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ARSD India


The project is detailed in the picture. The topic is about Glyphosate which is what the powerpoint is about.

Follow the instructions on the picture. The environmental topic I was assigned was Glyphosate. Please ask me any questions.

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Id=-45380782_1&mode=reset nail YouTube MyWCC Lehman College Dictionary.com Blackboard Environmental Data Assignment Instructions Early in the semester you will be given an environmental topic to research. Each student must assemble tabular and graphical data on this topic and submit an interpretation through a narrated Powerpoint presentation ONLINE. You should analyze your topic from an environmental health perspective. For example, if your topic is soil pollution, you will want to introduce the topic by explaining what soil pollution is, what causes it and why it's an issue. There are many environmental concerns for soil pollution such as destruction of flora and fauna to the detriment of ecosystems. However, that is an environmental science perspective. A true environmental health perspective is distinguished by the fact that we focus on the health implications to the human population! So you will discuss specific health issues that may affect humans, if we were exposed to soil pollution. The format of the presentation should be 5 tables, figures and graphs (which may include maps) with a written paragraph (in the notes section under each slide) with citations to describing the findings. Grading will be based on format, quality of graphs and data representation, organization and effectiveness of presentation. y affect s. if we The assignment must include ten slides in the following order: . O • Title Slide (include name, course information, date) Purpose/Objectives slide Table of Contents slide • The 5 Tables, Figures, Illustrations etc Summary Slide Professional style reference (APA format) list The presentation must proceed from general to specific and should include temporal and spatial variables. For example let's say your topic was "Environmental Asthma". Here are 5 appropriate tables/figures: • Table of Environmental Asthma triggers Map of Asthma rates for entire US Graph/map or table of Asthma rates in NYC by borough Graph or table of Asthma rates in NYC by year (1990-2003) Graph or table of Asthma rates in NYC by who is affected (gender, ethnicity, age) O O . MAY W 1 4 P MacBook Pro
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