, etc.) ● Be sure to include the criteria located in the rubric below within your paper. ● It must be APA formatted with citations to your sources and your last page should list all references used. For assistance on APA format, visit the various writing resources, accessed under the Academic Tools area in the left navigation pane. ● You must use a variety of three objectives, high quality, and current sources. Peer reviewed articles, articles published in journals, textbooks, and library resources found in the Library are examples of high quality resources. ● Note that Wikipedia, Investopedia, etc. are not considered reliable resources for this research. Submit your Assignment to the Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox by the end of Unit 6. GB540 Unit 6 Assignment Content and Analysis Points Possible Selected a global fortune 500 company. 10 Selected and defined 6-10 macroeconomic indicators of particular relevance to the firm chosen supported with relevant data. 10 Discussion for each of the macroeconomic indicators includes an explanation of its relevance to the performance of the firm. 10 Discussed strategies of how the firm will respond to changes in the macroeconomic indicators to maximize revenue. 10 Provided an appropriate analysis of the firm’s global operations and integrating information at the regional and national levels. 10 Examined how well the firm has operated in the past. 10 Analyzed the firm’s current financial state and performance with relevant data in the form of tables and/or graphs. 10 Discussed plans and possibilities the firm has for the future. 10 Points Earned Unit 6 [GB540: Economics for Global Decision Makers] GB540 Unit 6 Assignment Presented an appropriate explanation and analysis of where there is a room for improvement. 10 Evaluated whether the firm should add new ventures. 10 Included an analysis of how well the firm’s strategies that have worked to date. 10 Assessed the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. 10 Writing, grammar, and includes at least three reliable references in APA formatting. In-text references are included in the contents. 10 Total 130 PC-4.1 Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. Not Assessed No work was received by the instructor. N/A No Progress 0 Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome. Introductory 1 Student work demonstrates the ability to identify multiculturalism and diversity issues. Emergent 2 Student work demonstrates the ability to identify multiculturalism and diversity issues, and articulate them in a global context. Practiced 3 Student work demonstrates the ability to identify, articulate, and explain a multiculturalism and diversity issue in a global context. Proficient 4 Student work demonstrates the ability to analyze the benefits of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context. Mastery 5 Student work demonstrates the ability to analyze the benefits and challenges of multiculturalism and diversity in a global context and recommend solutions.
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Explanation & Answer

Hello😉Here's the final copy of your assignment attached alongside its outline. In case you'll need any revision done, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll be happy to revise it for you. Thank s a bunch!Bye for now!

Running head: WALMART INC.


Impacts of Macroeconomic Factors and Multiculturalism on
Walmart’s Operations
Course Code:



Impacts of Macroeconomic Factors and Multiculturalism on
Walmart’s Operations
Walmart’s global and domestic operations are affected by various macroeconomic
factors like inflation, gross domestic product, and unemployment rates. The corporation is
relatively vast, contributing approximately 2.3% of the nation’s GDP and employing millions
of American citizens. Likewise, the corporation operates many outlets in countries like
Mexico, thereby increasing the dependence on foreign economies. Any changes in the
Economic conditions of the U.S or other nations utterly affect Walmart’s operations. For
instance, the 2018 GDP decline in the U.S affected the purchasing power of consumers,
which led to a significant loss of business.
Furthermore, Walmart’s operations are also influenced by multiculturalism due to
the changing demographic dynamics in the U.S population. Walmart’s apparent failure in
Germany also depicts how global operations can be hindered or driven by multiculturalism.
Therefore, the corporation has to streamline its processes to satisfy the needs of varying
ethnicities and culture, both domestically and globally. This paper evaluates Walmart’s
macroeconomic indicators, outlining how they affect functions and industry performance.
Further, it assesses the necessity of incorporating diversity and multiculturalism in global
Macroeconomic Indicators
Consumer Price Index

Recent Changes
➢ In the first half of
2019, average

Effects on Operations
➢ Price wars
➢ High inventory costs


consumer goods
prices increased by

➢ Devaluation of the
➢ Lower profit margins

➢ The surge was the
quickest pace
recorded in recent
➢ In June 2019, a...

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