University of Missouri Kansas Entrepreneur About COVID 19 Interview

User Generated


Business Finance

University of Missouri Kansas City


Interview an entrepreneur surrounding the current crisis brought on by Covid-19.

You should ask questions that include the following:

  • Describe your business and how you get started?
  • How significantly has Covid-19 impacted your company?
  • What impact has it had on your employees (if any) and how did you communicate the changes?
  • What discussions have you had with your investors, lenders, suppliers, and/or landlord and how flexible have they been during this crisis?
  • Do you believe the Federal Stimulus Bill will help your company and if so, how?
  • Are there other things that you believe the federal, state or local governments can do to help your business?
    • A written summary of all the answers to your questions must be submitted as well as your conclusion/what you learned from the interview.
    • Please also provide the name of the person you interviewed and the company that they own and/or manage.
  • Please submit to Canvas a Word document. The expectation is that your submission a minimum of one page in length using 12 size font. Your submission should also be free of grammar and punctuation errors.
  • I highly recommend interviewing a personal connection such as a parent, family member or close friend if they are entrepreneurs. It is fine to re-interview the same person you interviewed for the first Experiential Learning exercise.

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Explanation & Answer



Running head: COVID-19 INTERVIEW

Student’s Name:
Institution’s Affiliation



This interview was between me and Bader Al-Nadabi, who is the co-founder and CEO of
Al-Sarh Group, which was started in 2015. The company specializes in the manufacture of tile and
porcelain manufacturing, steel manufacturing, milk, and dairy production, and other things. Its
main aim was to improve the economy of Oman.
Effect of C...

Really useful study material!


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