Entertainment and Visual Culture Questions

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Let that one complete and this one comes on next - Tony Oursler: Art in Progress


Discuss “innovation” in this work.When I see it, I think “there is always a new idea that takes the older ones to a new dimension/idea”.It just requires that VISION which an innovator has.Each time a new Technology is available, it changes everything.

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CHAPTER 14: ENTERTAINMENT AND VISUAL CULTURE ***DUE: Wednesday, May 6 @ Midnight*** The answers to these questions are worth 7 points each. You MUST discuss the works IN the Book. 1. Describe the work The Social Mirror by Mierle Laderman Ukeles – and how it functions sociopolitically. 2. Explain the use of elephant dung in Chris Ofili’s painting – Money Magic. 3. Explain the specific sequence of events as occurred in Allan Kaprow’s “Happening” (performance art) entitled “Household” - and then tell me your thoughts about it. 4. Explain the purpose and structure of “Fallen Star” by Do Ho SUH - explaining the conceptual theme behind this work, including where it is located. The answers to these questions are worth 3 points each. 1. Julie Taymor was the Designer and Director of the Lion King on Broadway. Which of these art forms was NOT part of her background? Indonesian Masked Dance Western Opera Japanese Kobuki Bunraku Puppetry 2. The first Animation was directly inspired by: Computer Programs Flip Books Clay puppets Video Games 3. A technical/visual device used to organize elements of Northwest Coast art is called: formline design potlatch elliptical spots stylized manner 4. Hanuman is a: thunderbird dog eagle monkey 5. The cascading vaults of the Sydney Opera House suggest: the theatron classical heritage billowing sailboats predetermined order 6. What other country (besides America) is mentioned in your book as having experienced a “Golden Age” of Cinema in the 1930/40’s. Mexico France Sweden India 7. This Relief Sculpture was made by what culture? Assyrian, Iraq Classic Period, Mexico Western Libya This is the work of TONY OURSLER: TONY OURSLER (including the movement the book cannot show you) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HjR1X0a4e4 Aboriginal Australia Let that one complete and this one comes on next - Tony Oursler: Art in Progress https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OzcuLP2vkWg Discuss “innovation” in this work. When I see it, I think “there is always a new idea that takes the older ones to a new dimension/idea”. It just requires that VISION which an innovator has. Each time a new Technology is available, it changes everything. ½ page = 20 points Read this short article: Do Not Pass “Bo”: Archaeologists Unearth 2,300-Year-Old Board Game in China  by Laura C. Mallonee on November 25, 2015 http://hyperallergic.com/255411/do-not-pass-bo-archaeologists-unearth-2300-year-old-board-game-inchina/?ref=featured I have a theory about GAMES and Culture. Not only do certain Games come OUT of a Culture – Monopoly/Capitalism (for instance) – but they also feed INTO a Culture and perpetuate certain ideas and mental structures. I remember my Grandson at age 5 beating the Computer at Ping/Pong. It had developed his Hand/Eye coordination to an amazing degree. Most always, a game will involve Mathematics and Geometry. That is one reason I find this article fascinating. I am completely moved by the schematic for the 14-sided polygon and – of course – the structure itself. What does the structure of this polygon say about the culture that developed this game? What does this polygon remind YOU of? What are your favorite games? How have the games you play changed since you were a child? How are they different? Discuss how the Internet has changed the rules of (the) game and Gaming. How have games changed in the last 2300 years? Here are 6 questions to help yourself write a ¾ page on the subject of “Gaming in My 21 st Century Life”! ¾ page = 29 points
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***DUE: Wednesday, May 6 @ Midnight***
The answers to these questions are worth 7 points each. You MUST discuss the works IN the Book.

1. Describe the work The Social Mirror by Mierle Laderman Ukeles – and how it functions sociopolitically.
The Social Mirror allowed people to see them as one and linked with the sanitation workers that
pick up their garbage each week because of the mirror on the side of the garbage truck. These
are essential workers in our lives, but are often looked down upon. Ukeles wanted us to see our
relationship with these service workers, to see that we are just like them, they are people just
like us and we should have more respect for them and their vital jobs that they do.
2. Explain the use of elephant dung in Chris Ofili’s painting – Money Magic.
The elephant dunk included in the painting are dazzled with glitter. The paintings include themes of
pleasure and hedonism, which is where the dung comes in. The dung is inherently a gross thing but is
different when adorned with glitter. This allows us to see that hedonism and pleasures we have are bad
but have “glitter” around them that society and the world give them.
3. Explain the specific sequence of events as occurred in Allan Kaprow’s “Happening” (performance
art) entitled “Household” - and then tell me your thoughts about it.
The sequence of events in “Household” starts with men building a wooden tower on a mound of
garbage and women build nests of string on another. Then cars arrive and people get out of
them and hid behind the tin wall to wait as women go inside the nest created and me...

Just what I needed. Studypool is a lifesaver!


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