Harbor UCLA Medical Center Glucose Checking in Adolescents Presentation

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Health Medical

Harbor UCLA Medical Center


I will upload an example of how the power point is expected to be its about 6 slides very simple. Need a worksheet or brochure made to present as well. Topic is glucose checking.

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How to make my teaching assignment AN EXAMPLE ASSIGNMENT BY P R O F E S S O R LO R E N Z O Topic Introduction ➢Today’s topic is how to pass this assignment with flying colors ➢This topic is important for patients, families, children that want to pass this class ➢Today I will focus on teaching this topic to (mom, dad, grandparent, peds patient, etc.) ➢Example. Today I will focus on administrating sublingual medications for the pediatric population. Who am I teaching ➢ I am teaching (insert Topic) to (insert patient population) ➢example: In my scenario, I will be teaching first time parents that are prescribed a sublingual medication after their stay here at Chla or All Saints or clinic. Why am I teaching this topic ➢ I feel that this topic is important to my audience because (they need it to care for their child at home, prevent infections, know ho to give meds or feed their child, keep their child clean, etc)… ➢Example. It is important to teach proper sublingual medication administration to parents because improper usage can lead to death or improper medication absorption (insert APA source) My Content ➢What specific information are you going to be handing to your audience? ➢Example: Sublingual medications are to be placed under the tongue ➢ They cannot be chewed ➢ They can be taken 5 minutes apart from eachother ➢ If sublingual medication is not working on chest pain, call 911 right away ➢ (insert APA source) How I will teach my topic ➢ Are you using a powerpoint? Puppet show? Brochure? Etc ➢Example. I will use handouts with specific instructions on sublingual medications ➢I will demonstrate to my audience on proper medication administration Evaluation ➢ How would you evaluate that your audience has properly understood the teaching? ➢Example. My audience would be able to demonstrate proper sublingual medication to me by performing the task before going home for discharge References Insert proper APA references here Allemale CUIMTUMLY HUUIS Paper-LUVIU-19 I docx Learning/Teaching plan: Originally the assignment is asking for you to teach patient/parents and reflect on the experience. However, I feel that this facility does not really lend itself to too many teaching opportunities, therefore, we will do a simple teaching presentation on blackboard collaborate. My emphasis is on keeping things simple with 5 minute presentations. You can choose any topic you like as long except breastfeeding. Frame your assignment as if you were teaching a parent, pediatric patient, or legal guardian regarding their child. You are free to use any medium you prefer to teach in (ppt, brochure, puppet show, etc..), but be mindful to keep it short, sweet, and straight to the point. When developing teaching please keep in mind the following tenets. I have attached my sample teaching plan. . • Who you are teaching o Your audience ex. first time parents, toddlers, mother, father, etc • What you are teaching o Focus on key points Why this patient needs teaching o ex. new onset medication? clarification of medication use? Safety education such as falls risk in the hospital? o "this patient needs this education because..." How are you presenting this teaching o verbal instructions? demonstration? visual aids? o why did you pick this medium? Evaluation o how would you evaluate that your patient understood what you taught? o i.e. Return demonstration? practice on their child? quiz?
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Glucose Checking
• Today’s topic is

glucose monitoring in
adolescents with

• I will be teaching adolescents who have been diagnosed

with diabetes how to self-check their blood glucose levels
when at home and in school.

Importance of Glucose Checking
• It is important to check blood glucose when diabetic

• it reduces chances of diabetes complication (Wagner et al., 2019)
• Allows to know whether medicat...

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