Harvard University Syphilis and The Urogenital Tract Research Paper

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Harvard University


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Title of Assignment: Module 5: Disorders of the genitourinary system Purpose of Assignment: Health care providers must be aware of the issues related to sexually transmitted infections. This recent news release from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): Retrieved from: https://www.cdc.gov/nchhstp/newsroom/2018/press-release-2018-std- prevention-conference.html Course Competency(s): • Determine pathophysiologic alterations that affect the reproductive and endocrine systems. Content: Review information in your assigned readings to work on the assignment. The website below also has a variety of information to support your readings for the week. Instructions: Select a sexually transmitted infection (STI) and do research on it. Write a 3-5 page paper about the condition/issue. In the paper discuss the concepts below: • • • • What is the pathophysiology of one STI What is the etiology of the selected STI What are the clinical manifestations of the selected STI What is the treatment for the selected STI Use 2-3 evidence-based articles from peer-reviewed journals or scholarly sources to support your findings. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a References page using APA format. Grading Rubric: Levels of Achievement Competence Proficiency Did not include discussion on the Pathophysiology pathophysiology of one STI. Failure to provide the (15 pts) pathophysiology will result in zero points for this criteria. Points: 10 Briefly identified the pathophysiology of the one STI. Clearly identified the pathophysiology of one STI. Thoroughly identified the pathophysiology of one STI Points: 13 Points: 14 Points: 15 Did not include discussion on the etiology of selected STI. Failure to provide the etiology will result in zero points for this criteria. Points: 10 Briefly discussed included etiology of the selected STI. Clearly discussed etiology of selected STI. Thoroughly discussed etiology of selected STI. Points: 13 Points: 14 Points: 15 Did not provide examples of the clinical manifestations of the selected STI. Briefly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI. Clearly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI. Thoroughly provided clinical manifestations of selected STI. Points: 6 Points: 8 Points: 9 Points: 10 Did not present treatment for the selected STI. Briefly provided treatment options for the selected STI. Clearly provided treatment options for the selected STI. Thoroughly provided detailed treatment for the selected STI. Points: 3 Points: 4 Points: 5 Criteria Etiology (15 pts) Clinical Manifestation (10 pts) Treatment (5 pts) Emerging Mastery Failure to provide clinical manifestations will result in zero points for this criteria. Failure to provide treatment for selected STI will result in zero points for this criteria. Points: 2 Six or more APA, spelling or grammar APA, Spelling and errors. Detracts from the readability Grammar of the submission. No more than five APA, spelling or grammar errors, minimally detracts from the readability of the submission. No more than three APA, spelling or grammar errors. Does not detract from the readability of the submission. No APA, spelling or grammar errors. Points: 2 Points: 3 Points: 4 Points: 5 Points: 30 Points: 40 Points: 45 Points: 50 (5 pts)
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Syphilis and The Urogenital Tract
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A bacterium spirochete Treponema pallidum causes syphilis. Syphilis is transmissible through
sexual touch with irresistible injuries, breaks in the skin that comes into contact with irresistible
sores, from mother to baby in utero, and through blood item transfusion. The disease has four
stages if not treated; primary level, secondary level, inactive, and tertiary stage. The disease affects
both men and women, causing damages to their reproductive system. The youth are more
vulnerable to this disease due to their sexual activeness, the same to individuals who practice anal
or oral sex (An at el., 2017). A person is unable to realize the disease immediately because it takes
time to expose itself. If one is infected by HIV, the person is more vulnerable to get syphilis;
syphilis increases the risks of pregnant women. Therefore, treatment helps protect individuals from
future damage besides the therapy can’t repair the damaged parts.
The bacteria that causes syphilis are of the length 6-15 mm and a quarter micrometre wide. The
bacteria cannot be observed by the human eye due to its small size, making it invisible. A dark
field microscope is used to monitor this bacterium by the physicians in the lab. The bacteria can
survive outside the body of an infected person hence making it transmutable through direct contact
with the infected person.
The few hours the bacteria invade the intact mucous membrane, it proceeds to the blood to produce
infection on the body system. The bacteria, therefore, invade the CNS in the early stages of the
disease, causing unexpected results in the cerebrospinal fluid. Studies show that 30 percent of the
infected individual’s CSF portrayed abnormality (Wang at el., 2019). Further, the studies
conducted stated that in 5-10 years of untreated infection, the disease affect...

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