Discussion on a ted talk

User Generated


Business Finance

Los Angeles Community College District


The responses to the discussion questions should be about three paragraphs (400+ words) in total.

  • Allow about 14 minutes to listen to the video below.
  • You will provide a minimum of a total of three responses.
  • Your first response will be answering the questions below which are based upon what you learned from the case study.


  1. According to Ms. Rogers, "relevance" why has always been a challenge for advertising?"
  2. According to Ms. Rogers, why do we see so many ads that are personally irrelevant to us as consumers?
  3. What does she recommend as a solution ( to # 2 above)? Do you agree? Disagree?
  4. What do you think about hiring creatives and quants in advertising?
  5. What amazed you about this Talk?
  6. Insert your topic here.

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Explanation & Answer

Here you go! Let me know if you have questions or clarifications :)

The talk begins with Ms. Rogers asking the audience to picture a world where the only
advertisements they see are the ones about items or services that they would actually consider
buying. She pictures an ideal world where advertisements are tailored based on what you
share online and the sites you visit. She believes that the future of advertising relies on
relevance, and this is something that the industry isn’t prioritizing as much as it should. She
reveals that “relevance” has always been a challenge for advertising...

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