no good deeds draft revise, management homework help

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The first attachment is our first draft and our professor give us the feedback in the end of the draft.

The second one is this weeks assignment which is last time i ask you to help me to write.

The third is an email which my teammate sent to me. 

Can you help me to revise and put them in one word file base on the feedback? 

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LOVE this cover page The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival Insights to Achieve Better Results TROY UNIVERSITY MSM 6632 – LEADERSHIP OF INNOVATION AND CHANGE MGT 6681 – ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND CHANGE Dr. Patricia Matuszek 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Submitted by: TEAM EPSILON – Alethia Clark, Heather Garrett, Jiajun Ji, Jan Whitehead The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival Insights to Achieve Better Results The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Table of Contents 1 Overview 2 External Analysis of the Art Festival Industry 2 Internal Analysis of the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival 4 Organizational Analysis using the McKinsey 7-S Model 4 Analysis of Organizational Pressures 5 Analysis of Organizational Functions 6 Cultural Web Analysis 8 Structural Dilemmas 10 Readiness for Change 12 Recommendations 13 Conclusion 13 References 14 OVERVIEW Epsilon Consulting, Inc. has completed an in-depth analysis of the current organizational structure and processes for the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival. We commend your dedication to the arts and the community. The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival has been a pillar in the community for over 20 years providing local artists a venue to display, sell, and advertise their work to expand their customer base. We are pleased to collaborate with your leadership team to provide an overall assessment of the art festival industry and the internal workings of the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS OF THE ART FESTIVAL INDUSTRY This section focuses on the festival industry as a whole to help us understand the opportunities and threats that exist for all art festivals. External Pressures Fashion/Trends Opportunities 1. Interest in artisanal products 2. Interest in unique local shopping Threats 1. Factory production 2. Globalized market Demographics: people, culture 1. New economic markets 2. Young adult interest 3. Increased ethnic diversity Geopolitics: interdependent global economy, climate change Mandate: legislation, regulation, social responsibility Competition 1. Interest from foreign vendors 2. Potential market through online sales 1. Recession 2. Group preferences in style and atmosphere 3. Differences in culture and value 1. Reduced quality and image control 2. Negative public perception 1. Noise ordinances 2. Mandated traffic plans 1. Increase popularity of large scale global events and festivals 2. Primary focus is revenue and little value to communities FASHION/TRENDS Opportunities: With mass production ever increasing, there is a growing interest in unique, artisanal products. Moreover, while many people take advantage of the internet to shop, there is a counter movement desiring local shopping experiences for rare and specialty items. Threats: Modern technology has replaced the honed skills of constructing products by hand. For example, manufactured mass production of art and crafts is replacing the art of block printing on fabric in India (Keller, 2016). Factory-produced items are often cheaper and more accessible. Technology has also made it easy for consumers to view and select crafts directly from an artist or store’s website lessening the desire for some to travel in search of unique products. Interest and art forms change artist and craft individuals must be will to change with them. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V 1. Opportunity to focus on diverse cultures 2. Social and ethical responsibility to community 1. Planning 2. Varied 2 DEMOGRAPHICS Opportunities: Arts & crafts festivals are an attraction to different age groups. Older adults with discretionary income enjoy shopping for niche styles. Young adults crave a new interactivity, value personal creation, and performance as part of the overall arts experience, and they appear to prefer these actives in informal settings (Landesum, 2009). With an increase in immigration comes a growth in ethnically diverse locals who can offer unique, hard-to-find artisanal crafts. Threats: The American economy is currently in a recession resulting in the significant loss of discretionary income for many Americans. Keeping attendance and revenues up has necessitated marketing to diverse age groups who are attracted to and interested in different things. Art Festivals must find a way to accommodate both groups in a setting that feels natural and not disjointed. The increase in ethnically diverse artists and attendees presents another challenge of balancing the cultural comfort and values of these different groups. GEOPOLITICS Opportunity: Expansion to include unique arts and crafts from countries outside United States brings experience of that country without cost of traveling to these countries. On the other side, festivals can become part of tourist industry, cultural tourism (Kuventsova, 2014). Maintain a healthy, long-term partnership with local government agencies, parks and recreation, police, and street-and-sanitation departments (Landesman, 2009). Threats: Festival becomes more of a buy and sell event versus an opportunity for artist to present, educate, and sell their products. A major threat is venders with manufactured goods.not geopolitical. Make the assumption that this festival is in a particular place (Arizona?) and work from there. For example, there are a number of Mexican immigrants in AZ. How would that impact the way you do business? The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V MANDATES 3 Strengths: Social and ethical responsibility such as being environmentally conscience: running festival with least impact on environment, going “green.” Established rapport with incomplete. Does not articulate the true opportunity Threats: Local regulations and laws maydelete – they either do or do not restrict or hinder activities associated with festival, such as alcohol consumption, hours of operation, noise ordinances and traffic flow or plans. Lack of support from public agencies threatens festivals ability to take place as these agencies provide services, licenses, and permits. Do not discuss what “might” be. Discuss only what is. COMPETITION Strengths: A comprehensive and complete strategic plan provides a review of competitors to keep ahead of industry trends.The fistical does not have a strategic plan Freedom to move around, not required to sit through whole program or session (artist demonstrations), conducive to families with younger children. Educational presentations and free or small fee ($5.00) for attendance. Visual arts and crafts festivals are the second most popular festival only surpassed by music festivals (Landesman, 2009). Threats: Failure to grow with culture, environment, and changing interest will result in declining attendance and revenue. Community is key player in success of festival failure to account for this by focusing will decrease revenue versus increase.incomplete and wrong. Complete the tables and formatting as done with external analysis INTERNAL ANALYSIS OF THE PARISH ARTS & CRAFTS FESTIVAL ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS The Mckinsey 7-S Model is the framework our team has used to generate the insights to achieve better results for future festivals. The 7-S model is a proven method useful for situations where an alignment perspective is needed. This approach covers seven key internal elements that are the primary drivers for organizational success: organizational strategy, structure, systems, shared values, style, staff, and skills (Recklies, 2014). These elements allow us to identify gaps and inconsistencies between the internal components of your organization and your shared goals and values. One strength of this model focuses on analyzing the interconnectedness of the areas that affect change in an organization for it to function effectively (Jurevicius, 2013). This model will satisfy your desire for a holistic approach to ensure that the credibility and reputation of your organization is sustainable for the future. The seven elements are broken into two categories as listed below: Hard Elements – Ability to control Strategy Structure Systems Strategy Structure Systems Shared Values Style Staff Current State The overall strategy of the organization is moving in the right direction. The community has evolved over the years to become more commercial with the recent demolition of several large communities, which cause a change in the community demographics. The organization has done an excellent job of recognizing the changing landscape, which supports the change in scope to include national talent. The operating structure consists of ten appointed positions, including anywhere from three to five permanent staff members. However, there is not a formalized organizational structure in place to ensure appropriate delegation of tasks.yes! Operating principles and guidelines, as well as rules of conduct and expected behavior are non-existent. Wrong. Personality conflict and authority conflicts between volunteers and staff have created a climate of mistrust and dissension. There is little to no support or demonstrated appreciation for volunteers. How does this describe shared values? The volunteers certainly don’t share this. What are the shared values? Work from there. Leadership displays of favoritism gives the appearance of unethical behavior and supports a laissez-faire management style. There is no accountability within the organization from the leadership or staff. Additionally, the board consists of new leaders without experience running a business. The staff heavily relies on volunteers to complete critical tasks. Critical tasks such as logistic coordination, planning, security, and public safety are the responsibility of a volunteer. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Elements Soft Elements – Less ability to control Shared Values Skills Style Staff 4 Skills There is not a formalized training plan for the supervisor and staff. Volunteers are not assessed for their current skills nor given training on deficit skills. This is a very good start on the 7-S. Needs some corrections and few more details, such as strengths and weaknesses that were identified from this analysis. ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL PRESSURES Internal Pressures Strengths Growth 1. Support 2. Plan Integration and Collaboration Identity 1. Flexible New Broom 1. Well known in the community 2. Community education programs 1. Innovative leadership ideas Power and Politics 1. Established organization of over 20 years Reputation: public perception of products and services, failures, governance problems 1. Social Media 2. History Weaknesses 1. Support 2. Volunteers committed to the festival 1. Limited coordination 2. Availability of volunteers 1. Change 1. Newly appointed leadership 2. Cultivation of longstanding artists 1. Awareness of changes within the community 2. Use of power 1. Control over internal processes GROWTH The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Strengths: 5 Community support and foresight to plan for future opportunities to grow. Do not write in incomplete sentences or phrases, because it is too difficult for your reader to stay with you. Provide more details. 2-3 sentences. Weaknesses: Loss of support of local artist and dedicated and committed volunteers. INTEGRATION/COORDINATION Strengths: Flexible to changing dynamics of festival and community. Ability to integrate volunteers into workforce, normally festival staff is no more than five individuals with two full time volunteers. Weaknesses: Limited coordination between board members, staff, and volunteers. Accessibility of board members to make decisions and volunteers who work outside immediate area. CORPORATE IDENTITY Strengths: Known for festival and education program. Defined and positive reputation for quality and dedication to the arts and local artist, demonstrated by educational programs and annual festival. Weaknesses: Expansion to move away from local artist. Loss of following. NEW GROWTH Strengths: See need for change by inviting nationally known artist. And YOU. They invited you which clearly indicates a willingness to change and grow. Weaknesses: Failure to see value in growing of local artist in festival. POWER AND POLICY Strengths: Established business with board members who are prominent members in surrounding community. Basic policy for operation. Weaknesses: Placement of unqualified individuals on staff. Defined policy for volunteers. REPUTATION Strengths: Positive social media with several popular media avenues. Quality of product evident by 20 years of success and ability to attract nationally known artist. Weaknesses: Control of volunteers and staff specifically attitudes of volunteers and staff members. Quality of work and response to errors left negative connotations and loss of employment of committed volunteer. ANALYSIS OF ORGANIZATIONAL FUNCTIONS Strength Management: planning, organizing, motivating, controlling, leadership, 1. 2. Knowledgeable supervisor Plan of action for sustaining the festival 1. 2. Direction Cultivation of volunteers Marketing: customer analysis, selling, product and service planning, pricing, distribution, 1. 2. History Social Media to include Website and Facebook 1. 2. Goals Cultivation of local artist Accounting/Finance 1. 2. Supplemental grant funding Revenue generating education programs 1. 2. Loss of local revenue Competition for grant funding Information Systems 1. Website 1. Detailed database Number of volunteers Staff Tenure of staff 1. 2. Knowledgeable staff Ability to reach beyond local community 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. Training program Rewards and recognition for staff and volunteers Job descriptions for staff Task assignments for volunteers 1. Human resources: recruiting, staffing, compensation 2. and benefits, safety and health, training and development Operations: processes, capacity, inventory, workforce, quality 1. 2. Weaknesses Quality control and oversight Continuity of business processes Ownership and accountability The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Functions 6 MANAGEMENT Strengths: Supervisor knowledge of all aspects of festival preparation, finances, market, and timelines gives central point of management and consistency. Established plan for revenue increase and basic running of festival. Weaknesses: Ability to make leadership decisions in quick and decisive manner is essential as time progresses towards the festival date. Putting on festival is a business that requires structure and organization. Structure starts at the top with leadership guiding the organization. Today’s festivals and events are increasingly varied and sophisticated than ever before (Tian, 2016). MARKETING Strengths: With 20 years of success, the festival is well known in local community and throughout the state. Excellent established interactive website along with attractive and informative brochures. Social media shows a dedicated following. Weaknesses: Establish goals to provide direction in reference to products, services, pricing and researching of festivals within vicinity to identify the market what makes their festival different. Recent years have seen deteriorated participation of local artist. ACCOUNTING/FINANCE Strengths: Limited revenue from local artists did not stop the festival committee instead; they researched available avenues for additional income lost. Submitting and getting approval for grants takes research and work to ensure receipt of requested funds. Branching out to art education programs also provides revenue and promotes festival. Weaknesses: The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V No research accomplished to identify reason for steady loss of local artist who were big venue at festival. Could affect active participation within local community. 7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Strengths: Tracking of hits on website. Weakness: Expand database to include track artists participation, attendees, investors, gallery, and small business. Documentation of surveys completed by artists, and vendors. HUMAN RESOURCES Strengths: Organization has acquired volunteers from all age groups and backgrounds. Staff tenure brings stability. Weaknesses: For any organization to function efficiently and prevent frustration members need to know what is expected, how to do it and when. Even a small staff requires a training program and continuity. Additionally with large dependency on volunteers, a training program is essential for all volunteers. Job descriptions help define positions for both staff and volunteers. Acknowledgement for a job well done is cost effective and significant to those acknowledged. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Yes to organizational pressures and functions 8 CULTURAL WEB ANALYSIS (ODHQ, n.d.) SYMBOLS The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival has an established logo well known through the community. The logo has been used on correspondence, brochures, shopping bags, and water bottles, as well as staff and volunteer shirts. To help distinguish staff and lead volunteers from general volunteers, staff and leads wear collared light blue shirts with dark shorts or pants while volunteers where light green t-shirts with shorts or pants. POWER STRUCTURES From the group of twelve board members, Elizabeth Martin, Roger Wilson, and Sharee Woods seem to have created a tacit executive committee making most of the major decisions with the staff supervisor. ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURES The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Volunteers have established their own informal structure seeking limited advice and approval from permanent staff members and the staff supervisor. Communication usually takes place through social media, twitter, Facebook. 9 CONTROL SYSTEMS The established control systems are limited. The executive director reviews and approves all spending after they have been finalized by the budget and finance committee. The committee provides the supervisor with a small discretionary budget for minor expenses. An outdated employee handbook is available for staff members; however, no handbook exists for volunteers. Staff members receive normal compensation with no additional bonuses or rewards. RITUALS AND ROUTINES Planning to bring in a new group of volunteers starts about six months from the festival start date. Staff meets every Monday morning to go over festival plans, grants, educational programs, and any items the supervisor needs to address. This is also an opportunity for staff members to present any issues or concerns. During this period, monthly reports are run to account for educational program attendance and vendor participation. Three months before the festival start date, members selected as lead volunteers start attending meetings on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month. Budget reports are completed biweekly and presented to the budget and finance committee. STORIES Volunteers have many examples of perceived ill-treatment, unprofessional conduct, and favoritism performed by staff and board members. Many staff members share stories displaying an annoyance and frustration with volunteers and other staff. All positive stories shared by staff and volunteer took place during the first ten years of the festival when, they believe, there was an energy and excitement about the event that translated into respect and appreciation for all those involved. CULTURAL PARADIGM The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V The cultural during the first ten years of the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival embodied appreciation for local arts, patrons, artists, volunteers, and staff. As the festival grew, the lack of organization and clarity became more apparent resulting in frustration and disconnect amongst those involved. The current culture is characterized by autonomy, disrespect, and frustration. 10 STRUCTURAL DILEMMAS Our team gave a questionnaire to all board members and permanent staff as well as several volunteers. Their responses were averaged together and recorded below. Please respond to each of the following statements about your organization. 1 represents very strong agreement with the statement on the left-hand side. 4 represent the view that the two aspects are well balanced. 7 represent very strong agreement with the statement on the right-hand side. Differentiation has not affected integration 1 2 3 Differentiation has affected integration 4 5 6 Key tasks go unallocated tasks 1 2 There’s too much overlap of 3 4 5 6 Staff are underused 1 2 2 3 4 5 The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V 11 2 6 3 4 5 3 6 2 7 Staff can’t work on their own enough 4 5 6 Controls are too loose 1 7 Roles are too narrowly defined Staff are left to work on their own too often 1 7 Staff are overloaded Roles are not clear enough 1 7 7 Controls are too tight 3 4 5 6 7 Changes may be needed where your organization has responded with a 1 or 2, or a 6 or 7. The responses of your board members and staff corroborate our analysis. DIFFERENTIATION VERSUS INTEGRATION As the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival has grown over the years, tasks were broken down into smaller components so they could be handled more efficiently by one person specializing in that task. This created the necessity for a new task involving integrating the parts back into a synthesized whole. Unfortunately, no positions were created or training given for the task of integration resulting in disorganized and ineffective specialized tasks that does not work cohesively. GAP VERSUS OVERLAP In addition, as the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival achieved tremendous growth, there were natural changes in the work to be done. However, without analysis of these changes, as well as changes regarding to whom the work should be assigned, gaps have occurred leaving key tasks undone. UNDERUSE VERSUS OVERLOAD Volunteer and permanent staff is expected to manage themselves and learn from each other. However, artist, vendor, patron, and volunteer feedback have revealed that staff are often unsure of what work they should perform, how to handle conflicts, how to act professionally, and how to collaborate. Permanent staff and volunteers are not given enough direct instruction on work they should be doing resulting in a severe underuse of their abilities and time. LACK OF CLARITY VERSUS LACK OF CREATIVITY There is no shortage of creativity at the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival. The staff and volunteers are excited to support the local arts and enjoy adding their own creativity whenever possible. However, the Arts Festival is currently experiencing a lack of clarity. Without clear guidelines and instructions, there are often multiple staff members ineffectively working on one task while other essential tasks remain undone. EXCESSIVE AUTONOMY VERSUS EXCESSIVE INTERDEPENDENCE Without guidelines and a clear hierarchy, many volunteers have expressed feeling isolated while working for the Arts Festival. Isolation and uncertainty about what to contribute and whether or not their contributions made a difference are some of the factors contributing to the high rate of volunteer turnover in the last several years. CONTROLS ARE TOO LOOSE VERSUS TOO TIGHT The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival currently does not have enough accountability, which directly stems from the lack of hierarchy. While multiple people might work on one task, there is not a hierarchy of accountability to ensure accuracy is checked multiple times with increasing detail. 12 The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V READINESS TO CHANGE 13 1. The change proposal has been financially justified as giving an adequate return on investment. no financial justification 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 full financial justification 2. The assumption on which the financial justification is based has been fully defined. assumption not defined 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 assumptions clearly defined 3. The costs of the proposed change have been realistically predicated--that is, all possible costs have been identified. cost not identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 all cost identified 4. The costs of disruption to the present system have been specifically identified. disruptive cost not identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 disruption cost identified 5. The leadership of proposed change has been identified. change leadership not identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 change leaders identified 6. The leadership of proposed change are willing participants. change leadership are not willing 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 change leaders are willing participants participants 7. A comprehensive implementation plan for the proposed change has been prepared. no comprehensive plan 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 comprehensive plan prepared 8. All of those who could comment on the plan have adequate time to study it. no adequate comment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 full comments available 9. Care has been taken to ensure that the risks inherent in the proposed change have been identified and assessed. risks not identified nor assessed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 risks identified and assessed 10. Outside comment from an impartial specialist has been invited to share wisdom of the proposed change. no external comment invited 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 comprehensive external comment invited 11. Consideration has been given to the new skills that will be required for effective implementation of the proposed change. no consideration of skills requirement 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 full consideration of skills requirement 12. All those who could inhibit or stop the changes have been identified. potential blockers not identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 potential blockers identified 13. A strategy has been revised for winning over all those who could inhibit or stop the proposed changes. no "winning over" strategy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 comprehensive "winning over" strategy identified 14. The proposed changes can be linked directly to the strategic plan of your organization. no clear links with strategic plans 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 clear links with strategic plans 15. Those responsible for the proposed change have studied the nature and outcomes of similar initiatives in other organizations. no other organizations visited or reviewed 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 several other organizational visited and reviewed 16. Although based on similar initiatives elsewhere, the need to tailor the proposed changes to your organization has been recognized. no allowances made for customization 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 realistic allowances made for customization 17. Clear success criteria and success measures have been identified. no success criteria or measures identified 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 comprehensive success criteria and measures identified 18. Procedures have been established to help your organization learn from experience of implementing change. no learning procedure in place 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 comprehensive learning procedures in place 19. Top management is deeply committed to the success of the proposed changes. no top management commitment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 full top management commitment 20. The leaders responsible for the proposed changes are able and willing to exercise decisive leadership. uncertain overall leadership 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 superior overall leadership Need to explain the readiness to change score. These are meaningless numbers to your client, so you have to do a significant amount of explanation in writing. RECOMMENDATIONS TRAINING PROGRAM A second-order change required is the establishment of a training program. Patron, artist, and volunteer experiences will improve if staff and volunteers are trained in conflict resolution and professional conduct. Permanent staff can receive outside training in these areas as well as training on how to train others to be leaders and how to train new volunteers. They can then use those skills to train repeat volunteers who can serve as team leaders for groups of new volunteers. The possibility of this title and additional responsibility will motivate some new volunteers to return consecutive years. EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK An essential second-order change is the creation of a Parish Arts & Crafts Festival Handbook which will explain appropriate conduct, organizational hierarchy, and benefits (rewards) of being a repeat volunteer. The dissemination of this document will ensure consistent information is given to every new volunteer resulting in increased professional behavior toward artists and patrons. REWARD SYSTEM In addition to the above changes, the creation of a volunteer reward system will be a second-order change that lowers volunteer turnover. A reward system will ensure that your volunteers know they are appreciated. When rewards are linked to performance, group goals become every volunteer’s focus. When goals are patron and artist enjoyment, the whole culture can change. A reward system that includes additional benefits for return volunteers will reduce turnover, and volunteers will have the skills and experience they need to ensure the festival runs smoothly and effectively. 1. A clear organizational hierarchy to help facilitate the conversation around organization structure. 2. Job descriptions for staff to eliminate gaps in task completion. 3. Role assignments for volunteers to enhance their value to the festival. This doesn’t match the recommendations above. Why? I don’t see the connection, and you have to help the reader make the connections. CONCLUSION The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival was built on a strong foundation twenty years ago bolstered by the strong support of your local community. Board members, staff, and volunteers share a love for and commitment to the arts. By remembering that strong beginning through shared stories and experiences, the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival can work together to make significant changes to ensure a long-term future just as strong as your beginning. By creating an organizational hierarchy, establishing training programs, and creating a policy handbook, all participants will gain confidence from clearly knowing what they are responsible for. Comradery will grow as people begin working together. Volunteers and staff will know they are appreciated through the rewards program. The energy, appreciation, optimism, and passion felt by your staff and volunteers will be evident to all vendors, patrons, and the community allowing the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival to become a trusted and anticipated community event. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V PRIMARY CHANGE RECOMMENDATIONS 14 15 The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V References Hamilton, C. (2014, Feb 26). Festivals dinged for policing costs: Policy mandates payment. Star - Phoenix. Retrieved from Jurevicius, O. (2013, December 20). Strategic management insight. Retrieved June 04, 2016, from Keller, S. (2016, May 12). How one company is redefining the future of ancient Indian craft. Retrieved from Kuznetsova, V. (2014). Environmental analysis case: Black and white theatre festival (Doctoral dissertation, Saimaa University of Applied Sciences). Retrieved from nce=1 MindTools. (n.d.) The McKinsey 7S framework: Ensuring that all parts of your organization work in harmony. Retrieved from National Endowment for the Arts. (2009). Live from your neighborhood: A national study of outdoor festivals, executive summary. (Research Rep. No. 51). Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from: ODHQ. (n.d.) OD tools: Cultural web. Retrieved from Recklies, D. (2014, October 28). The 7S model: Summary and application. Retrieved June 4, 2016, from MSM 6635 -- Written Work Grading Standards Student's Name:______________________________________ Abbreviated Title:____________________________________Date:________ (1) Responds fully to what the assignment asks; (2) Presents a manifest topic statement A-level work containing the issue to be analyzed and the position to be taken; (3) Exercises critical EXCELLENT thinking that is clear, logical (coherent & relevant), deep, broad, and discriminating; (4) Expresses its purpose clearly and persuasively; (5) Invokes and uses disciplinary facts The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Tian, Xiaohua, (2016). Discuss key factors affecting successes and sustainability at festivals and events University of Sheffield, Sheffield School of Management). Retrieved from: ility_ 16 correctly; (6) Provides adequate supporting arguments with reasons, evidence, and examples; (7) Is focused, well organized, and unified; (8) Uses direct language that is appropriate for the audience; (9) Invokes discerning sources when appropriate; (10) Correctly documents and cites sources; (11) Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format; and (12) Displays originality and creativity in realizing items (1) through (9) above. B-level work Realizes high quality in (1) through (11) fully and completely --- but does not reveal VERY originality or creativity. GOOD Realizes adequacy in (1) through (11) and demonstrates overall competence --- but contains a few relatively minor errors or flaws. A "C" paper may show great creativity C-level work and originality, but those qualities don't compensate for poor or careless writing. A "C" ADEQUATE paper is adequate in all regards but could use polish and usually looks and reads like a next-to-final draft. Fails to realize some elements of (1) through (11) adequately and contains several D-level work relatively serious errors or flaws or many minor ones. A "D" paper is less than adequate WEAK for public presentation and often looks and reads like a first or second draft. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V Fails to realize several elements of (1) through (11) adequately andcontains many serious F-level work errors or flaws as well as many minor ones. An "F" paper usually contains fatal errors of POOR thought or execution and usually looks and reads like private writing. 17 (1) Responds fully to the assignment EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (2) Presents a manifest topic statement identifying the issue and the position EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (3) Exercises good critical thinking EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (4) Expresses its purpose clearly and persuasively throughout EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (6) Provides adequate supporting arguments with reasons, evidence, and examples EXCELLENT GOOD EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR WEAK POOR (7) Is focused, well organized, and unified EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (8) Uses direct language that is appropriate for the audience EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (9) Invokes discerning sources when appropriate EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (10) Correctly documents and cites sources EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (11) Is free of errors in grammar, punctuation, word choice, spelling, and format EXCELLENT GOOD (12) Displays originality and creativity EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR EXCELLENT GOOD NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR Overall Evaluation NOT QUITE ADEQUATE WEAK POOR (, Retrieved Aug, 21, 2006.) ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Ways to improve: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Overall, this is an excellent beginning to your plan. Nicely done. Make the formatting parallel such that it is consistent throughout the case. Love the color. This is just enough and nicely done. Not too gaudy, not too bland. Complete all analyses as directed and include all tables. Watch the videos to help you find details where you can improve. Make all corrections and provide details to help the reader stay right with you. I would like to speak with someone from this group just to be sure that you understand. If you need some extra day, you may have until Wednesday of next week, 6.29.2016, to submit your case because of the late feedback. The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V (5) Invokes and uses disciplinary facts correctly 18 No Good Deeds Goes Unpunished: Answers of the Questions Student Name College/University Introduction In this case, Mark has suffered the most because he lost his job whereby, the manager of the drug store was still working in the same capacity of manager or the store has not been shut down due to the misdirected phone calls, neither the festival organization faced any problems in the organization of the upcoming event. Therefore, the biggest problem faced in this scenario was by Mark and apparently, it is not his mistake that the phone number of the drug store had been printed on the festival brochure. For this purpose, it is necessary to investigate that where the problem exists that Mark’s requests were unheard at all levels in the management of the festival organization. There are several problems in the management and administration of the festival which has caused the dropping down popularity of the festival among the local artists and it is not an overnight effect of some problems, rather it has been the result of the continuous mistakenly managed and mishandled management of the festival. From micromanagement of the internal issues such as the behaviour of the permanent staff to the external issues like incorrect phone number printing on the brochures which shows that the management is not serious about this festival and this inattentiveness can be clearly seen. (Palmer et al 2009) Plan for Change There are different problems which may be resolved by using different strategies but all of the strategies will be based upon a change and every change is responded with resistance at all levels of the management and other workforce whether full time or voluntarily associated with the Arts Festival. The first step in introducing change is to find the appropriate person or the change agent. The change agent is the most important person in introduction of the change. For this scenario of Art Festival, one of the five permanent directors should be picked up who has strong interpersonal skills to influence the whole workforce of the Arts Festival including the permanent and volunteers. Arts Festival appears to be an upside down story of management in which a voluntarily working employee has suffered where he was blamed of an action which he did not do. I learned from this story that the mutual understanding of the managers and the employees is a compulsory thing and it becomes more significant when the organization is approaching an event for which it is established and the personal egos, grudges and professional jealousies must not under the work. (Christensen & Carlile, 2009) Moreover, the good and bad “deeds” are committed by the human beings and the fault must be accepted or confessed by the one who has done it or at least a person who is the part of the organization, when found in problem, he should have been given an emotional support to walk with him for the solution of his problem as in this scenario, the problem could have been resolved by asking the printing press that who asked them to print the 800 number of the drug store instead of the Arts Festival and they would have a proper record of the request received by them. This organization must be changed by reassessing the management and directors which are responsible for certain tasks in the organization. The change which is required here is to divide the responsibilities for the work in two steps; firstly, the mutual division and sharing of the work among the permanent staff of the organization, secondly, for the volunteers, so that they know that when and what do they have to do when they take the time off from their full time job. This will help them to work with full concentration and without any chances of mistakes. In this situation, the image of the change management that is going to be used is navigator image through which the process of change will be implemented on the on to the system to receive certain benefits from the people who are the part of the organization. In this situation the management style of the organization needs to be reassessed to find out the most appropriate method of managing the internal and external matters of the organization. This image will basically address the three question, what, why and how at every step and at the beginning of every task. For instance, the managers and directors must be given a training session for professional attire, attitude and language that are to be used in the organization while dealing with the other employees regardless of their permanent or volunteered status. This image will be helpful in implementing this change. Before implementing and introducing the change, it is necessary to analyse the environment of the Arts Festival Organization to see the eagerness for the change in reality because mostly it is seen that people in the organization are keen towards the change but they only want to change the system or the faces but they do not want to change themselves which results in no change actually. The Kotter’s eight step plan is used as a model to introduce and implement the change which is considered step by step as follows: 1. It is necessary to find out the level of demand of the change in the organization and if there is not eagerness for change but the problems exist, then it means that the change agent has to spread the awareness for the significance and necessity of change in this organization by allowing them to foresee the upcoming situations in the internal and external environment of Arts Festival such as the artists are going to join the organization from the national level which is a matter of prestige and at the same time a matter of dignity of the local organization to organize such a big event, therefore, the employees must be briefed about the changes that are going to happen. This step will be done in the first week of the change. 2. It is necessary to create a block of people who openly support the change that is going to be introduced because the support for the change is advocated for the positive impacts that are expected after the change has been implemented. Therefore, in the second week of the change management, the directors and managers must be informed about the change and the aftereffects of the change. 3. In the third week, the change would be communicated to all the stakeholders in the Arts Festival so for this purpose, all the pre- and post-circumstances of the change are well-briefed and informed to all the primary and secondary stakeholders. 4. Time is short in the organizing of the event and according to the timeline and the time left in the event to be organized, the employees must be briefed in detail about the threats and opportunities which they will face in the near future and if they are not ready to accept and adopt the change, they will not only lose the chance of availing the opportunities but as well as, they may face challenges in their survival within the organization due to the threats. As for example, in the fourth week in this case, if the management and other employees continue to exhibit rude and an uneasy behaviour with the artists of the national level, it will not only effect their job but also there is a chance of defame of the whole community at the national level and from the next year, no one would donate time or money for the Arts Festival. 5. Once the management of the Arts Festival has shown commitment towards the change and its perceived good, then removing the obstacles in the way of execution and implementation of the planned change is an easy task. In this situation for the fifth week, all the scheduling for the volunteers who want to work with the Arts Festival in the event time are finalized so that they could inform their employers about their availability to plan the work schedules at work and at the event as well. 6. In this change management, the management and all other stakeholders are expecting the outcome of the change for which they have worked hard so it is necessary that the change agent makes and plans the short term goals to keep the stakeholders motivated towards the implementation of the change for a long-term plan. These short term achievements would start resulting in the sixth week of the planned change. 7. In the depth of the change, this is the time when the change has started to shape itself in the Arts Festival such as the managers and the directors have seen the artists of the national level have started contacting the organization which motivates and allows the staff to feel highly motivated and inspired which results in more energetic performance from the staff. This will be recorded in the seventh week of the planned change. This is done via setting goals for the employees as individual goals and the overall objectives for the organizational goals to achieve the successful organization of the event which is going to be of the national level this time. 8. Change is always recorded as to be most effective when it is done in the manner of the trickledown effect and mostly it is seen that the higher management thinks that the change is planned and implemented for the first line employees and they consider themselves unaffected and unrelated from this change. As long as the change will stay at the higher levels of management, it will be kept alive and active for the whole Art Festival Organization in such a manner that the employees will show good attitude towards the other volunteers, artists and all the stakeholders of this organization. All the required tasks will be carried out with complete attentiveness and care which will avoid the situations like Mark faced where he did not mistake to get the 800 number of the drug store to be printed on the brochures but still, he was blamed for that and he lost his job. (Christensen, Carlile, 2009) Conclusion In a nutshell, the Arts Festival Organization has transitioned from a mismanaged working style to an adopted change which is well-managed and well-planned. After the implementation of this change, the Arts Festival is in a position to organize and manage the event of the national level. The festival attracted several artists from other cities and eventually, the successful organizing of the event has revived the prestige of the event. References Palmer, Ian. Dunford, Richard., Buchanan, A David (2009). Managing Organizational Change, (Third Edition) McGrawHill. Christensen, C. M., and Carlile, P. R. (2009). Course research: Using the case method to build and teach management theory. Academy of Management Learning and Education 8(2):240–51. Explains how to use stories and case studies in management teaching, to develop, test, and improve theory. Here are some of my ideas for implementation phase. Kotters 8-Steps Step 1 – Art and craft festivals are only slightly below music festivals in popularity. Art festivals are on the rise creating heavy competition in ability to acquiring artist. Artist are not dependent on one or two art festivals to present their work, there are many avenues available display their unique works of art. This is an opportunity to make Parish Arts and Crafts Festival an organization artist are fighting for an opportunity to be a part of your annual festival. Continued method of response with national artists will defame the whole community at the national level creating loss of donate time and money for future Arts Festival. Step 2 – It is necessary to create a block of people who openly support the change, advocating for positive impacts expected after the change implementation. To lead change three members for board of directors, staff supervisor, three staff members, five volunteers, and five artists are identified. Members selected based on varied backgrounds, commitment to festival success, agreement changes are necessary, and ability to dedicate the time to effectively guide organization through changes process. This team is empowered to affect change. With the next festival in May only ten months away, the first meeting is 5 Aug 2016. Step 3 – Vision Bring arts and crafts to public through educational programs and interaction with artist, bring it all together with annual festival. Internal vision organization conducive to empower staff and volunteers working in coordination with board members: make decisions, take ownership – participate in decision making, support experimenting and developing skills, allow for mistakes. Members may become constrained and alienated by overorganizing’s excessive structure and coordination (Chen, 2009). Established by implementing following strategies: Make this into a table 1. Adjust organizational hierarchy to include select volunteers as part of staff directly involved in decision making process – 15 Aug 16 2. Review concerns identified in communication with organization members and prioritize based on severity, limitations, and feasibility – 22 Aug 16 3. Canvas volunteers and board members with sound leadership skills and teaching abilities. 15 Aug 16 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. Send to formal training seminar on running non-profit organization. 1. Leadership – attend Nonprofit Leadership Development Program 2. Management and Supervision – attend Accomplishing More with Volunteer Talent and Building a High Performing Team (350 membership 1 day seminar 135, 3. Two individuals to customer service training. 2. Provide training for staff and lead volunteers on leadership, management, and lessons learned from seminars. 31 Aug 16 Volunteer coordinator and formalize recruitment policies, establish team volunteer coordinators. Make volunteers true part of Parish Arts and Crafts. 1. Identify departmental needs to determine better match volunteers – 31 Aug 16 2. Provide departmental heads with management tools, including “how-to” handbook and training sessions (Chen, 2009). 30 Sep 16 3. Tailor roles to tap individual’s talent and interest. Offer opportunities for volunteers members to explore and train for areas of responsibilities even if not qualified. – 15 Sep 16 Encourage members to ask and accept help – strengthening resilience against burnout Departments swap best practices and document Enhance information technology - make this into a table 1. Establish web site and database to collect prospective members’ information for organization-wide use, questionnaire about experiences, talents, and interests (Chen, 2009). 15 Sep 16 2. Make database available to department heads to match volunteer with positon desired. 20 Sep 16 3. Establish ability for artist to complete and submit application for festival participation on-line. 1 Oct 16 Step 4 – Guide team selected, trained, and providing new role model for expected behavior will communicate vision and strategy for change through communication channels and by example. Make this into a table 1. Conduct separate meetings with board members, staff, and lead volunteers to explain vision and strategy. Make aware this is progressive process and will be completed in stages. It is not wipe the slate clean and start from scratch but modifications of current policies, procedures, and authority.1 Aug 16 2. Bring groups together after time allotted to absorb changes and strategy. Encourage feedback. Communicate this is group effort not an individual agenda. Feedback affects of contributions sense of meaningfulness and accomplishments can heighten motivations to contribute (Chin 2009). 15 Aug 16 3. Make organization aware that change in one area my impact another, change requires flexibility, openness, and cooperation. Communication between departments is welcome and encouraged as we progress and continue after changes are completed. 4. Update internal website as progress through changes (at least bi-weekly) – providing avenue within website that also allows anonymity for constructive feedback. Make internal website available to not only staff but also lead volunteers. Step 5 – Empower staff and volunteers to take risk, allow for mistakes as experiment with new ways of doing business. Remove requirement for every all financial, advertisement, ability place individuals from head board member. Simple matter of changing phone number on brochure, reprinting, and circulating does not require board member approval. Move this to staff supervisor level, preventing negative impact as in this case on one of most involved volunteers. Encourage think outside the box this is a creative environment and creativity is what this organization stands for. Give ownership to departments, allow decisions at lowest level, preventing delay of decisions for availability of board members. Step 6 – Create social event to launch and demonstrate new website with interactive event capabilities for staff, volunteers, and artist. Make celebration of one step closer to making Parish Arts and Crafts better organization for years to come. Present award certificate to members directly involved with creation and vision of website and database. Post accolades recently received from volunteers and artist on the helpfulness of staff, willing to go extra mile. Step 7 – With anticipated increase of Parish Arts and Crafts size and new vision a new organizational structure modeled after most non-profit organizations is in order. This spreads the responsibilities across several departments and defines lines of authority and responsibility. Bring volunteers into the fold of organization without whom Parish Arts and Crafts would not exist. Executive Summary Parish Arts and Crafts is establish non-profit organization created to promote local artist growing to include education on the arts. Expanding its reach to beyond the local community with annual festival, opening the door for local artist to exhibit and sell their work. 20 years of successful festival attest to Parish’s ability to come together making it invisible to the public actions required to bring them a fun filled and interactive festival. Changes in demographics, recent fluctuation of economy, demands on staff, and cultural change within the organization identified a need to reevaluate operation of Paris Arts and Crafts. Questionnaires, interviews, observations, and review of current manuals identified a shift in perceived power, feelings of over organizing and under organizing, and limited guidance in several areas. Taking all factors and feelings into account this document breaks down areas creating disruption or actions that could be detrimental to continued success of Parish and establishes a plan of implementation to turn Parish around through change. This is not an easy task and will take dedication as we guide you through these changes. Recent completion of festival and ten months until next festival provides time to progress through stages of change process, evaluate changes, revise, and document for future festivals. To complete evaluation process and help ingrain changes after action review of upcoming festival will confirm changes or identify requirement for modification.
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Here are some of my ideas for implementation phase.
Kotters 8-Steps
Step 1 – Art and craft festivals are only slightly below music festivals in
Art festivals are on the rise creating heavy competition in ability to acquiring
Artist are not dependent on one or two art festivals to present their work, there are
many avenues available display their unique works of art. This is an opportunity
make Parish Arts and Crafts Festival an organization artist are fighting for an
opportunity to be a part of your annual festival. Continued method of response
National artists will defame the whole community at the national level creating
Of donate time and money for future Arts Festival.
Step 2 – It is necessary to create a block of people who openly support the change,
advocating for positive impacts expected after the change implementation. To lead
change three members for board of directors, staff supervisor, three staff members,
five volunteers, and five artists are identified. Members selected based on varied
backgrounds, commitment to festival success, agreement changes are necessary, and
ability to dedicate the time to effectively guide organization through changes process.
This team is empowered to affect change. With the next festival in May only ten
months away, the first meeting is 5 Aug 2016.
Step 3 – Vision Bring arts and crafts to public through educational programs and
interaction with artist, bring it all together with annual festival. Internal vision
organization conducive to empower staff and volunteers working in coordination with
board members: make decisions, take ownership – participate in decision making,
support experimenting and developing skills, allow for mistakes. Members may
become constrained and alienated by over organizing’s excessive structure and
coordination (Chen, 2009). Established by implementing following strategies:





Adjust organizational hierarchy to
include select volunteers as part of
staff directly involved in decision
making process
Review concerns identified in
communication with organization
members and prioritize based on
severity, limitations, and feasibility
Canvas volunteers and board members
with sound leadership skills and
teaching abilities.

Sub activities

1. Send to formal training seminar on running
non-profit organization.


Volunteer coordinator and formalize
recruitment policies, establish team
volunteer coordinators. Make
volunteers true part of Parish Arts and

Leadership – attend Nonprofit Leadership
Development Program
Management and Supervision – attend
Accomplishing More with Volunteer
Talent and Building a High Performing
Team (350 membership 1 day seminar
Two individuals to customer service

2 Provide training for staff and lead volunteers on
leadership, management, and lessons learned
from seminars. 31 Aug 16
1.Identify departmental needs to determine better
match volunteers – 31 Aug 16
2. Provide departmental heads with management
tools, including “how-to” handbook and training
sessions (Chen, 2009). 30 Sep 16
Tailor roles to tap individual’s talent and interest.
Offer opportunities for volunteers members to
explore and train for areas of responsibilities even
if not qualified



Encourage members to ask and accept
help – strengthening resilience against
Departments swap best practices and




1. Establish web site and database to collect prospective
members’ information for organization-wide use,
questionnaire about experiences, talents, and interests
(Chen, 2009). 15 Sep 16.
2. Make database available to department heads to match
volunteer with positon desired. 20 Sep 16
3. Establish ability for artists to complete and submit
application for festival participation online.

Step 4 – Guide team selected, trained, and providing new role model for expected
behavior will communicate vision and strategy for change through communication
channels and by example.
Make this into a table





Conduct separate meetings with board members, staff, and lead volunteers to explain
vision and strategy. Make aware this is progressive process and will be completed in
stages. It is not wipe the slate clean and start from scratch but modifications of current
policies, procedures, and authority
Bring groups together after time allotted to absorb changes and strategy. Encourage
feedback. Communicate this is group effort not an individual agenda. Feedback effects of
contributions sense of meaningfulness and accomplishments can heighten motivations to
contribute (Chin 2009)
Make organization aware that change in one area my impact another, change requires
flexibility, openness, and cooperation. Communication between departments is welcome
and encouraged as we progress and continue after changes are completed.

Update internal website as progress through changes (at least bi-weekly) – providing
avenue within website that also allows anonymity for constructive feedback. Make
internal website available to not only staff but also lead volunteers.


Step 5 – Empower staff and volunteers to take risk, allow for mistakes as experiment
with new ways of doing business. Remove requirement for every all financial,
advertisement, ability place individuals from head board member. Simple matter of
changing phone number on brochure, reprinting, and circulating does not require
board member approval. Move this to staff supervisor level, preventing negative
impact as in this case on one of most involved volunteers. Encourage think outside the
box this is a creative environment and creativity is what this organization stands for.
Give ownership to departments, allow decisions at lowest level, preventing delay of
decisions for availability of board members.

Step 6 – Create social event to launch and demonstrate new website with interactive
event capabilities for staff, volunteers, and artist. Make celebration of one step closer
to making Parish Arts and Crafts better organization for years to come. Present award
certificate to members directly involved with creation and vision of website and
database. Post accolades recently received from volunteers and artist on the
helpfulness of staff, willing to go extra mile.

Step 7 – With anticipated increase of Parish Arts and Crafts size and new vision a new
organizational structure modeled after most non-profit organizations is in order.
This spreads the responsibilities across several departments and defines lines of
authority and responsibility. Bring volunteers into the fold of organization without
whom Parish Arts and Crafts would not exist.
Executive Summary
Parish Arts and Crafts is establish non-profit organization created to promote
local artist growing to include education on the arts. Expanding its reach to beyond
the local community with annual festival, opening the door for local artist to exhibit
and sell their work. 20 years of successful festival attest to Parish’s ability to come
together making it invisible to the public actions required to bring them a fun filled
and interactive festival. Changes in demographics, recent fluctuation of economy,
demands on staff, and cultural change within the organization identified a need to
reevaluate operation of Paris Arts and Crafts.
Questionnaires, interviews, observations, and review of current manuals
identified a shift in perceived power, feelings of over organizing and under organizing,
and limited guidance in several areas. Taking all factors and feelings into account this
document breaks down areas creating disruption or actions that could be detrimental
to continued success of Parish and establishes a plan of implementation to turn Parish
around through change. This is not an easy task and will take dedication as we guide
you through these changes.


Recent completion of festival and ten months until next festival provides time
to progress through stages of change process, evaluate changes, revise, and document
for future festivals. To complete evaluation process and help ingrain changes after
action review of upcoming festival will confirm changes or identify requirement for

LOVE this cover page

The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival
Insights to Achieve Better Results


Dr. Patricia Matuszek

Submitted by: TEAM EPSILON – Alethia Clark, Heather Garrett, Jiajun Ji, Jan Whitehead

The Parish Arts & Crafts Festival
Insights to Achieve Better Results

The Community Art Festival | 2016 – SUMMER TERM V

Table of Contents




External Analysis of the Art Festival Industry


Internal Analysis of the Parish Arts & Crafts Festival


Organizational Analysis using the McKinsey 7-S Model


Analysis of Organizational Pressures


Analysis of Organizational Functions


Cultural Web Analysis


Structural Dilemmas


Readiness for Change



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