You are teaching a mono lingual class of 8 year olds. There are 20 students in t

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You are teaching a mono lingual class of 8 year olds. There are 20 students in the class. This is the beginning of their second year of learning English. Write a 45 minute lesson plan with the following objective:

Objective: For students to learn and practice 6 new action verbs

Please include the following information:
Target language (list the action verbs you will teach)
Assumed knowledge (for example, list some vocabulary and grammatical structures the students already know, which can be of use during the lesson) 
Anticipated problems 
Preparations and aids 
A step-by-step plan of the entire lesson including the timing of each stage and activity.
Here is the suggest staging for the lesson plan:



Lead In 
Set context 
Elicit vocabulary 
Drill chorally and individually 
Give the written form (they need to see the spelling) 
Controlled speaking practice 
Freer practice (a production exercise) 
Controlled written practice for homework

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