Cumberland University Hyperledger Design Discussion

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Computer Science

Cumberland University

Question Description

I’m working on a Computer Science question and need guidance to help me study.

In  chapter 2, the author describes Hyperledger Fabric and its components.  Create a new thread, choose one of the Hyperledger design principles  described in chapter 2, and explain why your chosen design principle is  important to a successfully enterprise blockchain implementation. I’m  interested to read what YOU learned from this week’s reading. Do NOT  submit a research paper. Tell me what you think. 

Then  think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these  to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material  you read in Chapter 1 or 2. You’re not trying to test each other, but  you are trying to start a discussion. 

Finally, go to three other students’ threads and post comments, answering at least one of their questions. 

You must do the following:

1) Create a new thread. As indicated above, choose  one of the Hyperledger design principles described in chapter 2, and  explain why your chosen design principle is important to a successfully  enterprise blockchain implementation. Then  think of three questions you’d like to ask other students and add these  to the end of your thread. The questions should be taken from material  you read in Chapter 1 or 2. You’re not trying to test each other, but  you are trying to start a discussion.

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BLCN 532 Blockchain development Chapter 2 Professor Michael Solomon Chapter 2 • Exploring Hyperledger Fabric • Frameworks, tools, and building blocks • Component design • Sample transaction lifecycle • Governance in business networks The Linux Foundation Fundamentals of the Hyperledger Project • Open source technology development Hyperledger • Open source project • Purpose is to advance crossindustry blockchain Lower cost of software consumption Open Source / Open Standards Innovation and extensibility Sustainable development and innovation stream Security and reliability Speeds up development and market adoption Hyperledger Frameworks Iroha – mobile development projects Sawtooth – focus is versatility, includes a new consensus algorithm (Proof of Elapsed Time) Burrow – meets the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) specification Fabric – general blockchain foundation Indy – support for independent identites Frameworks and Tools Explorer – view blockchain data Cello – implements a blockchain service Hyperledger Tools Composer – collaboration tools for blockchain development Quilt – integration protocol Caliper – blockchain benchmark tool Blockchain building blocks Hyperledger Fabric Components Principles of Hyperledger Design MODULAR AND EXTENSIBLE APPROACH INTEROPERABILITY TOKEN AGNOSTIC APPROACH FOCUS ON SECURE SOLUTIONS FOCUS ON RICH AND EASY-TO-USE APIS Hyperledger Fabric Reference Architecture Hyperledger Fabric Runtime Architecture Separates development design from runtime Advantages of componentbased design Discerning between design imperatives and deployment capabilities Incorporates network design principles Addresses channel design principles Adopts Hyperledger Fabric composer model-driven development Journey of a Sample Transaction Hyperledger Fabric Actors Developer Interaction Body that establishes rules Blockchain governance is distributed Governance • Degree of distribution depends on cooperation between nodes Aspects of blockchain governance • IT governance (risk) • Network governance • Business network governance Summary • Hyperledger Fabric – modular blockchain • Understanding the modular approach and main components is important • Transaction flow • Endorsement • Ordering • Validation • Governance is necessary to maintain blockchain network operation BLCN 532 Blockchain development Chapter 1 Professor Michael Solomon Chapter 1 • Blockchain – Enterprise and Industry Perspective • Definition • Building solutions • Blockchain applications • Enterprise design principles • Business considerations Immutable ledger for recording transactions • Distributed network • Untrusting peers What is a blockchain? Public blockchain (permissionless) • Anyone can access without first getting permission Private blockchain (permissioned) • Owner permission required before access Public blockchain • Consensus protocol • Proof of Work (PoW) is popular Blockchain basics Private blockchain • Access restricted based on identity Smart contract • Mandatory execution of programmable logic Comparing blockchain to centralized Core building blocks • • • • Shared ledger Cryptography Smart contracts Trust system Fundamentals of secure transactions Blockchain use cases Good fit for blockchain • Applications that: • adhere to trade, truest, and ownership • fundamentally transactional in nature • Business networks that are comprised of nonmonopolistic participants Enterprise considerations Trade • Ability to verifiably transfer item of value Ownership Transaction requirements • Assurance of any asset’s owner • At a point in time Trust • Agreement that transactions are valid • Persistent integrity Trust system • Consensus • Mining • Public ledger Blockchain technology Private communication on open network • Cryptography and encryption Non-repudiation • Identity and transparency Blockchain Business Drivers Consensus models Control and governance Digital asset generation Authority for issuance Security considerations Blockchain Design Principles Business blueprint • How well does the solution map to, and support, business activities? Principles for adoption Technology blueprint • Does the technology provide the utility required to run the business? Enterprise integration • Does the proposed solution integrate with legacy and external systems? Summary • Adopting blockchain technology requires balance • Legacy processes must not be disrupted • May encounter additional regulatory obstacles • Disruption can be good, but not always comfortable
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Hyperledger design has several principles, and among them is interoperability.
Interoperability is the ability of various information systems access to applications and devices;
handling of data in integration is in a coordinated manner across an organization. Despite the
systems being developed by different manufacturers from different industries, they are readily
connectable and able to communicate with one another.

I have chosen interoperability because it is a core prin...

Qeiny (48418)
UT Austin

This is great! Exactly what I wanted.


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