People Management in Global Organisations

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Business Finance

Waldorf University


4000 words assignment. the assignment brief is attached and all details can be found in there. the chosen country is Nigeria.

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Apr 8, 2020, 10:36 PM Module title: People Management in Global Organisations Module code: LD7168 Assignment title: Comparing and contrasting International Management of Project Teams Module tutor name(s): Diane Ellison Assessment set by: (if not the module tutor) Academic year: 2019/20 % Weighting (to overall module): 100% Average study time required by student: 200 hours Date of hand out to students: TBC Mechanism to be used to disseminate to students: Date and time of submission by student: Instructions and guidance issued via eLP Module Site (Assessment Area). TBC . Turnitin submission using the upload link for Final Submission, which will be provided on the Assessment page of the LD eLP Blackboard module site. Mechanism for submission of work by student: Date by which work, feedback and marks will be returned to students: The front cover of the final submission is to only contain, and clearly identify (in this order, on separate lines): the module code and name; the student number; the word count; the total number of all figures and tables. No later than 20 working days after the submission date. These marks will be issued via Blackboard. Mechanism(s) for return ofassignment work, feedback andmarks to students: Via Turnitin. Assignment Brief: The objective of these assignments is to undertake an extensive range of secondary research to review both the importance of the people element and the development and benefits of team development in project management with an emphasis on psychology, social sciences and organisational behaviour. Formative Assessment: 15 minute in-class presentation. Either individually or in self-selected and self-managed groups of up to three people select one country (other than the UK) and present research into their culture, legislation, organisational structure and governance. The assessment will be presented in week 11 and will contribute to the Module Learning Outcomes listed below. Detailed guidance will be provided. Summative Assessment: Individual written assignment of 4000 words. From the results of the formative assessment and additional secondary research you will then individuallyaddress, critically evaluate and compare/contrast people management of the UK and your chosen country; addressing the three main aims of this assignment: Firstly, select, critically review and reflect upon key theories, models and tools associated with individuals, groups, teams, management and leadership in international project-orientated contexts. Secondly, to consider how self-awareness and sensitivity to the psychological, social and cultural factors may influence behaviour of self and others inproject teams within an international focus. Lastly, to critically evaluate a range of options available to improve team work in projects and to provide recommendations to improve team dynamics, trust and associated success in international projects. Delivery: academaically written, with appropriate in-text citations and supporting references an assignment of 4,000 words. To include a 200 word abstract (not included in the word count),introduction, critical review of theoretical elements, comparison of governernance, organisational structures, cultures and team building from twocountries. The assingment will be submitted and assessed electronically and addresses Module Learning Outcomes listed below. Additional instructions to students: Throughout the Module there are discussions on aspects of international people management. In order to further equip you with topic specific knowledge and understanding, and help you develop your intellectual skills and abilities in this subject, you will expect that some elements in your paper will be informed by material issued by credible, relevant, professional institutes within Project Management (e.g.,, https://w as these organisations will be useful in highlighting current issues and offering supporting information. It is envisaged that by undertaking such independent preliminary research, this may act as a prelude, generating future research interest which could be further developed individually, or in collaboration with peers or academic staff at the end of the module. The paper is to be properly structured and supported through ‘academic’ research using appropriate and quality references which are cited correctly throughout. It is to conclude with an effective summary recording what is now ‘known’ in these selected areas. A separate references list must also be provided at the end of the document. Further Information Learning outcomes from the Module Descriptor/Specification: 1. Define and evaluate selected key theories and concepts associated with the main characteristics, models andprocesses of International People Management. 2. Critically evaluate selected key theories and techniques associated organization, organisational structures and management processes in relation to International People Management. Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities: 3. Empowered with the knowledge, skills and abilities to create, participate in and effectively lead real and virtual project-orientated teams. 4. Critically review the literature on strategic management and engage with what others have written through evaluative discourse. Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA) 5. Exhibit the professional ethics characteristics of a Northumbria University postgraduate student. You will have the opportunity to reflect on how these are related to your own values and thus review your personal professional development plan. Assessment criteria / marking scheme: Abrstract: 200 word summary of the report (not included in total word count). 5% ▪Introduction: This will contextualise the topic of people management in a global organisation and positions the importance of people management in project teams. As well as concisely summarising and comparing global people management in order to justify the selection and importance of the chosen topic areas in the main subject matter. 5% ▪Relationship with existing literature: The paper should demonstrate a critical evaluation and review of the key theories, models and literature in the field, citing an appropriate range of literature from recognised academic sources. 25% ▪Critical and evaluative self-reflection: Consideration of self-awareness and understanding of psychological, social and cultural factors whichinfluence behaviours in an international project team. 25% ▪Consideration and evaluation of options. Criticacally evaluate the options generated and make recommendations to improve effectiveness of an international project team. 25% ▪Communication and presentation: Attention should be paid to the clarity of expression and readability, including general structure and use of appropriate language and style for a professiona report. Care should be taken not to use inappropriate jargons oracronyms. 10% ▪General structure, formatting of the work and the references section (see below notes) in particular. 5% Referencing style: ▪For this task, full academic referencing from any sources used is to be provided in the references section at the end of the assignment using the Harvard referencing style, where correct and working hyperlinks to the original source should also be created to allow the tutor to check these sources. ▪In-text referencing should also be undertaken using the Harvard referencing style. ▪The referencing technique for the Harvard Referencing style must follow the appropriate guidance contained within either the “Cite them Right” publication (Pears and Shields, 2008), or from . Both of theseresources provide consistent help and information about correct referencing technique and standards. In other words, everything should be traceable to the sources used. UK statistics to use for people’s management LD 7168 United Kingdom Data Population 66.8m ONS United Kingdom (2019) Age structure 0-14 years: 18% 15-24 years: 12% 25-54 years: 40% 55-64 years: 12% 65 years and over: 19% (2018 est.) Sex ratio at birth: 1.05 male(s)/female 49.4 males: 50.6 females Languages 7.7% of population main language other than English. 1.3% population have poor English and 0.3% have no English. In London 4.1% have no English, with London Borough of Newham highest at 8.5%. Leicester highest outside London with 7.5% unable to speak English. ONS 2019 Life expectancy at birth Total population: 80.9 years (2018 est.) Literacy Rate (Adult) Literacy has remained at 99% for over 20 years National Achievement Rate Tables March 2019 DoE Entry & Level 1 90.2% Level 2 86.7 Level 3 79% Level 4+ 63.8% Hiring and firing All employees (from the CEO to the mailroom assistant) have the same basic statutory employment rights. Employees with two years’ service have the right not to be unfairly dismissed. Normally a capped award of £78,962 or 52 weeks’ gross pay, whichever is the lower. Statutory employment claims must be brought in the employment tribunal and not in the civil court. Leave entitlement Almost all workers are legally entitled to 5.6 weeks’ paid holiday a year (known as statutory leave entitlement or annual leave). This includes agency workers, workers with irregular hours, workers on zero-hours contracts. An employer can include bank holidays as part of statutory annual leave. Workers have the right to get paid for leave, build up (‘accrue’) holiday entitlement during maternity, paternity and adoption leave, build up holiday entitlement while off work sick, request holiday at the same time as sick leave Flexible Working The employee must work a certain number of hours over the year, but they have some flexibility about when they work. There are sometimes ‘core hours’ which the employee regularly works each week, and they work the rest of their hours flexibly or when there’s extra demand at work. Bribery laws The Bribery Act 2010 contains general offences, a discrete offence of bribing a foreign public official and a corporate offence of failing to prevent bribery. The penalties under the Act are severe – there is a maximum penalty of 10 years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine for individuals. Corporates face an unlimited fine (including in respect of the corporate offence). Employment Protection Workers are entitled to certain employment rights, including: getting the National Minimum Wage, protection against unlawful deductions from wages, the statutory minimum level of paid holiday, the statutory minimum length of rest breaks, to not work more than 48 hours on average per week or to opt out of this right if they choose, protection against unlawful discrimination, protection for ‘whistle blowing’ - reporting wrongdoing in the workplace, to not be treated less favorably if they work part-time. Discrimination laws Equality Act 2010 – it is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of protected characteristics. • Age • Gender reassignment • Being married or in a civil partnership • Being pregnant or on maternity leave • Disability • Race including colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin • Religion or belief • Sex • Sexual orientation The law protects people against direct and indirect discrimination at work which covers the areas of dismissal, employment terms and conditions, pay and benefits, promotion and transfer opportunities, training, recruitment, redundancy. Some forms of discrimination are only allowed in UK such as a Roman Catholic school restricting application for admission of pupils to Catholics only, employing only women in a health centre for Muslim women. Religion/Beliefs UK Christian 60% No religion 25% Muslim 5% Others 10% Note: ONS/ statistics vary Monarch of the United Kingdom is the Supreme Governor of the Church, and accordingly, only a Protestant may inherit the British throne. The society is described as a post-Christian, multi-faith and secularized society. Political affiliation The country practices parliamentary democracy under a constitutional monarchy where the Queen is head of the state and elected prime minister is the head of the government. There are different political parties in UK, namely the Labour party, Conservative Party etc. Family groupings 19.1m families in the UK in 2018 • Married or civil partnerships 67% • Of which 2.8% same sex marriages • Cohabiting couples increasing fastest rate with an increase of 25.8% from 2008. • 15% of households are single person (increase of 3.8% since 2017)
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