PHHE 351 Prescott College Drinking Water Case Study Paper

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Health Medical

Phhe 351

Prescott College


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Group Project Rubric PHHE 351: Introduction to Environmental Health Excellent Good Below Average Introduction (3 pages) (5 points) • Introduce the health issue regarding: definition, causes, consequences, distribution, trends, and subgroups at higher risk • Thorough literature review with at least 3 cited sources per student • All required elements are addressed • Literature review is decent, but not thorough • Not all required elements are addressed • Incomplete literature review Methods (3 pages) (8 points) • • • The main program description specifies the program elements The target group is well defined and justified Program strategies or activities are tailored to the specific needs of the target group • • • Main program description stated and discussed Program strategies or activities are appropriate for the needs of the target group All required elements are addressed, but with minor issues or errors • Required elements are largely missing • Required elements are largely missing • Required elements are largely missing Results (2 pages) (6 points) • Rational for objectives and goals • Predicted impact of program discussed with rational • Outcome objectives are well justified based on the literature in the field (e.g., the amount of changes shown in previous evaluation studies). • • Weak rationales for objectives Minor errors in elements of goals and objectives Discussion (2 pages) (6 points) • Implementation strategies thoroughly discussed • Implementation strategies discussed • • Expected outcomes mentioned Expected outcomes and desired results discussed Referencing (2 points) • All information that is not the authors’ own creation or common knowledge is cited following the APA style • Cites reliable sources only • No errors in referencing • All sources cited in text are listed in References section • A few inconsistencies between in-text citations and references listed • Several minor errors in format • A few citations are missing • Major inconsistencies or errors Overall Writing and Format (3 points) • Good flow and transitions • Written in the correct APA style • Follows the instruction including organization and page limits • No grammatical or typological errors • A few minor inconsistencies or errors between text and appendices • Several minor problems in formats or mechanics of writing • Major problems in formats or mechanics of writing PowerPoint Presentation (6 points) • Voiceover that includes all group • Voiceover included members • Sections or details of • All sections of project are presented project are missing • Presentation is engaging and • Presentation is not visually appealing engaging • Required elements are largely missing Individual Responses (3 points) • Each student should respond to a presentation with at least 500 words • Response provided • No response made Outline (1 point) • Outline turned in by due date • No outline turned in The topic is: Drinking of water. You can use details from the ppt in the paper and rubric. Thank you.
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Drinking Water Outline

Drinking Water Case Study


a. What is Drinking Water?
b. Water Contamination and Harmful Effects
c. Consequences of Drinking Impure Water


a. How to Make Water Safe for Drinking
• Boiling
• Bleaching
• Water Filtration
• Seek for Water Expert’s Assistance
b. Company Equipment
• Ultrafiltration
• Vacuum Evaporation
• Reverse Osmosis
• Strong Bowl Centrifuge
c. How Can We Help Reduce Water Pollution?


a. W.H.O.’s Action


a. Situation and Trends



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Drinking Water

Instructor’s Name:



What is Drinking Water?
Safe and promptly accessible water is significant for general wellbeing, regardless of
whether it is utilized for drinking, residential use, food production or recreational purposes.
Drinking water, otherwise called potable water, is a beverage that is safe to drink or to be utilized
for food arrangement. As indicated by the World Health Organization's 2017 report, safe drinkingwater will be water that "does not represent any significant risk to health over a lifetime of
consumption, including different sensitivities that may occur between life stages". The measure
of drinking water required every day is variable. It relies upon physical movement, age, wellbeing,
and ecological conditions.
Water makes up about 60% of the body weight in men and 55% of weight in ladies. An
infant is made out of about 70% to 80% water while the old are made out of around 45%. The
measure of drinking water required every day is variable. It relies upon physical movement, age,
health in the United States, the reference day by day consumption (RDI) for all out water is 3.7
liters (130 demon fl oz; 130 US fl oz) every day for human guys more seasoned than 18, and 2.7

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Drinking Water

liters (0.59 pixie lady; 0.71 US lady) every day for human females more seasoned than 18 which
incorporates drinking water, water in refreshments, and water contained in food, and natural

Water Contamination
Water contamination is the sullying of water bodies, normally because of human exercises.
Water bodies incorporate for instance lakes, waterways, seas, springs and groundwater. Water
contamination results when contaminants are brought into the common habitat. For instance,
discharging deficiently treated wastewater into common water bodies can prompt debasement of
amphibian environments. Thus, this can prompt general medical issues for individuals living
downstream. They may utilize the equivalent contaminated waterway water for drinking or
washing or water system. Water contamination is the main overall reason for death and illness, for
example because of water-borne ailments (Savedge, 2019).
Water contamination happens when a waterway gets polluted. The defilement could be
brought about by physical flotsam and jetsam, for example, plastic water containers or elastic tires,
or it could be synthetic, for example, the overflow that discovers its way into conduits from
production lines, ranches, urban areas, vehicles, sewage treatment offices, and air contamination.
Water contamination happens whenever that contaminants are released into oceanic biological
systems that don't have the ability to assimilate or evacuate them. Are you concerned about
contaminants in your home's water? Do you know whether you can securely drink the water in
your home?

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Drinking Water

Consequences of Drinking Impure Water
First, it's essential to realize the wellbeing impacts individuals experience could
conceivably introduce themselves right away. Further, factors, for example, the general wellbeing,
age, and state of being of the individual decide the degree of the real impacts experienced. A
portion of the more usually announced issues experienced from drinking tainted water incorporate,
yet are not constrained to, the accompanying waterborne sicknesses like gastrointestinal problems,
diarrhea, nausea, intestinal or stomach cramping and dehydration.
At the point when water originates from improved and increasingly open sources,
individuals invest less energy and exertion truly gathering it, which means they can be profitable
in different manners. This can likewise bring about more noteworthy individual security by
lessening the need to make long or dangerous excursions to gather water. Better water sources
likewise mean less use on wellbeing, as individuals are more averse to become sick and bring
about clinical expenses, and are better ready to remain monetarily profitable.
With youngsters especially in danger from water-related ailments, access to improved
wellsprings of water can bring about better wellbeing, and in this way better school participation,
with positive longer-term ramifications for their lives.

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Drinking Water



Cases, for example, the water emergency in Flint, Michigan, show how shaky our entrance
to sheltered, clean drinking water can really be—regardless of where we live. Truth be told, a large
number of potential contaminants can advance into our drinking water, and the water foundation
over the U.S. can't generally stay aware of water cleansing needs. That is an extreme pill to
swallow, in light of the fact that as everybody realizes we need clean water to endure.
With the end goal for us to remain solid, it's important that our water is protected to drink.
In the event that we can't generally believe the wellbeing of the water coming out of our taps or
wells, at that point it's dependent upon us to make it secure. That begins with knowing which
contaminants to pay special mind to—and how to guarantee you're drinking safe water.

How to Make Sure Water Is Safe For Drinking
Consumable water will be water that is viewed as sheltered to drink. Faucet water has for
the most part been treated by the nearby region to make it consumable, however there are times
when the flexibly has been sullied and you should treat water before utilizing it. Non-consumable
water is untreated water from lakes, streams, groundwater, normal springs, and untested ground
wells. Despite the fact that non-consumable water may taste fine, it can convey microorganisms
that can make you debilitated. You can utilize an assortment of techniques to treat non-consumable
water so it is protected to drink, just as to treat your faucet water during a water warning.
The most widely recognized strategy for treating water is to boil it. Boiling for adequate
time will kill the organisms well on the way to cause ailment. It might likewise drive off some

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Drinking Water

poisonous compound contaminants, however others are not influenced by boiling. You can utilize
an assortment of warming techniques to heat ...

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