Voluntary Occupational Health and Management System Questions

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Business Finance

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I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

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Explanation & Answer


The ANSI Z-10 is a voluntary occupational health and management system for American
organizations. It’s five elements are policy management leadership and employee participation,
program planning, implementation and operation, evaluation and corrective action, and
management review.
Policy management leadership and employee participation gives managers the opportunity to
control a working environment and take on a leadership role which allows them to carry out projects
efficiently and safely. This could be seen in the workplace through defining roles, assigning
responsibilities, and delegating authority of the manager. Policy management leadership also
involves encouraging effective employee participation and maintaining conformance with the
organisation’s requirements.
The element of program planning provides comprehensive review, prioritizes issues, planning
objectives and implementing plans. This is seen in a workplace through recognising hazards, risks
and controls; allocation resources; regulating standards and other requirements and identifying
results for audits.
The process of implementation and operation consists of educating employees and physically setting
out guidelines for the program. This step involves manifesting everything discussed in planning. In
the workplace, this is ...

WbuaNaqerj (101)
Rice University

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