HIS 156 DVC Celebrating Athena Festival of Athens Essay

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HIS 156

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HIS 156


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Archi 156, S’20 DVC, Instructor Natasha Kleit Journal 4: Festival of Athens Short Essays are AT HOME typed assignments. Upload to Canvas by May 4th by 11:50pm, Assignment is worth 30.5 Points. *(late work can be added to the same folder!) You will describe and analyze the architecture of the Pantheon and culture of the Athenian people, through the eyes of a character: who participated in the Panathenaic Festival! ASSIGNMENT 1. Getting to Know the Culture FIRST: Read from textbook from Chapter 2, Greek Architecture (specifically the ‘Essay’ Celebrating Athena’s Birthday, on page: 51). AND SECOND: Carefully Read an Article (uploaded as pdf in canvas): Dietrich von Bothmer, A Panathenaic Amphora, 1953. -Use this information to help better understand this special even and the role men and women play in it. A. Take notes from the chapter as it pertains to the building you are focusing on. B. Describe it, writing down adjectives, figures or forms that stand out to you. How are designs and structure represented? C. Upload Notes your notes along with your typed essay. If they are hand written, upload a picture of them. 3. Find a Source Full citation for the article: Von Bothmer, Dietrich. "A Panathenaic Amphora." The Metropolitan Museum of Art Bulletin 12, no. 2 (1953): 52-56. Accessed April 24, 2020. doi:10.2307/3257530. The following is optional: You CAN find least 1 resource outside of the textbook that will provide you with more helpful information about the Parthenon. Read the article(s) and continue to write your own notes based on the article. Upload Notes Add research notes to your general description from Part 2. Look for articles that relate to THE PARTHENON Archi 156, S’20 DVC, Instructor Natasha Kleit Suggested sources you can use: www.khanacademy.org https://smarthistory.org/ https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/ You will need to paraphrase what you have read, or quote passages when necessary in your essay. Cite all sources if you quote, AND include a short bibliography to end of your essay. Formatting MLA Style: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ 4. Start Writing: Letter from the Past Building (in Italics), Date is the formatting. You will describe and analyze The Panathenaic Festival and the Acropolis (specifically the Parthenon) through the eyes of a character: A woman, man of any age that participated in the Panathenaic Festival Assume the identify of this character and write a diary/journal entry describing your experience in regards to this building project. Give your character life! Provide a strong voice and have fun with it, be creative Address the following IN YOUR Diary 1. Introduce your character (first person perspective) include or mention: Their age and social status, do they have a family or hold a governing position in Athens? 2. Thoroughly Discuss and Describe the Panathenaic festival and Parthenon building from your character’s perspective. Explain and describe the purpose of the festival, architectural design and elements, and materials. Answer the Who, When, What and Why. 3. Bring in key terminology. Include information about the building and its related sculptures that can be seen outside or inside the building. Explain WHY. 4. Explain in detail the role your character plays in the festival. 5. Use the Context you learned from the article and your textbook to bring in factual information you have learned to make the letter interesting. 6. Why is this architectural project significant or important? DO NOT CITE THE ARTICLE IN YOUR LETTER, JUST PROVIDE IT IN BIBLIOGRPHY Archi 156, S’20 DVC, Instructor Natasha Kleit Example: February, 29, 1666 Dear diary, as the newly appointed architect of Saint Peter’s Basilica I have a lot to live up to. Pope Pius VI is requesting lavish decoration and that must implement rays of gold around the sculpture placed inside of Saint Peter’s Basilica… ESSAY FORMATTING In order to get FULL credit you need to include exact formatting. Length: 3 pages Minimum Typed Essay (4 pages MAX). Left Corner Heading (top of 1st page): include Name, the Class, and Due Date, Journal 4 Title: Create your own title! Center it. FONT/Space: Times New Roman, 12pt, DOUBLE SPACED Margins: 1 inch margins all around. BIBLIOGRAPHY Include a bibliography of one outside source. You may use MLA or Chicago Manual Style formatting. Links to help you with formatting: Chicago: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/717/01/ MLA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ GRADING (Read Carefully) To earn full points each Essay MUST include: • Diary Entry work of the architecture, in letter form • Answer all of the questions best you can for your analysis At the end of your typed paper • Provide bibliography of all sources used. Additional Upload • Notes: general description (textbook) & online research article Be sure to edit your essay to catch any grammar and spelling errors.
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