The value of the MPC, tax cuts, and fiscal multiplier, economics homework help

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AD1 is the initial aggregate demand curve and AS is the aggregate supply curve for an economy. Then the government pursues an expansionary fiscal policy action. AD2 shows the initial increase in aggregate demand and AD3 shows the final increase in spending after the fiscal policy action has worked its way through the economy (by means of the multiplier process).
Assume that the government increases spending to stimulate the economy. How large is the initial spending increase?
(ex: if your answer is $20 billion, then enter: 20)

Using figure 1, suppose that, instead of increasing spending, the government decides to stimulate the economy by cutting taxes. To achieve the same effect as a spending increase, how large must the tax cut be?

Using figure 1, what is the value of the marginal propensity to consume (MPC) in this economy? 

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PRICE 130 125 AS 120 115 110 105 100 95 90 AD2 AD3 AD1 85 80 400 405 410 415 420 425 430 435 440 445 450 REAL GDP (Billions)
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Explanation & Answer

Explained Ad1 to Ad2Ad2 to Ad3: From the graph we see another growth in 20 billion $ from another increase in G and the Ad3 line=Ad1 line +25 billion $
For question 1Now that i am reading it carefully it says the initial spending, wich means the first curve move frm Ad1 to Ad2 and is equal to 5 billion $.
Question 2If we want to move from curve Ad1 to Ad2 we have:Gdp=Y=C(autonom consume)+MPC×Yd(Y+TR-TA)+I+G+NXNew Gdp=GDP1=AD1=Y1=C(a...

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