Northlake College Negative Impact of Fitbit and Users Privacy Synthesis Paper

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Northlake college


* Synthesis Paper *

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The requirement :

1. Build an argument , making an argument of agreement you need to generate three unique reasons in order to have something to add to the conversation.

2. Write your argument and THREE unique reasons clearly connected to evidence.

3. Strong topic sentences

4. They say / I say

5.Explain what makes your argument significant to college students

6. Explain what makes your contribution to the conversation unique.

7. 6-7 pages long

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Explanation & Answer


The Negative Impact of Fitbit
A. Introduction

Thesis: The use of Fitbits has a negative impact on people's privacy, freedom, and quality
of life if it provides misleading information.

B. Threat to Privacy

The significant effect of Fitbits is its threat to users' privacy.

He goes on to say that it was first introduced in BP America in 2013, but more companies
have embraced it.

Rowland asserts that Fitbit is a sophisticated technology that tracks almost all activities of
a person 24/7

Chisholm reveals that in schools, teachers are using Fitbits in physical education classes
to monitor the learners' exercise to identify those who are exercising more

The threat to privacy doesn't only affect students and employers but the general

C. Misleading Information

Fitbits can provide misleading information affecting a person's quality of life.

Also, if the Fitbit is malfunctioned with a corrupt PPG signal, the heart rate will be

Chisholm adds that Fitbits are not 100% accurate and give caution on its downside that
we haven't considered.

In addition to inaccuracy in measuring the heart rate, Fitbit can also be wrong in
measuring the physical activities of a person.

D. Loss of Liberty to Do What You Want

The other downside of Fitbit is it takes away our liberty to choose what to do.

O' Carroll discuss initiatives by employers to force the use of Fitbits whether they wish to
or not.

Besides employers, insurance companies are also imposing the use of Fitbits by force to
earn more premium.

E. Significance of my argument to College Students

I believe my argument that Fitbits have a downside to our lives is significant to college

It will inform of them of its negative side, and consequently, they can take measures to
protect themselves.

F. The Uniqueness of my Contribution to the Conversation

My contribution to the conversation on Fitbits is unique.

These are issues that have not been covered or considered with government to protect the

G. Conclusion

Thesis restatement: Fitbits have a detrimental impact on privacy, liberty, and accuracy of
your fitness.

Surname 1

The Negative Impact of Fitbit
Fitbit is a widely used technology for health promotion but has multiple shortcomings
that are ignored. Fitbit is an accelerometer for tracking the activities of a person, such as physical
distance travelled. It is worn in the form of a watch. It is viewed as a revolutionary technology
that helps in promoting fitness and health. Fitbit is used to motivate exercising and proper diet. It
has been linked to preventing lifestyle diseases among the vulnerable population and also helps
in dealing with obesity. This device has been embraced and is recommended by health officers
and the government. Also, employers are promoting the u...

Very useful material for studying!


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